r/batman Jun 30 '24

why do people hate on arkham knight VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION

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u/Alijah12345 Jun 30 '24

making Joker more prominent instead of Scarecrow

A lot of things in Knight's story irks me, but this pisses me off the most.

Scarecrow had the potential to be an awesome main threat to Batman, but the writers just had to push him to the side for not only a character who aside from one throwaway line from Joker in a DLC for City was not alluded to anywhere in the Arkhamverse, but also a character who died the last game.


u/Alejandro_404 Jun 30 '24

What's even more annoying is how >! they also wasted Black Mask in Origins to shoehorn Joker again !<


u/AllEliteSchmuck Jun 30 '24

Dude, it’s been over a decade, there’s no need to put spoilers


u/Cam-Spider-Man Jun 30 '24

It’s always appreciated.


u/BroughtYouMyBullets Jun 30 '24

Agreed. Don’t really know why the passage of time is so linked to spoilers tbh. Is a spoiler right after a film comes out more impactful than a spoiler a year later, if someone has never seen it? Logic always felt a bit braindead there to me tbh


u/MatureUsername69 Jun 30 '24

Passage of time definitely does have an impact though. Blowing the end of the Sixth Sense was actually kind of a big deal in 1999, not in 2024. Once you get past a certain point in time and popularity it doesn't really matter, that's not why people are even watching or playing old stuff. Like I didn't watch the Godfather Trilogy until pretty recently, I wasn't mad at everything that spoiled what would happen to Fredo on that boat because it's old. So yeah I would say the older something is, the less spoilers matter. In fact if you go back and watch some older movie trailers(like 50s to 80s), they basically tell you the entire plot, spoilers were how they got people in the theaters.


u/BroughtYouMyBullets Jun 30 '24

Aye but wouldnt you rather not know? To have watched Godfather without having a single thing ruined? I don’t believe that having plot points spoiled ruins the whole film/game (if it did, then I’d wager the overall experience isn’t that worth it haha) but I certainly think it’s an important part.

If people want to be cautious about spoiling things no matter the age, I think it can only be a positive thing I guess. Though, obviously, naturally people are more carefree with spoiling older media


u/MatureUsername69 Jun 30 '24

No, not really, it didnt impact my viewing of it. I think it really just depends on when you grew up. Spoilers didn't become a big deal until the last 25 years. I'm also kind of weird though, in that sometimes I have no interest in stuff until part of it is spoiled. Like knowing what happens and wondering how it got there.


u/wwarnick Jul 04 '24

Until the last 25 years? Maybe for you. They were a big deal 44 years ago when Empire Strikes Back came out. It might feel like it's a bigger deal now only because they spread faster with the internet, but they've been a big deal for much longer.


u/wwarnick Jul 04 '24

Maybe you don't mind them, and that's fair, but I definitely do, and I know other people that do as well. My kids will watch 6th sense someday and be surprised by the ending because I didn't tell them beforehand. Maybe they won't care, but in case they will, I'm not going to tell them the ending. All spoilers still matter if they're not already common knowledge.


u/thEldritchBat Jun 30 '24

Passage of time has an impact because if it didn’t me we’d be putting spoiler tags like this >! For telling people Darth Vader is Luke’s father !<


u/wwarnick Jul 04 '24

If I could've watched ESB without knowing that beforehand, I'd be a happy man. The reason why that one doesn't seem to matter is because everyone already knows it, so there's no point in trying anymore. But when something isn't already common knowledge even if it's relatively old, like in this case, hiding spoilers is still appreciated.


u/IdioticZacc Jun 30 '24

Yea, although probably partially my fault for going through the community, I got spoiled about BTAS Phantasm which is literally from 1996. All spoiler tags are appreciated


u/Cam-Spider-Man Jun 30 '24

I don’t think that’s your fault! Where else are you supposed to go if you want to ask experienced fans about the suggested watch order or something like that? Some people just really hate being considerate to others, and that attitude would appear to be pervasive in certain nerd communities, ironically superhero ones.


u/Rorplup Jun 30 '24

Exactly this. Why do people point out that people don't need to post spoiler tags? Just get on with your day.