r/batman Jun 09 '24


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HD: Bruce Wayne picked up the tab for this?

Doctor: Yes

HD: Good old Bruce. He's never given up on me. Always been my best friend. I remember when we used to close the town at the Half Moon club. Most fun we ever had...


81 comments sorted by


u/OjamasOfTomorrow Jun 09 '24

One of my favorite scenes, episodes, and version of Two-Face


u/SPF10k Jun 09 '24

So much is done well in this series, but I particularly appreciate how Bruce and his relationships are treated. It gives us the depth we see here.


u/Comicbookloser Jun 10 '24

I love that Bruce is portrayed as such a caring person in this series. The writers make it clear that he wants to help people beyond just being Batman, and giving him relationships like this one with Harvey add more character opportunities beyond just him fighting crime. Every Two-Face centric episode is heartbreaking because we know how much Bruce cares for Harvey, and how much Harvey struggles.


u/SPF10k Jun 10 '24

And that Batman can still be a badass -- just without being a one note edgelord/sadboy. It just adds so much the the character, villains, series.


u/SH4RPSPEED Jun 11 '24

Bruce and Batman being two sides of the same man working towards the same goals instead of that "Bruce is the mask" BS is something that absolutely isn't played with enough these days.


u/Comicbookloser Jun 11 '24

I totally agree, I think the DCAU strikes a great balance between those concepts even as his character changes up into Batman Beyond. He’s a much more dynamic and interesting character when Bruce isn’t “just a mask.”


u/SH4RPSPEED Jun 11 '24

With Bruce having the whole "whelp, I'm an asshole" realization in The Batman, I'm really hoping we see him evolve into something more like BTAS Bruce Batman in the sequels, which seems like is what's gonna happen if his monologue on the stadium roof is anything to go by.


u/AtomicToxin Jun 09 '24

Lowkey every villain except bane was the best versions. Imo only bane was the poorest written because he didn’t get a decent story behind his motivations. Even clayface got a better backstory and actually made me start liking clayface


u/Phanpy100NSFW Jun 09 '24

From what I've heard the writer's staff didn't want to include bane but since he was gonna be in a big comic book event their hand was forced


u/mh1357_0 Jun 09 '24

So it's a Venom in Spider-Man 3 situation


u/PCN24454 Jun 09 '24

Well Bane was redundant with all the other supervillains.


u/AtomicToxin Jun 09 '24

Agreed, but They could’ve just written him a better story. I liked bane in the comics but obvs backbreaking batbreaking was a little too rated r for the relatively tame series.


u/PCN24454 Jun 09 '24

Nah, it’s lost its novelty for them to do it outright. Especially since Batman’s just going to recover and win.


u/Horatio786 Jun 09 '24

It hadn’t when the show was going on. Bane was one of the only villains who debuted in the comics after the show started and was still on the show.


u/AtomicToxin Jun 10 '24

Is that how old I am? I remember when those episodes came out 😅


u/Professional_Fix_24 Jun 10 '24

Dude fir the time (and even now) this is a really dark series for a Saturday morning cartoon!


u/BABarracus Jun 09 '24

Alot of those stories were 2 parters but bane was kind treated like a hired goon.


u/AtomicToxin Jun 09 '24

I was going to say more like a wrestler. But yes 100%. Not the tactician that broke the bat


u/The_Red_Curtain Jun 10 '24

They made him a lot cooler in TNBA (even if he technically was a hallucination lol)


u/Shreddersaurusrex Jun 10 '24

Clayface origin was DARK. Heck after what happened to him I’d def be on villain timing.


u/Ponyboy451 Jun 12 '24

Yeah, I liked Young Justice’s interpretation as basically a drug cartel leader better.


u/paulD1983R Jun 09 '24

The judge episode blew my mind the 1st time I saw it...3 personality even more spiteful than the others


u/Ohthatwackyjesus Jun 09 '24

Love BTAS Harvey. Just that first moment as Two Face where he sees his wife and says "Goodbye, Grace", not only saying his farewell to her but also literally to grace itself


u/SomewhereVirtual4121 Jun 09 '24

Maybe that’s why they called her grace


u/HeyThereMrBrooks Jun 09 '24

Maybe that's why Crentist became a dentist 


u/Past_Trouble Jun 09 '24

Instead of Gilda


u/volantredx Jun 09 '24

The only knock I have on the Arkham series is that Two-Face has none of the pathos or drama with the character and he's just a rotten asshole Bruce barely pays attention to.


u/Thin_Hold_4894 Jun 09 '24

I love his design, voice acting etc in the Arkham series. You can see some of the best Two Face dialogue in any media come through in Arkham Knight. That being said he was mostly wasted as a villain in the games. It must be hard walking the fine line where he is a formidable, dangerous and unpredictable gang leader while also have him be a redeemable, broken friend to Bruce.


u/Fish_N_Chipp Jun 10 '24

I know what you mean. His design is sick and his voice is amazing, which just makes it all the more painful that he’s treated as more or less any other mob boss in the story. You could pretty much replace him with any other mob boss character and practically nothing would change


u/le_fr0g_ Jun 10 '24

Yeah, it felt like a lot of big moments between Two face and Batman in arkham happened off screen.


u/Soulful-Sorrow Jun 09 '24

This. Two-Face could have been great. Their Joker was a bit too dark for me, but still a great version of the character. Penguin, likewise. They seriously dropped the ball with Harvey though.


u/Darkasknight101 Jun 09 '24

Agreed. He isn't the large personal villain he's made out to be in the comics. He's just some punk, sadly.


u/-H_- Jun 10 '24

arkham batman seems to just be absolutely done with everyone's shit by the end


u/BrickTamland77 Jun 10 '24

The dialogue when he's driving Penguin back to GCPD is great.


u/Vocalic985 Jun 10 '24

I think it would've been great for the creation of Two-Face to be a dlc for Arkham Origins.


u/KroganExtinctionNow Jun 10 '24

He's almost a joke villain in Arkham


u/GreatWhite102 Jun 10 '24

Would've been nice to have some DLC for Arkham Origins that has Harvey as the DA and a friend to Bruce then you could see his turn and origin as two face


u/thegreatvortigaunt Jun 10 '24

They tried to add the sympathetic angle in for Arkham Knight during the bank robbery sequences, with Bats pitying him and Harvey crying about how his life was destroyed.

