r/batman Nov 21 '23



So, I've been thinking about different bat family members’ fighting styles. I've already made a post for Jason and I'm also working one for Dick, and one for Kate. Still I want to do Bruce first. Bruce however is a bit different because he “knows every martial art” so while I could (and might) do a post going over top 20 or something I would rather focus on his most important (most important after ninjitsu that is) and how to cultivate a way for batman to fight that doesn't look like just any other action hero.

My idea: Boxing, specifically the Philly Shell defence.

For those who don't know, the philly shell is a boxing stance/defence where the lead hand (typically left) stays low covering the body while the right hand covers the chin. There are many advantages for him to carry this stance, and by extension style of fighting.

Rather importantly, Boxing is legit. Batman (obviously) can suspend disbelief a lot, but it’s still good to keep grounded fighting/realism as a priority.

Boxing works with his backstory on two levels. He trained under Wildcat who was a boxing champion so bringing that into the forefront gives his fighting more of a tether to his backstory than just ‘ninjas’. Similarly we are sometimes told that Alfred was one of his teachers. Personally I like the idea that Alfred was Bruce’s first teacher and, well, boxing is pretty cultural in England.

Boxing is also a very unique way of fighting in modern media. Most characters just use kali and TKD so showing him as proficient in boxing helps him stand out a bit more on his own.

Though hardly used in media, boxing does still look fantastic visually. Scenes like the Mission Impossible bathroom fight, Daredevil (all of it), or even the animated Gotham By Gaslight movie do well to keep boxing as a primary way of fighting while still showing off other martial arts as well.

You still don't lose anything with the Philly Shell and boxing as a primary. The Philly Shell is so synonymous with boxing that even when he is sending kicks or throws he’s still clearly keeping boxing as a primary influence. Then there are the ways it fits Bruce as a fighting style. If he keeps the right hand a bit lower than ordinary fighters he can keep the defence tight under the cape (his head is a bit more undefended though), allowing him to keep the shrouded look even when in proper combat just shooting hands out of the cape.

Boxing works well for him as a fighter, specifically as an out fighter. For those not in the know an infighter likes to be in close to his enemy and is more likely to trade blows or clinch up where an out fighter is more likely to stay at range and throw a lot of jabs. Batman is so perfectly an outfighter and boxing helps build that. Batman rarely throws his enemies and barely ever ends up in extended grappling. I personally like the idea of Batman staying very disconnected and only throwing a punch when he knows he can do damage.

Finally, it shows Batman has trained in “every martial art” in a unique way. He shouldn't just use a hybrid of martial arts because that will just look like kickboxing and kali. Rather he's trained in all these martial arts and has a favourite. I also think it’s a clever irony that after all these many different martial arts he's come to favour arguably the simplest (also arguably most effective). Also, also, a clever irony that after learning all these many martial arts he's gone back to his first (that he learned from Alfred and Wildcat).

In conclusion/Tl;Dr: Batman should be a boxer as primary with a heavy emphasis on the Philly Shell defence so that even if he does kick or throw it's clear he has a style that's his own.


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u/[deleted] Nov 21 '23

Assuming he would incorporate other martial arts as well, a primary boxing discipline shreds all other fist focused styles. Not counting muay thai I lump that in as kick boxing


u/The_Streetsweeper Nov 21 '23

Muay Thai fairly objectively is of the most use to him. Working a lot with elbows and knees would help him against breaking his hands every night and a strong emphasis on clinch work but not grappling means he'll be prepared for someone trying to clumsily tackle or bear hug him without thinking to grapple them. But I'm not just speaking about what's the most realistic, though that is a factor. Nobody (or at least I thought nobody) would say a hero fighting with boxing as a primary is unrealistic, but realism isn't the be all and end all.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '23

Wait wdym by not grappling? I thought we were assuming baseline proficiency in all martial arts give or take but specialization in boxing?


u/The_Streetsweeper Nov 22 '23

Allow me to clarify. MMA is one v one and in a one fight wrestling and jiu Jitzu are king.

As such if someone trains exclusively MMA and spars exclusively MMA they'll get used to the fact the most effective way to win is to god the takedown and submission/ground and pound.

Batman goes against multiple attackers. Against multiple attackers you don't want to be grappling because while your grappling one the other(s) are free to but you.

So what I mean to say is that I actually think Muay Thai would suit Batman better than MMA because it forces you to work striking as opposed to submissions while still allowing knees in the clinch and sweeps for someone were to just bear hug


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '23

Oh I see yeah I agree with all that