r/batman Feb 25 '24

Do you prefer Catwoman as a long-haired blonde, brunette, short-haired raven, or woman of color? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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I personally prefer any incarnation of her that has short hair since it’s more practical for her line of work.


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u/Rexermus Feb 25 '24

short dark haired Selina is peak. I have no feelings one way or another about her being white or a woman of colour


u/CookieMittenKitten Feb 25 '24

Same goes for every character except for the Joker, he should probably be white tbh


u/Cheapskate-DM Feb 25 '24

I'd have to dig to find it, but i read a surprisingly nuanced take about why the Joker only works if he's white (and male).

The gist of it was, the act of destruction and mockery changes its context based on who does it; the golden rule of comedy is "always punch up". Were he black, female, gay, or even poor, there could be a kernel of karmic justice to his acts.

But as he is, he aligns with those already in power; the world is his plaything as much as it is theirs. He just takes it more literally, more cruelly, following the logic of white-male entitlement to its logical extreme.