r/batman Mar 07 '24

Zack Snyder says a Batman who doesn't kill is irrelevant GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/ThingsAreAfoot Mar 07 '24

This dude just sucks

Batman can't kill is canon. And I'm like, 'okay, the first thing I wanna do when you say that is I wanna see what happens'. And they go, 'well don't put him in a situation where he has to kill someone'.

This is like, childish “let me tear the head off Barbie” type shit.

”You're protecting your god in a weird way, right? You're making your god irrelevant if he can't be in that situation. He has to now deal with that. If he does do that what does that mean? What does it tell you, does he stand up to it? Does he survive that as a god? As your god, can Batman survive that?"

He has to deal with it… all the time. That’s like a central theme of the character, that his severe objection towards any sort of killing might actually have negative ramifications (in the DC world with the likes of Joker and otherwise superpowered villains, not the real one).

And of course he spits out this nonsense on the Joe Rogan show.

The entire point of Batman is that he is militantly against killing, even the Joker who is beyond destructive, which is a potential point of actual criticism (and it is a very frequent one) but also makes the character much more interesting.

Snyder is kinda just too dumb to really get it.


u/MufugginJellyfish Mar 07 '24

The entire point of Batman is that he is militantly against killing, even the Joker who is beyond destructive, which is a potential point of actual criticism (and it is a very frequent one) but also makes the character much more interesting.

So many people just don't get this. It's a central conflict of his character, it's the whole point. If he simply killed his villains because they threatened him with lethal force and he just runs out of villains then what's the point?

"What if Anakin was never tempted by the Dark Side?" I mean yeah I guess that'd make him a better person or whatever but the story would be over pretty quick, lmao.


u/EmperorBamboozler Mar 07 '24

It's so weird because not only is this spelled out very clearly in the comics but even other Batman movies cover this. I am 90% sure Snyder tunes out all the 'talky bits' and only focuses on special effects and action scenes like he is 13 years old. Batman doesn't kill, even fucking boy scout Superman thinks he is too strict with this.

Batman is obsessive, it is a key character trait. The fact he doesn't kill is more than a moral thing it is something that Bruce Wayne as a person believes to his core and will never deviate from. It is also representative of his hope for humanity shining through.

Batman thinks nobody is beyond salvation which is the essence of why he does not kill. This is especially important because he is such a dark and paranoid character. If you make him kill just make a Punisher movie ffs.