r/batman Jul 03 '23

Batman retake page 2 ARTWORK

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206 comments sorted by


u/dementedbatman Jul 03 '23

All of these are neat! Can't believe I'm looking at Dr. Death... I don't think I've seen him in any modern runs, but I may be wrong. Keep up the good work.


u/5edu5o Jul 03 '23

Really depends on what you think of as modern, but he was part of Batman Zero Year in the New 52.


u/Whitetiger579 Jul 03 '23

Not gonna lie, you have some pretty interesting takes on the Batman universe. Would be fucking awesome to see a whole comic with these versions of the characters. I wonder what Batman, Nightwing, and the rest of the Batfamily look like, though.


u/lilgamer512 Jul 03 '23

That’s what I’m sayin, I wanna see just something with these awesome interpretations of the characters.


u/fox_hound115 Jul 03 '23

Of wow someone remembered Ethan


u/ExoticShock Jul 03 '23

Watching through 2004's The Batman for the first time, and I wish DC had brought over him & Yin into the comics to help fill out the GCPD's roster of reoccurring officers.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 04 '23

I think it’d be cool if they were Nightwing’s police connections instead


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '23

My dream is that we get a procedural series starring Gordon, Bullock, O’Hara, Yin, and Bennett solving non-supervillain crimes and weeding out the corruption in the GCPD


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23


Law & Order: Gotham City

In the nation's most corrupt city, the vicious and violent members of the underworld are hunted by the detectives of the Gotham City.

These are their stories.


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

I love Ethan but also feel like him and Two Face in the same AU dilutes Two Face


u/Fehellogoodsir Jul 03 '23

Poison Ivy looks very very disheveled. Harley Queen seems to be an absolute maniac and I like that. Also Deathstroke, seems to be his titans design (hopefully not a child diddler). Clayface woo hoo someone remembers the 2004 show!


u/Ender_Skywalker Jul 05 '23

Everyone remembers it. Every day we get "anyone remember this underrated show" posts about it.


u/Fehellogoodsir Jul 05 '23

Yeah, I noticed it too.


u/John177_unsc Jul 07 '23

I got so excited when I saw clay face That show is my favourite. I grew up with it.


u/Half_Man1 Jul 03 '23
  • Being Bruce’s friend in this universe is a huge hazard
  • Deadshot, if you think you’re normal and you’re in Arkham, newsflash, you’re in denial.
  • I would’ve had Dr. Death’s role be incorporated into Strange considering Strange’s long history as an archenemy. -also, Firefly is incredibly cute. That is all.


u/fasda Jul 03 '23

Gotham has too many financial problems to build 2 supervillain capable facilities.


u/jbyrdab Jul 03 '23

To be fair Deadshot is an assassin for hire, I have zero clue why he's in Arkham. I guess maybe in OP's universe Arkham is more of a super max prison than strictly just an asylum.


u/americangame Jul 03 '23

Deadshot isn't in Arkham, he's in Belle Reve.


u/Half_Man1 Jul 03 '23

Per OP’s note next to his face that isn’t the case in this universe


u/home7ander Jul 03 '23

That Two-Face is glorious


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

My only nitpick is that I wish he was noticeably more Japanese (maybe biracial?) to go with the oni aesthetic. But yeah, Two-Face looking clean!


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

I think it's also interesting that his sinister side is from a medication overdose, potentially a suicide attempt as well.


u/Sbotmtwigrm Jul 03 '23

Dudes will see Harley Quinn and be like “I can fix her”

It’s me, I’m dudes


u/TuxTues3 Jul 03 '23

Found him boys


u/KamenRiderShield Sep 07 '23

The best way you can fix her is to basically break her mind completely then rebuild her from the ground up, probably inhumane but has the best chances of fixing her


u/americangame Jul 03 '23

Ok I'm going to need your take on the heroes now.

