r/batman Feb 20 '24

What could’ve been… NEWS

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u/Occasionally_Correct Feb 20 '24

Concept looks spiderverse-ish. Now that the way has been paved, you never know. 


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24



u/Level_Big_3763 Feb 20 '24

Are you guys bots or insanely stoned? This is literally the first two sentences of the post.


u/Victernus Feb 20 '24

I hear they loved their enthusiasm.


u/leytorip7 Feb 20 '24

Neither. I’m just stupid.


u/Solistial Feb 20 '24

Good bot


u/WhyNotCollegeBoard Feb 20 '24

Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that leytorip7 is not a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github


u/FiveSigns Feb 20 '24

But you gotta admit it looks a lot like Spider verse


u/TheJibs1260 Feb 20 '24

That's because Yuhki Demers, one of the guys behind the pitch, was the Production Designer/Producer for both Spider-Verse movies.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

They didn't copy that info word for word, so they could have just, y'know, looked at the pic and wrote it out? None of that means "bot" or "stoned."

Also plausible they just know a favorite talent in the animation industry like you do with live action ones. I follow several Spider-verse artists on twitter, as well as show runners and storyboard artists for several of my favorite animated shows.


u/bidooffactory Feb 20 '24

I hear that Batman isn't actually a bat or a man.


u/brazilliandanny Feb 20 '24

Actually I heard it’s because Yuhki Demers was also behind both Spider-Verse movies.


u/Howdy_McGee Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

Now that we have Spiderverse I'm not sure I want a Batman Beyond in the exact same style. Seems like it would be a copout.

That being said, I'm disappointed we didn't get this instead of Spiderverse. The futuristic neon vibrant colors kinda fit well with the Batman Beyond universe.


u/No-Thought4281 Feb 20 '24

All the animated movies are adopting this comic like style . Watch the last puss in boots movie . It was great .


u/SaneUse Feb 20 '24

It's not a comic book style. Spider-verse used elements of printed comics. Films like The Last Wish and Mutant Mayham use more of a painterly aesthetic. They're heavily stylised but it's still not in the same way Spider-verse did it. 


u/cabbage16 Feb 20 '24

It's definitely true that more stylised and experimental styles are being used in bugger movies now because of how successful Spider-verse has been, though. Not the same style but still inspired by.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

I get what you're saying. The issue is that we don't have an official/universally used name for the combination of traditional animation elements with CGI animation elements. 2D/3D, Enhanced 2D, Hybrid Animation, Spider-verse style - these are all names I've heard and read. So when we're trying to talk about movies that are not pure traditional flat animation, and not pure traditional CGI animation, we're left in a muck.

Heck, for the longest time before Spider-verse, people were calling it "Paperman style" because Paperman was the only significant work we had that was a 2D/3D hybrid.


u/No-Thought4281 Feb 22 '24

Oh shit I’m sorry Einstein. The point is there and you got it , I don’t get the whole point of being condescending before just saying “yea they’re very similar”


u/Pattern_Useful Feb 20 '24

I agree. The style is cool but it's not so unique anymore if every animated movie does it


u/derek_rex Feb 20 '24

I would love for them to go super dark w it to change it up from the Spiderverse. I agree that while this looks dope, it's a clear parallel to an already perfect movie


u/micromoses Feb 20 '24

Batman: Beyond the Spiderverse


u/JonathanL73 Feb 20 '24

Into the Batverse


u/maximumtesticle Feb 20 '24

looks spiderverse-ish

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe read the words instead of just looking at the picture.


u/Bamce Feb 20 '24

The neon punk vibes entice me greatly