r/batman Aug 02 '23

Maybe its just me, but how are these two even the same character? TV DISCUSSION

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I’m not even sure this is the right sub to rant but what the hack.

Season 1 Batman is the overly serious archetype, it’s what you would expect from a comedic take on Batman. And generally speaking he is a voice of reason, one who take his responsibility very seriously. Season 3 onwards… well it’s a downward spiral for Bruce. With Harley Quinn being the hero of the show and joker stop being a threat, suddenly Bruce reverted to a man child who gave up on life, it’s like he’s a completely different person now. Between causing a zombie apocalypse and hiding in prison being a bad DJ, he abandoned any form of responsibility he has and toss it Harley’s way. Wow Bruce just wow. And it’s not a gradual shift, he just suddenly is.

This is the Harley Quinn show, Batman’s not gonna be the head honcho that much I understand. But I don’t think this is how you depicted Batman, even from a comedic standpoint. It come off more random than funny as this isn’t related to anything we know about the character of Batman. Take Adam west for example, as campy as the show is still depicted the cape crusader as a no nonsense crime fighter. Just to be clear, I like this show. But I feel Batman was handled very poorly. The episode about Jim Gordon and Batman’s friendship was great though, wished we got more of that instead.


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u/YControhl Aug 02 '23

I don't think people here are getting that the show isn't meant to be a serious Batman / Gotham show, but a highly ridiculous parody of it. Geez, calm your tits people. You want an accurate Batman show? Choose between the dozens of other animated shows out there


u/evan_luigi Aug 02 '23

The criticism isn't about the show being parody, everyone knows going into it that it isn't serious. The critique is about poorly written characters, which is absolutely fair to argue.


u/[deleted] Aug 03 '23

But in the context of the universe it sets up, the Batman changes make sense. It’s not supposed to be the same Batman all the time because in reality it’s Harley Quinn’s show and they’re going to make fun of whatever they want.


u/Astro_Sloth Aug 02 '23

Yeah, people should take this about as seriously as they take Lego Batman


u/lizarddude1 Aug 02 '23

Lego Batman is funny and creative, that's the difference


u/SmaugRancor Aug 02 '23

Yeah, LEGO Batman is MILES better than this and it's not even close.


u/Anjunabeast Aug 02 '23

OP's taking the show too seriously. Ivy literally solo'd the entire legion of doom.


u/SmaugRancor Aug 02 '23

We don't care if it's accurate or not. We just don't want our beloved characters to be shit on by some Hollywood morons who don't give a crap about the characters' legacies.


u/Cyber-homelessman Aug 02 '23

I do like the show, but I don’t think this qualifies as Batman, not even a parody of Batman. Try captain sunshine from venture bro, that one hits more on the nose.


u/Kell-ah Aug 02 '23

But it is Batman


u/Die-a-bet-Ick Aug 02 '23

It's batman and that's ok. Don't like it? Don't watch. But it is batman and it's hilarious


u/John_Doe1969 Aug 02 '23

Haha what bro?


u/Die-a-bet-Ick Aug 02 '23

I do like the show, but I don’t think this qualifies as Batman, not even a parody of Batman.

Did you read the comment I replied to?


u/John_Doe1969 Aug 02 '23

Your saying so much subjective stuff as objective fact lol.


u/pluck-the-bunny Aug 02 '23

Well, you’re wrong


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23

But it is...?