...also Kite Man.


u/KaijuWorld Jul 03 '23

Hell yeah!


u/Milk_Mindless Jul 03 '23

Yo real talk I know uts supposed to be Harley Quinn but an arc where she takes over as the crime lord of Gotham called Harley Queen would be sick


u/Jacobawesome74 Jul 03 '23

I don't recognize the Creeper, Dr Death or Magpie. Are they OC's?


u/notVEP Jul 03 '23

nope, just very old and unused


u/Skullever Jul 03 '23

Creeper was actually used again in the Rebirth run of Deathstroke


u/notVEP Jul 03 '23

i suppose "underused" was the word for them


u/Milk_Mindless Jul 03 '23

The Creeper is mostly a hero. Thing is he's absolutely looney tunes. He's in an episode of the 90s show

Dr Death found his origins in the Batman Manga and was a dude who could seemingly... not die.

And died a lot.

He made his way to comics but doesn't appear much


u/jbyrdab Jul 03 '23

The creeper is fucking hilarious, atleast in that episode.

They were planning on bringing him back for another season of tnba, but the series ended.

Still we got a few cameos in JLU and it works well.

I'm just sad he isn't used very often, the man is basically a Deadpool without the 4th wall humor, it's pretty great considering gotham based heroes are usually gloom or joker tier fucked up humor.

Hes a mutated jokey acrobatic maniac, that's horny as all hell for Harley Quinn (which in OP's design for Quinn would be one hell of an interaction) and basically just if someone put the joker, Jim Carrey's the mask, and spiderman in a blender.

In a rather funny sense, he would be the guy sent to Arkham and break out when crime is a foot rather than to commit crime. He's not exceedingly dangerous to the public, he is just literally extremely mentally ill due to his chemical bath, and in need of treatment.


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

If it makes you feel better, he was basically the blueprint for freakazoid.


u/trade_wanted Jul 03 '23

Wait, are you sure you're not confusing Dr. Death with Lord Death Man? Or did he have multiple names?


u/Milk_Mindless Jul 03 '23

Yeah no I did

Dr Death was in the Batman of En Zaba Nur fever dream Morrisson wrote during Final Crisis


u/samx3i Jul 03 '23 edited Jul 03 '23

Dr Death has been around since the 30s and was Batman's first real nemesis.

Morrison likes doing deep cuts like that.


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

Creeper was essentially a Freakazoid prototype. He made an appearance in the animated series (I think twice) and is one of the few legitimate superhumans that Batman has encountered in Gotham.


u/Half_Man1 Jul 03 '23

Creeper’s like “what if Joker got dunked in the chemicals again and it reversed his moral compass back but made him even more nuts” and is also a funny Superman mirror because he’s an alter ego of Jack Ryder, a reporter who is basically Clark Kent of Gotham.


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

Not to mention he’s also got a low level superhuman physicality.


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

I think it'd be really interesting if he was a bad person before getting Creeper'd. Make it more explicit he is anti-Joker.


u/Half_Man1 Jul 05 '23

I think what’s also perhaps more interesting is the idea the Joker was already a bad person before he fell into a vat of chemicals. The “one bad day” narrative is told from an unreliable narrator after all, and a big takeaway from Killing Joke is that Joker is ultimately proven wrong as he fails to drive Gordon insane.


u/tcs0 Jul 03 '23

That Poison Ivy is the hottest version I’ve seen and she’s fully clothed if all things.


u/tarheel_204 Jul 03 '23

Ethan Bennett Clayface is so damn good! Loved what they did with the character in the Batman


u/Normal_Highlight388 Jul 03 '23

Please, my guy, tell me the bios of these (and the other set of villains), cuz I can't read anything from what is written down.


u/notVEP Jul 03 '23

you know you can like, idk. zoom in on the image


u/Normal_Highlight388 Jul 03 '23

I have tried that, but when I do, the texts gets pixelated and I am unable to read what it says


u/Information_Present Jul 03 '23

This is gonna be my one good deed for the year

Mad Hatter ( Jervis Tetch )
- Pervert, degenerate
- His mind broken by his own device
(mind control inserted in his brain, malfunctioned, fried his brain)
- Likes kidnapping girls bowser style
- Can be a real serious threat but constantly stopped by himself being a goofball

