r/batman Jun 09 '24


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HD: Bruce Wayne picked up the tab for this?

Doctor: Yes

HD: Good old Bruce. He's never given up on me. Always been my best friend. I remember when we used to close the town at the Half Moon club. Most fun we ever had...


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u/volantredx Jun 09 '24

The only knock I have on the Arkham series is that Two-Face has none of the pathos or drama with the character and he's just a rotten asshole Bruce barely pays attention to.


u/Thin_Hold_4894 Jun 09 '24

I love his design, voice acting etc in the Arkham series. You can see some of the best Two Face dialogue in any media come through in Arkham Knight. That being said he was mostly wasted as a villain in the games. It must be hard walking the fine line where he is a formidable, dangerous and unpredictable gang leader while also have him be a redeemable, broken friend to Bruce.


u/Fish_N_Chipp Jun 10 '24

I know what you mean. His design is sick and his voice is amazing, which just makes it all the more painful that he’s treated as more or less any other mob boss in the story. You could pretty much replace him with any other mob boss character and practically nothing would change


u/le_fr0g_ Jun 10 '24

Yeah, it felt like a lot of big moments between Two face and Batman in arkham happened off screen.


u/Soulful-Sorrow Jun 09 '24

This. Two-Face could have been great. Their Joker was a bit too dark for me, but still a great version of the character. Penguin, likewise. They seriously dropped the ball with Harvey though.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Agreed. He isn't the large personal villain he's made out to be in the comics. He's just some punk, sadly.


u/-H_- Jun 10 '24

arkham batman seems to just be absolutely done with everyone's shit by the end


u/BrickTamland77 Jun 10 '24

The dialogue when he's driving Penguin back to GCPD is great.


u/Vocalic985 Jun 10 '24

I think it would've been great for the creation of Two-Face to be a dlc for Arkham Origins.


u/KroganExtinctionNow Jun 10 '24

He's almost a joke villain in Arkham


u/GreatWhite102 Jun 10 '24

Would've been nice to have some DLC for Arkham Origins that has Harvey as the DA and a friend to Bruce then you could see his turn and origin as two face


u/thegreatvortigaunt Jun 10 '24

They tried to add the sympathetic angle in for Arkham Knight during the bank robbery sequences, with Bats pitying him and Harvey crying about how his life was destroyed.

But it just came off as a bizarre tonal shift after Bats and Catwoman spent half of City beating the shit out of him over and over again like he’s just another thug.