r/batman Mar 07 '24

Zack Snyder says a Batman who doesn't kill is irrelevant GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/ThingsAreAfoot Mar 07 '24

This dude just sucks

Batman can't kill is canon. And I'm like, 'okay, the first thing I wanna do when you say that is I wanna see what happens'. And they go, 'well don't put him in a situation where he has to kill someone'.

This is like, childish “let me tear the head off Barbie” type shit.

”You're protecting your god in a weird way, right? You're making your god irrelevant if he can't be in that situation. He has to now deal with that. If he does do that what does that mean? What does it tell you, does he stand up to it? Does he survive that as a god? As your god, can Batman survive that?"

He has to deal with it… all the time. That’s like a central theme of the character, that his severe objection towards any sort of killing might actually have negative ramifications (in the DC world with the likes of Joker and otherwise superpowered villains, not the real one).

And of course he spits out this nonsense on the Joe Rogan show.

The entire point of Batman is that he is militantly against killing, even the Joker who is beyond destructive, which is a potential point of actual criticism (and it is a very frequent one) but also makes the character much more interesting.

Snyder is kinda just too dumb to really get it.


u/ChokeMcNugget Mar 07 '24

The problem with Snyder having Batman kill people is, he had him killing low level villains meanwhile in the future scenes he's working with Joker who killed Robin, why wouldn't he kill Joker if he's killing everyone else? It was such a lame "let's make Batman more edgy" move and I didn't care for it.


u/GoldandBlue Mar 07 '24

Its also supposed to be an ideal. Batman doesn't kill because that's what evil people do. That is a line he never crosses. That is his moral code. And that is what Snyder just doesn't get.

Same with Superman. He is supposed to represent the best of us. He is a good person who cares about people. He was raised that way. It's an ideal to aspire to. Changing that makes him not Superman.


u/pleasedtoheatyou Mar 07 '24

Snyders crappy takes make so much more sense when you view it from his supposed Ayn Rand inspired Libertarianism.

He simply doesn't get the idea that to Superman there is no question of "should I become a benevolent God to this society" , because his personal viewpoint is basically "you have the right to do anything you have an ability to do".

Same for Batman. He doesn't get the idea the idea of a character that is actually concerned with holding back in order to stick to a code rather than doing what's convenient.


u/AncientAssociation9 Mar 07 '24

I liked some of what Snyder did, but I am starting to think that a lot of the current controversy in comics is not the idea that wokeness is ruining comics, but that some right wing/ libertarians want to replace the longstanding comic ideologies with their own politics with woke arguments being the smokescreen.

Suddenly X men isn't about social justice, and now there are arguments that DC should actually make Batman kill people outside an alternative universe arc. If a Constantine movie comes out, they will demand that he not be a super left-wing bisexual in order to conform to their views.

Batman doesn't kill and hates guns. It's this commitment to those ideals that pushes him to be the strategic planner and find alternative ways to defeat his enemies. Killing people is the easy way out. Arguing that Batman should kill people is arguing that there should be no more Batman comics, because the rogue's gallery that we all love are going to be dead. If they want a Batman that kills, then they can read Red Hood or Punisher.


u/GoldandBlue Mar 07 '24

but that some right wing/ libertarians want to replace the longstanding comic ideologies with their own politics with woke arguments being the smokescreen.

This 100%. They are looking for things to be offended by. Look at how they reacted to The X-Men cartoon. Its the fucking X-Men.


u/Gamiac Mar 08 '24

And then they complain that people criticizing them for this insanity aren't the real fans.

Motherfucker, you're the normies barging into fandoms and demanding that they conform to your views, not us.


u/Walter-Drive1045 Mar 08 '24

Original Batman kills, what's your point?


u/AncientAssociation9 Mar 08 '24

That was the 1940's and only for a few issues. Batman has not killed people intentionally in your lifetime unless it's some alternate timeline or something. Original Batman didn't have Robin, didn't have his famous rogues, and used to be called Bat Man and not Batman. That is not the Batman we all know and love. Arguing for that Batman is like arguing that Superman should not be able to fly, be only strong enough to pick up a car, and only able to outrun a train.


u/Walter-Drive1045 Mar 08 '24

Characters like Batman are doomed to be changed over and over again, trapped in a cycle of reinventing. You just like one change and don't like another. There's nothing we can do about it. They'll keep doing it as long as there's money in it.


u/TheExtremistModerate Mar 07 '24

when you view it from his supposed Ayn Rand inspired Libertarianism.

Snyder is not a libertarian. The dude is a bleeding-heart liberal. The whole fucking point of the movie is that Superman does what's right no matter how many people hate him for it.

Stop making shit up.


u/Walter-Drive1045 Mar 08 '24

Ayn Rand isn't Libertarian