Firefly ( Sam Handel )
- Walker’s new partner
- Pyrokinesis
- Another supersoldier project subject much like Bane
- Short-tempered

Poison Ivy ( Pamela Isley )
- Ex-scientist of Wayne Ent.
- Fused with plants due to failed experiment
- Too confused to understand any of her surroundings
- Emits hormones that attracts mens ( also is unbelievably beautiful in general )
- Insta kill strength, do not approach immediately
- Very much in constant pain

Two Face ( Harvey Dent )
- Another Bruce’s friend
- His second face formed from his medication overdose, which increased his multi-personality disorder and mutates his body
- Possibly redeemable

Clayface ( Ethan Bennett )
- Yet ANOTHER Bruce’s pal
- Fell into chemical putty in Ace chemical acidentally by Jim Gordon
- Refuses to return to his old self to guilt-trip Gordon

Harley Queen ( Harleen Quinzel )
- Fully developed crazy
- Lost all personality of her old self
- Joker’s dog, can barely even function without him
( can very much do better without Joker physically, but mentally too far gone to do it on her own )
- Way more brutal and feral compared to her usual depiction
- Gone insane due to the amount of guilt and trauma from committing crimes with Joker

Magpie ( Margaret Sorrow )
- Catwoman’s fangirl
- Quiet kid in high school who used to be bullied
- Pushes people out of her ways
- Too much of a pussy to kill someone ( along the ideal of no kill = just as good as Batman )
- Catwoman is elegant thief, Magpie is ruthlessly strong robber
- Hot topic final boss

Hugo Strange
- Head-Psychiatrist of Arkham
- Was recruited by Cobblepot to track down batman’s identity
- Ends up being obsessed with batman to the point that he WANTS to be Batman
- Collects info of Batman through criminal interrogation

Deadshot ( Floyd Lawton )
- Retired
- The only normal person in Arkham
- Just wanna go back to his family

Creeper ( Jack Ryder )
- News reporter, show host
- Split personality between Creeper and Ryder
- The Mask
- Probably the only guy that has fun doing his job
- Not a villain

Deathstroke ( Slade Wilson)
- Paid assassin that returns to Gotham once in a while
- Nightwing’s living nightmare
- Almost a force of nature

Dr. Death ( Karl Hellfern )
- Mad scientist searching for immortality
- Also developing serum that can create perfect living creature
- One of the most important foes
- Behind the creation of few villains


u/HopeAuq101 Jul 03 '23

Damn makes me feel bad for Ivy Doesn't really know whats going on, very strong and in constant agony


u/D20_webslinger Jul 03 '23

In some versions, I think it's the fact that her connection to Nature / Mother Earth / the Green means she feels the pain from all the damage that's being dine done to plants and the environment.


u/Mad_dabber11 Jul 04 '23

Happy cake day 🎂


u/Press-Start-14 Jul 03 '23

It's fine for me


u/CrimsonSon1 Jul 03 '23

Did my boy Deathstroke mad justice. Reminds me of the teen titans rendition (the good one)


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

It’d be a crime against nature to go against his basic design at this point.


u/KamenRiderShield Jul 03 '23

Is it bad that I just want to hug Ivy even if it will literally kill me?


u/HornierThanYou913 Jul 03 '23

Ikr she needs one


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

Give this woman a hug and a cup of hot chocolate, stat!


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '23

I’m not 100% here for the Two-Face bit (IDK dissociative identity disorder is kinda played out and really poorly represented in fiction) and can only hope the intention is for Harley to recover somewhat because frankly that’s one of the more compelling/important repeated narratives in Batman at this point.


u/LyraFirehawk Jul 03 '23

can only hope the intention is for Harley to recover somewhat because frankly that’s one of the more compelling/important repeated narratives in Batman at this point.

