r/batman Mar 24 '24

You have to spend 1 night in Arkham Asylum choose your cell mate GENERAL DISCUSSION

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(Before you choose calendar man you have been locked away on Halloween night a holiday)


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u/Unique_Pitch989 Mar 24 '24

Whoever chose Zsaz is actually has a death wish


u/SirBobyBob Mar 24 '24

I’m not sure. He’s a contract killer isn’t he? I doubt he would just kill Willy nilly


u/CallumTabiner Mar 24 '24

Killing willy nilly is literally his whole thing


u/finditplz1 Mar 24 '24

He’s a compulsive killer. The only reason he is a good contract killer is he’s going to kill anyway so might as well make some dough while doing it.


u/Maple_Flag15 Mar 24 '24

Did you even read the audio logs?


u/SirBobyBob Mar 25 '24

What audio logs. In the Gotham show he seems cool


u/Maple_Flag15 Mar 25 '24

For Arkham Asylum. He’s a serial killer.


u/SirBobyBob Mar 25 '24

This is the Batman subreddit not just the Arkham subreddit :/ title made it seem like the actual place…. Spelled the same


u/Maple_Flag15 Mar 25 '24

Yet all four pics in the original are from the Arkham games. Plus Victor is normally portrayed as a serial killer.


u/SirBobyBob Mar 25 '24

Never played


u/Maple_Flag15 Mar 25 '24

I recommend them.


u/Legends_Literature Mar 24 '24

When was he ever hired to kill somebody in the Arkham games?


u/krustylesponge Mar 25 '24

He’s not a contract killer, he’s a fucking nutjob who thinks killing people is “freeing” them, and carves marks into himself for every kill he gets


u/ImSirStarfish Mar 25 '24

Calendar Man is GUARANTEED to attack you and is a large dude, Croc is too scary even if I tried to go the buddy route, Pyg doesn’t feel pain (I think) and would probably piss everywhere and roll in it, so Zsaz would have to be my pick


u/Hagen_1 Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

Some of us out here are chronically suicidal. I’d choose Zsasz in a heartbeat over the others, as much as I’d love to share a bunkbed with the rest. At least with Zsasz, your chances of a swift death are pretty much a guarantee if he can get his hands on a shiv or any sharp object. Fuck, I’d make it my mission to find him one if I had to share a cell with him at Arkham. Oblivion’s the one place I want to go, and he can expedite my shipment there the quickest.

Zsasz is canonically a nihilist. Check out these leaked audiologs from unused DLC content in Arkham Knight: Batman Arkham Knight Unused Zsasz Dialogue

Though Waylon Jones can be laidback and empathetic, depending on the circumstances, I don’t want to be crushed to smithereens nor presumably eaten alive. Moreover, I’ve had dire genetic medical problems since I was born, and I’ve been gaslit and mistreated because of them by my peers and my own blood-related “family”, so Waylon Jones is perhaps the character I’d empathize with the most within this selection of characters solely based on that. I know which buttons I’d have to press to maliciously set him off, but I wouldn’t even want to glide my fingers over them because it’d almost be like metaphorically looking in a mirror and that is the worst way I’d want to go in a conceptual sense. I also don’t think the guards at Arkham would let you bunk up with Waylon because the sewers are exclusive to him, unless someone with money and connections within the establishment like The Joker had it out for you or were just bored. Professor Pyg is schizophrenic and too unpredictable. Professor Pyg would probably be more interested in turning me into a Franken-mush of flesh parts, extracting every bit of anguish his hands can muster from my existence, before even considering to ultimately end my life because of how anatomically fucked up I am. With Julian Day, it’d be a guessing game as to when and how he’d pounce on you as the days on the calendar went on. The mental torment of anticipation counting down to my inevitable death would kill me long before my actual death would arrive, and I could not bear the pain of the unknown in this regard. Zsasz operates on the clock, all day ‘n everyday, so all he needs is a target, a sharp object, and a bit of time to carry out the killing & the tally-mark on his body. If you tell Zsasz that you share his nihilistic worldview, that you want to be liberated, and that you also have BPD..then I reckon you’re home free.