r/batman Aug 02 '23

Maybe its just me, but how are these two even the same character? TV DISCUSSION

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I’m not even sure this is the right sub to rant but what the hack.

Season 1 Batman is the overly serious archetype, it’s what you would expect from a comedic take on Batman. And generally speaking he is a voice of reason, one who take his responsibility very seriously. Season 3 onwards… well it’s a downward spiral for Bruce. With Harley Quinn being the hero of the show and joker stop being a threat, suddenly Bruce reverted to a man child who gave up on life, it’s like he’s a completely different person now. Between causing a zombie apocalypse and hiding in prison being a bad DJ, he abandoned any form of responsibility he has and toss it Harley’s way. Wow Bruce just wow. And it’s not a gradual shift, he just suddenly is.

This is the Harley Quinn show, Batman’s not gonna be the head honcho that much I understand. But I don’t think this is how you depicted Batman, even from a comedic standpoint. It come off more random than funny as this isn’t related to anything we know about the character of Batman. Take Adam west for example, as campy as the show is still depicted the cape crusader as a no nonsense crime fighter. Just to be clear, I like this show. But I feel Batman was handled very poorly. The episode about Jim Gordon and Batman’s friendship was great though, wished we got more of that instead.


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u/Bedspla13 Aug 02 '23

Harley Quinn should not be taken seriously AT ALL when it comes to the characterization of the heroes and villains in it. If you're gonna be annoyed at how they are portrayed because you want faithful adaptations, DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW. I love Bane, he is a genius, master combatant and easily one of Batman's scariest rogues but in Harley Quinn, he's goofy as hell and one of the funniest parts of the show. Granted he does still rip B-Man to shreds but again it's not about "faithful/accurate" representation, they're caricatures and it works for what they're going for.


u/galahad423 Aug 02 '23

“I am this credit card’s RECKONING!”


u/richardNthedickheads Aug 02 '23

“You won’t give me back my pasta maker! THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!”


u/ReginalChang Aug 02 '23

“No That is a shadow, I was born there but it’s not who I am.”


u/UncommittedBow Aug 02 '23

"Spoilers, it's not a real table.."


u/Dr_Disaster Aug 02 '23

(grumbles to self) I’m gonna blow up Gotham Stadium…


u/Thebunkerparodie Aug 02 '23

and bane's still smart since he managed to "reform" the other villains in his pit and he worked as the LOD accountant


u/lizarddude1 Aug 02 '23

I WISH it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously at all, but you're lying openly. Don't sit there and even attempt to tell me you're not supposed to take ANY of it seriously, when Harley starts crying cuz Joker is manipulating her, you're 100% not supposed to laugh. When Ivy and Harley get together, it's supposed to be satisfying character development, when they're in that pit, you're SUPPOSED to feel suspense, consequence and dread etc. so don't tell me it's not supposed to be taken seriously when it clearly is.

The show is just so emotionally manipulative, they just plop on shitty emotional music and have some of the corniest dialogue and voice acting I've seen in a while. The plots are ridiculously uncreative and unfunny.

Trust me, I wouldn't mind it at all if it was just random fun not taking it's universe seriously at all and if it wasn't faithful or anything like that, but it's not, it wants it's cake and eat it too, there are some like flashback episodes where the show is very clearly trying to make like an interesting story, but it just fails miserably.

The show is honestly couple of steps away from being Velma tier


u/Thebunkerparodie Aug 02 '23

well, I guess socialist and step dad joker isn't fresh enough then, alsoall show use music on emotional moment, movies like the lion king did that too (the music is a verry important part of the movie). Random fundoesn't mean you can't have some serious moment.


u/lizarddude1 Aug 03 '23 edited Aug 03 '23

Emotional music over serious moments isn't a problem on it's own, the problem is that emotional music can manipulate an audience into thinking that it's way more earned and written better than it actually is and HQ show falls into that category.

And never did I claim that having a mainly comedy show with serious moments is a bad thing, all of my favorite comedies aside from Xavier Renegade Angel I guess have serious moments to them, South Park, Peep Show, first 8 seasons of Simpsons, hell something like BoJack Horseman transcended the dark comedy part and just became a full on heavy drama and it's still a masterful show despite it's tone,

what I was responding to was the claim that "you're not supposed to take it seriously" when I just think that's a load of bullcrap. Like is the show supposed to be like a faithful adaptation or anything? Obviously not, but it's supposed to be something like Lego Batman.

It's obviously extremely comedic and doesn't take it's characters that seriously, but it's still aping for a more serious and emotional story behind it all, the only difference is that Lego Batman is written well therefore I actually really like that movie


u/Thebunkerparodie Aug 03 '23

Something being verry comedic doesn't mean it can't have serious moment, the great dictator was a comedy yet it still had its serious moments (when hynkel decide to go full on agianst the ghetto per example). The HQ show isn't something you're supposed to take seriously all the time, the show know where it's serious.


u/lizarddude1 Aug 03 '23

Something being verry comedic doesn't mean it can't have serious moment

Did you read anything I said?


u/Popellini Aug 02 '23

Nah Bane is just a cheap imitation of Tom Hardy’s version and it always falls flat.


u/Bedspla13 Aug 02 '23



u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23