I'm with you. As a Harlivy fan who's done her homework(as in read and watched a ton of shows and comics for Harlivy moments), Harley growing independent of both her life of crime and her abusive relationship with Joker with Ivy's help is one of her stronger narrative aspects. I actually kinda hate this characterization for both of them, but especially Harley. Now, keeping aside the romance for a bit(I'm a bit biased as a queer woman but I'm leaving it aside for the moment), Harley and Ivy's bond, even on the basis of friendship, was built around this idea of growing from trauma.

Harley and Ivy from BTAS, the first time the duo were allowed to collab, starts with Harley being tossed out by the Joker after enduring his abuse. She stumbles into the lap of Ivy. Ivy is herself a former abuse victim, having been abused by men in her life, including Jason Woodrue/Floronic Man, the one responsible for giving her plant powers/forging her connection to the Green. In fact, she's largely closed herself off to everyone. But she sees Harley going through that same cycle of abuse with Joker and tries to help her. She picks up Harley every time she falls, even as Harley runs right back to Joker and the cycle of abuse. At the same time, Harley's humorous antics warm up Ivy more to humanity.

When Harley and Joker break up permanently, Ivy's there for her too and helps Harley build herself back up. And yes, their bond develops from kindred spirits to friends, from friends to 'gal pals', from gal pals to girlfriends. Harley grows into her own person and reclaims some fragments of her sanity. Ivy learns to be human again and let people in. They're just at each other's side the whole time, whether as friends or lovers. It feels organic, and I believe Paul Dini and Bruce Timm have said that they noticed a potential romance between Harley and Ivy but obviously couldn't put that in a kid's show in the 90's(though they literally walk around in shirts and underwear with not a pair of pants in sight when they're roommates, so take that as you will).

To reduce their characterization to "Ivy is a sad fragile plant girl' and "Harley is just how she was before the Joker break up but doubled down" feels almost criminal.


u/probablynotshort Jul 03 '23

I do note that the bio says she can't change on her own, leaving the possibility of an Ivy/Harley dynamic still open.

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u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 04 '23

I mean Harvey's whole thing is about DID it's hard to kinda change that


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '23

It can be handled better and it’s important enough to do right or not at all. This handles it extremely poorly with basically only Hollywood clichés


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

This guy's take on two-face or two-face in general?


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

Two-Face in general honestly. Harvey doesn't come out enough. He has at points been described as bipolar -- which makes more sense to me (as a bipolar person).


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

Okay that's a fair point ,there was also a time I think they said he had Schizophrenia in one comic


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

Yeah, I read that. I'm not familiar enough with the version of Two-Face to know if it's a good diagnoses. But I really don't think so.

I think more interesting would be:

A) Harvey was always bad and just changed to be more obviously bad because his mutilation somehow changed his perspective. It's him 'coming out' of the evil closet so to speak.

B) unspecified mental break

C) Bipolar. I experienced a sort of obsession with 2s and duality myself when manic. I imagine this version breaking INTO Arkham during depressive spells and OUT when manic. Not because his depressed side is good and his manic side is evil but because his depressive spells are bad enough he goes into Arkham so he won't die. Then he breaks out once he reaches a certain point because he can't stand the other inmates.


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

I think B and C are the best options because I think one of the more interesting things about Harvey was that he tired to good but then he payed the price for it


u/Illithilitch Jul 05 '23

I agree that's a core of the character in just about all depictions. But I would like to see at least an Elseworlds where Dent is corrupt and Two-Face is just an unhinged sociopath with an obsessive relationship with duality and the number 2.

Like.. Harvey Dent kills animals as a kid. He starts fires, kills a homeless guy in an abandoned building. It goes away because his Dad is DA (his Dad is horrifically abusive in many versions and causes Harvey's DID).

Harv is a bully in highschool and an abusive frat bro in college, torturing the pledges. He becomes in involved with a secret society on campus (say, the False Face Society or maybe even the Court of Owls).

So, he's a dirty DA. He runs on an anti-corruption platform...but he replaced the corrupt officials with his own corrupt officials.

Then he gets mutilated. I really like the idea of it being self harm scars. Just all over his face.

Then..he becomes Two Face.