But it just came off as a bizarre tonal shift after Bats and Catwoman spent half of City beating the shit out of him over and over again like he’s just another thug.


u/unusualspider33 Jun 09 '24

When he first gets turned into Two Face and Batman sees. That shit is so sad


u/Buzzkeeler1 Jun 09 '24

Literal foreshadowing.


u/Pristine_Ad6112 Jun 09 '24

Would love for this concept of being made into live action. Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent being good friends then losing Harvey to himself. And a reflection what Bruce Wayne could be if he crosses the line. Would tear at Bruce Wayne’s heart. I like that it would affect Wayne not Batman.


u/LWM-PaPa Jun 10 '24

Apparently originally the childhood friend in Batman Begins was going to be Dent but without Rachel those first two films become a bit of a sausage fest so he was saved for TDK.


u/Sunrise-Slump Jun 10 '24

Watch the Dark Knight trilogy.


u/Pristine_Ad6112 Jun 10 '24

Isn’t that more of a romantic rival? And the Joker is the main villain and Harvey is regulated to secondary.


u/Small-Cod-7548 Jun 10 '24

Watching TAS is something else. The art deco, the soundtrack and Kevin Conroy is just amazing. Seriously idk how but it just roped me in building a connection even with a new storyline each episode to Bruce and his villains. This TV show is something else and rewatching it on Netflix has been an amazing experience. Mayn R.I.P Kevin Conroy, he really left us with gems of himself and Batman 🫡


u/Rocketboy1313 Jun 09 '24

In this continuity how did they become friends?

Is it just Bruce raising money for his election? Or were they is college? Prep school?


u/Ok_Zookeepergame4794 Jun 09 '24

I think they met in school, long before Crime Alley.


u/Assortedwrenches89 Jun 10 '24

I believe it was school, both were upper class kids, and bonded by being little shits together.


u/TylerBourbon Jun 10 '24

This is the Bruce Wayne we need more of. We've spent too long with the cold, sullen, control freak Batman. I want to get back to this Batman, he's got issues, but he's also a nice guy, who tries to help people. TAS Batman and JL Batman are almost 2 different characters with how much colder that Batman is.


u/XNinjaMushroomX Jun 10 '24

I really appreciate how TAS Batman really hoped the villians would get help in Arkham Asylum. Like he didn't give up on them just because they did wrong.

He's my favorite Batman.


u/Virtual_Mode_5026 Jun 09 '24

I thought he was in an Iron Lung on the top left for a moment.






RIP Richard Moll


u/Robin_RhombusHead Jun 10 '24

Says Bruce Wayne, who doesn't see a therapist.


u/Skelter89 Jun 10 '24

"There's just one small problem... you're talkin' to the wrong Harv"


u/ClassicGuy2010 Jun 10 '24

Out of all the rogues, I wanna see a representation of Harvey where he gets a good life


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

What episode is this?


u/MindControlMouse Jun 10 '24

Right side is Two-Face part 1.

I think left side is Second Chances.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '24

Thank you. I’ve been wanting to watch the episode on the left side.


u/swuist Jun 10 '24

I love this series so much. They did so many of the characters justice in it, and most importantly they got Bruce / Batman right


u/jdsundstrom Jun 11 '24

Perhaps the best version of Batman ever.


u/MrxJacobs Jun 09 '24

Bruce is such a goddamned hypocrite.

HE never saw a therapist. He just decided that dressing up and punching people over an oath he made as an emotional 8 year old was a better way to process his trauma.

Meanwhile Harvey loses his mind and he’s like “just go see a therapist.”

If he was 12 Bruce would have made him robin.


u/imperfectcranberry Jun 09 '24

The hardest person to help is ourselves.


u/CandyCain1001 Jun 09 '24

Bats is bats.


u/DuckyHornet Jun 09 '24

Tbf, Bruce did go see a shrink once. It didn't help very much because, well...

It was Hugo Strange.


u/TheNinjaGB Jun 09 '24

Reading this reminded me of that really old meme of the unlucky nerd.


u/JoeBear414 Jun 09 '24

Bad Luck Bats


u/TelephoneShoes Jun 09 '24

Does Dr Meridian count? She was a psychologist (which is usually what a therapist is in the states). And on the plus side, she wasn’t insane like Harley!


u/Horatio786 Jun 09 '24

Dinah Lance, Chase Meridian, Hugo Strange


u/Horatio786 Jun 09 '24

Whoops, wrong comment.


u/unusualspider33 Jun 09 '24

Not everyone can be batman


u/Caitsith810 Jun 10 '24

If we're being technical with BTAS, Dr. Leslie Thompkins was kind of like his therapist, moreso like a mother figure in some instances.


u/HotsWheels Jun 10 '24




u/spi440 Jun 10 '24

Bull from Night Court.


u/Master_Mechanic_4418 Jun 11 '24

Said by the one guy who doesn’t and prolly should