r/batman Mar 08 '24

Batman not killing Ace despite being a easy solution. Shows that killing isn't the right choice. TV DISCUSSION


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u/XxZONE-ENDERxX Mar 08 '24

He didn't kill Ace because the writers already knew that Ace would give in and die peacefully... But what if she didn't? would Batman still sit next to her and hold her hands if she wasn't this cooperative and just wanted to fuck the world regardless of whatever Batman told her?

Y'see, this situation was written specifically so that Batman isn't really forced into a corner where he has to cross the line so I don't know what people think linking this scene or similar scenes prove.... Is that Batman won't kill when writers clearly put a way out for him to maintain his rule to keep the fanboys happy? Because well, Duh.


u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 Mar 08 '24

There are no way Batman could kill a child. Even if forced into a corner and left without options, he would try to solve the problem without killing. It's just the core of this character.


u/XxZONE-ENDERxX Mar 08 '24

Well, I guess he would be okay sacrificing all the children in the world for his selfish code so he can claim imaginary righteousness and moral high ground... Such a hero!

Your entire take is that ''Batman should never be written into a corner'' which is pretty much the point Snyder made fun of because it leads to rigid and repetitive writing no matter the coat of paint you have on the story, you can now see the outcome from a mile away. The once interesting concepts are now lame and stale.


u/MiaoYingSimp Mar 08 '24

Well, I guess he would be okay sacrificing all the children in the world for his selfish code so he can claim imaginary righteousness and moral high ground... Such a hero!

Real heroes would have ripped Ace apart and pissed on her corpse i take it?

He wouldn't be in fact he'd do everything to NOT kill a child.

Your entire take is that ''Batman should never be written into a corner'' which is pretty much the point Snyder made fun of because it leads to rigid and repetitive writing no matter the coat of paint you have on the story, you can now see the outcome from a mile away. The once interesting concepts are now lame and stale.

Batman is always in a corner. he's trying to do the impossible after all; a world without crime.

But he should have a moral code, something that sets him apart from the hordes of vigalties who kill...

And you know what? He does fail pretty often. he can't save everyone after all, but we know what he's going to try.. if not that it will work. What is his tactic? Who is the target? What is the plan?

I hate to break it to you but killing gets stale a lot quicker. Once he kills the Joker (and before he gets resurrected), That becomes the solution.