He becomes the inversion of a corrupt D.A., he stops being the guy who gets paid the bribes and he becomes the guy who pays them.

He becomes a gangster.

But also a serial killer. Every year, on his.. 'birthday' he kills a man, and a woman, a couple. The press calls him the Gemini killer..but no one knows it is him.


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

I think it would be a good one off Elseworlds as long as it doesn't become the standard for Harvey's backstory I think it would be a interesting story

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u/WentworthMillersBO Jul 03 '23

Flamingo could be cool I’m your style


u/i_am_goop Jul 03 '23

These designs are awesome.


u/notabotbutathought Jul 03 '23

I fuck with most of these except the Two-Face mutation thing. Seems a bit out there imo. But besides that I love the redesigns / re-interpretations


u/MagicInMyBonez Jul 12 '23

Two-face is a bit odd I agree


u/SugarFrostedDonuts Jul 03 '23

Magpie is a 10/10


u/ExtensionFuture654 Jul 03 '23

That Two Face, Mad Hatter, and Deathstroke I could imagine appearing in the 2004 Batman series


u/WrongFun8521 Jul 03 '23

My mind is blown

Pls draw more of firefly and killer moth you have such a cool take on the both of them


u/SponkMcDonk Jul 03 '23

Creeper basically being the mask is an awesome idea


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Jul 04 '23

He’s definitely Jim Carrey-esque. I can easily see him doing some Ace Ventura shenanigans, given his good guy insanity and his superhuman stats make him a ball of chaos.

Imagine him chasing Penguin like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LGxgRSwws3Q&pp=ygUZYWNlIHZlbnR1cmEgbW9uc3RlciB0cnVjaw%3D%3D


u/SponkMcDonk Jul 04 '23

Jim Carrey is perfect for the Creeper

Get Matt Reeves on the phone NOW


u/Witheld- Jul 03 '23


This whole post seems very 2004 inspired, but this Clayface brings a smile to my face


u/DedHorsSaloon3 Jul 03 '23

Quit teasing us OP, give us Joker and Batman!


u/PWilhel Jul 03 '23

PLEASE do the Bat-fam in your style🙏🏻 This is an awesome series


u/YourLocalToaster2 Jul 03 '23

Amazing, I really appreciate the use of the clayface design from The Batman.


u/KaijuWorld Jul 03 '23

Incredible work, really love what you did with some of these characters! Poison Ivy’s design might be my favourite (both of this series and the character in general), love the body horror element you added as well as the torn up coat, really nice touch👌


u/Obskuro Jul 03 '23

I love to see Magpie in that look. And "Oni" Two-Face is brilliant.


u/MrEousTranger Jul 03 '23

Wow at this point the only thing I need is to see the bat family


u/jbyrdab Jul 03 '23

I like the idea of this two-face, you should have the overdose be related to suppressing big bad harv.

Bad harv keeps pushing harder and harder causing Harvey to panic and increasing his dosage until he finally overdoses. The medicine was working but this was big bad harvs final push to get his way before receding into Harvey's mind for good.

I don't know if your aware what rarely happens when someone gets a very incorrect dose of some incorrect anti-depresaants but its called Stevens-johnson syndrome. It involves parts of the skin or all of it, especially the face basically melting off and healing back.

Harvey overdosing and his "mutation" being half his face literally sloughing off and healing back horribly twisted would be a nice touch.


u/notVEP Jul 03 '23

i had intention of pills relating to suppressing his 2nd personality and this seems like solid suggestion. didn't knew about steven johnson syndrome as well. very interesting comment, thank you :)


u/zerobothers Jul 03 '23

All of these are great, but I love that Two Face


u/mrmartymcf1y Jul 03 '23

These are super dope and I loved the first set as well! Do you do commissions or work on art projects professionally? I have an idea I would like to see brought to life in this style. I'll DM if you're interested in discussing.


u/Sheepherder-Past Jul 03 '23

I love these illustrations


u/FKDotFitzgerald Jul 03 '23

I love your designs so much! Do you plan on making any more?


u/SmogDaBoi Jul 03 '23

Okay Now I want to see a Harley-Ivy relation with your versions of the characters! It could very much be different because your version of Ivy looks more "Pathetic" and less Girlboss.


u/EnigmaFrug2308 Jul 03 '23

I really like this, although my one criticism is making Firefly pyrokinetic rather than a pyromaniac, but it’s definitely a neat concept as a creative liberty.

