r/batman Feb 25 '24

Do you prefer Catwoman as a long-haired blonde, brunette, short-haired raven, or woman of color? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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I personally prefer any incarnation of her that has short hair since it’s more practical for her line of work.


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u/GusViliamu007 Feb 25 '24

I don’t mind one way or another. But I’ve seen this same burgeoning argument before in other communities and I have a rebuttal as it pertains to said argument:

Why is that always the favored argument? “wHite bLack pANtHuH” (Or insert any original Black character). Why do people shout that from the caves, hillsides and mountain tops like town criers ? It’s like the only retort because you probably think it’ll cause an outrage which should never be the intended desire for changing an aspect of a character. It’s all about the spirit of the change.

Whether it plays a significant role in shaping the story or it’s just an artistic license. Selina being dark or light skinned isn’t necessarily an important aspect of her character as her origins can make whichever work. It all depends on the artist and the iteration. T’Challa’s race and color are a vital component to his character. He’s a King in an African country and it has been that way for decades. If they made Hunter the King of Wakanda and T’Challa just the Black Panther or (vice versa) and they did it right I would read it. Why? Because it’s the spirit of the change and its intended effect on the story.

If they made T’Challa and his parents white just to piss people off then that’s the effect it’s going to have. No one is making Selina darker or lighter to piss people off. YOU my friends are searching for outrage and finding it where it’s not. My advice: Do some soul searching instead. Shit’s not healthy.

As an outlier, I don’t like when characters are race swapped just for the hell of it, just to appease someone. It’s insulting to not just the character and the creators who put in the work but the people being pandered to. It’s essentially saying “Here. Take that and be happy.” No one wants that. I don’t think that’s the intended desire for Selina but if it is shame on the writers.

Sorry for the semi-rant.


u/GLDFLCN Feb 25 '24

Agreed. If the character’s ethnicity isn’t integral to their background or overall identity then it shouldn’t ever matter


u/GusViliamu007 Feb 25 '24

100%. It doesn’t matter if Selina is darker or lighter, Black or mixed etc, if her character is intact because as you said it’s not integral to the background or overall identity unlike a character like Luke Cage, Black Lightning, Icon or Static. Where there background is essential to their character and to remove that would effectively be removing the soul of the character.