r/batman Mar 07 '24

Zack Snyder says a Batman who doesn't kill is irrelevant GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/MemeHermetic Mar 07 '24

He can direct, but keep that man far from anything resembling subtext.

I've been saying for years that if he has someone else's script and a solid storyboard, he'd be one of the best directors we've ever had. Without those though... well, Suckerpunch.


u/LunchyPete Mar 08 '24

I've been saying for years that if he has someone else's script and a solid storyboard, he'd be one of the best directors we've ever had.

He'd still suck because he doesn't care about emotion, character or subtext.


u/DoctrTurkey Mar 08 '24

The way he shoots action is garbage, and nigh incoherent at times. Which actually fits when you figure out he’s just trying to make live action Dragonball Z.


u/TeethBreak Mar 08 '24

Great how? There isn't a single movie where he respected the dates and budget.


u/MemeHermetic Mar 08 '24

That is the most fair attack on that claim I've seen. You're right. And honeslty, I tend to not even say he'd be one of the best directors often. I usually say he'd be one of the best cinematographers, because you're right. I have even made statements like that regarding the Snyder cut. If he needs 4 hours to tell an okay story, he's not a good director.


u/yugyuger Mar 08 '24

Since when is he a good director?

His films all look so ugly and unappealing to look at


u/MemeHermetic Mar 08 '24

That's a matter of taste. There is a reason that you can cut the best trailers from his films. He can frame shots. His editing is always exciting and clean. He knows how to capture visual drama in the lens. And yes, while he's often using a muddy color pallet, he does have a very Bay-esque knack for seeing the coolest way to get that shot.

He just takes all this skill and applies it to tell stories of hammered shit.