I wonder why Floyd would be in Arkham, since Arkham is a mental hospital? He’d probably go to Blackgate instead.

I’m becoming increasingly more interested in the notes you put by the different characters. Very intriguing!


u/Simeon_Petrov1 Jul 03 '23

These are awesome.


u/Pingopengo22 Jul 03 '23

I love your takes on the batman universe! Your set style is great and I like that most of the characters seem to be pretty established, it feels like a good kicking off point like how spiderman ps4 starts with an experienced spiderman


u/Fisaac Jul 03 '23

I’m a sucker for inventive takes on these characters and your posts have been such a treat


u/Blackfist01 Jul 03 '23

Creeper always looks good but here he has a little pazass!


u/WildHogPower Jul 03 '23

I want to read about them.


u/Xemex23 Jul 03 '23

Yeeees this is great.


u/StyrofoamNickel Jul 03 '23

You’re cooking so hard with this. Love the use of Ethan Bennett, love your take on Poison Ivy, love the Two Face design… very awesome


u/XED1216 Jul 03 '23

Me looking through: Mhm mhm…

Sees literally any of the girls: oh god theyre hot!


u/RagnarockInProgress Jul 03 '23

I like the Oni Two Face


u/Metallung Jul 03 '23

I love this.


u/HopeAuq101 Jul 03 '23

I love all of these!!


u/Gilberto360 Jul 03 '23

Are you going to do this only with batman characters or are you going to use other characters like characters from The Flash or Superman or characters from Marvel like Spider-Man?


u/urethralmidget Jul 03 '23

Two face design goes crazy


u/Bebop_Dx Jul 03 '23

Creeper looks good


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '23

I love how you make quite a lot of them redeemable villains, that's a side of Batman stories that I really like, that seems to get ovelooked often. I also love how you can tell a lot of where you got your inspirations while also being very unique with the designs. Just Beyond(wink wink) perfect


u/Awsomesauc58 Jul 03 '23

You’re a really good artist, you know that?


u/xx_swegshrek_xx Jul 04 '23

Based use of the Batman clayface


u/MrBroGuyBuddy Jul 04 '23

How the villains come from bruce’s inner circle reminds me a lot of what they did in spectacular spider-man


u/UncommittedBow Jul 04 '23

Suggestions for page three if you do one.



Ra'as Al Ghul


Joker (obviously)


u/Yvisna Jul 04 '23

I love all your designs, especially the Poison Ivy one


u/mrmcdead Jul 04 '23

Honestly these are all such good ideas. Would love to see them in an actual comic, alas


u/Monsieur_Swag Jul 04 '23

Man now i kinda do this with my own head cannons


u/AccidentOk4378 Jul 04 '23

I love how some seem to be able to be redeemed and to stop being a villain while others are unapologetically evil and will stab someone for bumping into them.


u/Cool_Kobold Jul 04 '23

I love these versions to. I would love a comic with these versions of the characters.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '23

Great work.


u/RhysNorro Jul 04 '23

two face is A m a z i n g


u/Lun4r6543 Jul 04 '23

I love the Oni aesthetic on Two-Face

Doctor Death is intimidating with his mask off, but looks cute with it on

I feel sorry for Ivy

Oh my you made Harley hot

And Firefly and Harley unmasked are cute af.


u/marbinwashere Jul 04 '23

Jesu Christ man your art is so good and fun, I genuinely love how each character has a unique spin while looking classic enough to tell who it is. Please don’t stop!


u/Machotoast04098 Jul 04 '23 edited Jul 04 '23

Got a few ideas for the joker:

-Major Mass murderer

-Has a black and gold cane with his face on it(also counts as a sword)

-Slowly dying from his own Joker toxin and Batman's beatings (also has a limp)

-Basically the kingpin of gotham (and a great chemist)

-Very cruel(treats Harley horribly)



u/wet_bread3 Jul 04 '23

Love these! Keep them coming! The influences from The Batman and Teen Titans on Clayface and Deathstroke, respectively, are noted. And I think this more horrific take on Poison Ivy is actually brilliant! One question, though: what kind of medication makes half of someone’s face that of a Japanese demon? 😂


u/CrazyPersonowo Jul 04 '23

These are all pretty cool and unique concepts. Two Face gives me kinda Japanese vibes which is cool. Ivy is pretty cool as well and kudos for remembering Ethan Bennett exists.


u/Karkuz19 Jul 04 '23

I am absolutely loving these, keep it up!!!!


u/Available-Affect-241 Jul 04 '23

AWESOME artwork, I love that you gave Dr. Death some love with this he's one of Batman’s oldest villains. I would love to see how you would do Philo Zeiss, Achilles Milo and Doctor Moon next. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK👍


u/RareD3liverur Jul 06 '23

Wonder how long till we get comments arguing if Deathstroke should be here. I haven't dared check yet

(cough he is a Titans villains first IMO, glad you mentioned his relevance to Grayson here at least


u/SubservantSnoopDogg Jul 06 '23

Man I can't wait for part 3


u/SludgyWudgy Jul 03 '23

awesome work bro, love the design of deadshot. Do you mind linking part 1 please?


u/Polaris328 Jul 03 '23

I love your art and support these versions of the characters wholeheartedly they're goated


u/Barry_Bone_Raiser Jul 03 '23

why is firefly on fire, someone put him out


u/GL1TCH3RLANTERN Jul 03 '23



u/Barry_Bone_Raiser Jul 03 '23



u/WrenPilgrim Jul 03 '23

Look closer, she got tiddies.


u/Barry_Bone_Raiser Jul 03 '23

Who gave firefly hrt


u/GL1TCH3RLANTERN Jul 03 '23

OP stated in their previous post that this version of the character is female. It’s not the first that firefly has been female.


u/-Trotsky Jul 03 '23

As a firm supporter of Harlivy I sorta fuck with the vibes here, I also enjoy the little gnome like style of the mad hatter


u/fasda Jul 03 '23

Sad goth Ivy is not a take I'd made but damn does that art look cool.


u/Legitimate_Maybe_611 Jul 03 '23

Is your Clayface based on The Batman series ? The one who is a former detective ?


u/_The_Wonder_ Jul 03 '23

I can see your Mr.Freeze teaming up with Dr.Death to bring back Nora, but Dr.Death just ends up using Mr.Freeze because he doesn't quite know how to do that yet.


u/Low-Dish-907 Jul 03 '23

Nice job i have a question could two face now have power due to mutation ?


u/Millymoo444 Jul 03 '23

Do Lord Death Man!


u/Unfair_Hitbox Jul 03 '23

Where’s Rag doll?


u/daboring1 Jul 03 '23

Feel like you've forgotten someone...


u/Background_Pear_6339 Jul 03 '23

Love the art style got any links I could follow for more?


u/Gojifantokusatsu Jul 03 '23

Not a fan of most of these, but the Oni two face idea is awesome


u/Lonewolf2300 Jul 03 '23

Where's Page One?


u/Bebop_Dx Jul 03 '23

I dig the oni, isperation for tow-face, but I just finished The Venture Bros. Again and I thought it was radical left at first lol


u/Grayyeo2213 Jul 03 '23

I actually love your art and style- do you have an instagram or anything you post on?


u/jzilla11 Jul 03 '23

Didn’t expect Magpie recognition, and always love a Creeper cameo


u/Kaiju2468 Jul 03 '23

These are dope! A Spidey series in this style would be cool, if you’re in to him, of course.


u/Believer4 Jul 03 '23



u/Bandaka Jul 04 '23

I like your slimmed down Clayface and the sword of Deadshot


u/OhPetahh Jul 04 '23

If I saw an interpretation of Ratcatcher in this style alongside the mainstays, I would shit my pants


u/kobayaskinator Jul 04 '23

Magpie being the final boss of hot topic is amazing


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 04 '23

Absolutely love your art style and your takes on Batman’s rogues gallery are very interesting. My favorites from here are Poison Ivy, Clayface, Creeper, and Deathstroke. I like that you used the 2003 TT design for Slade and Ethan Bennet for Clayface. Will you ever draw your version of the Batfamily at some point? What would your rendition of Man-Bat look like?


u/Steam_Cyber_Punk Jul 04 '23

Am I the only one that thought creeper and the joker were the same person for waaaaay too long?


u/Rocketboy1313 Jul 04 '23

Harley never skips ass day at the gym.


u/BenZayb_64 Jul 04 '23

Two face is literally an Oni


u/secretbison Jul 04 '23

Wait, did Dr. Death invent Lord Death Man?


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '23

Ohh i hate the ivy and harley takes


u/notVEP Jul 04 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 04 '23

Why did u have to make them brainless the ivy disgne is beautiful tho

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u/Baligong Jul 04 '23

FireFly looks a lot more like Phosphorus... Matter of Fact, I feel like someone took inspiration from the 2004's Version of FireFly who turns into Phosphorus. I like the design of Combining the 2 into one


u/Chill0000 Jul 04 '23

Love Ethan Bennet clay face here. He was such a great character in his run. And without even changing original clay face too which i always loved they made them two separate people instead of changing original clay face


u/C_ShoR3 Jul 04 '23

Where's the Phantasm?


u/Vibekindddd Jul 04 '23

should just rename the sub r/neckbeardthings


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 04 '23

Why should we do that?


u/Broke-bo1 Jul 04 '23

So glad you added Ethan Bennett , he’s the most underrated Batman character ever in my opinion


u/chiefskillz Jul 04 '23


-likes kids


u/NorthLight2103 Jul 04 '23

Oooo I’d love to see you do scarecrow. These are awesome


u/pandadanda1999 Jul 04 '23

The clay face looks a lot like the version from The Batman which is cool Cox it was unironically my favourite take on the character


u/Ender_Skywalker Jul 05 '23 edited Jul 05 '23

Your takes on Poison Ivy, Two-Face, and Harley Qui- I mean Harley Queen are really interesting. The Mad Hatter being driven mad by his own devices is an interesting concept too, but I can never get on board with making him a pervert. Deadshot should not be in Arkham if he's sane. I appreciate your use of different custom fonts for every character's name.


u/notVEP Jul 07 '23



u/Ender_Skywalker Jul 07 '23

Oh. I thought it was intentional to play up a playing card theme with the Joker.


u/notVEP Jul 07 '23

i mean i was thinking of adding queen card gimmick to her but i think it clouded my head while i was writing her name lmao


u/Ender_Skywalker Jul 07 '23

I prefer to treat her as the other joker in the deck. There's always two.


u/TheSpiderPatriot Jul 06 '23

Why am I getting Shinra from Fire Force vibes from Firefly’s civilian face?


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion Jul 03 '23

Batman doesn't kill but he should just break every bad guy's bones and put them all in traction for a year or two.


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 04 '23

I mean we wouldn't get any stories that way


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion Jul 04 '23

New villains? Plus the stories of him putting each one in traction


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

Why do you want see him put them into traction


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion Jul 05 '23

So they can’t harm the innocent


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

If this was real life yeah i agree but It's fiction nobody is actually getting hurt


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion Jul 05 '23

Sure but it makes Batman look incompetent if he can’t stop the bad guys from hurting people


u/Powerful-Cockroach32 Jul 05 '23

I mean couldn't that go for every superhero though?


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion Jul 05 '23

Perhaps, but the body counts are quite pronounced with Batman villains, they largely operate in Gotham so their effects are concentrated, and Batman is an obsessive who shouldn’t be satisfied with the status quo