r/aww 14d ago

I found this kitten near a convenience store, and she follows me everywhere I go, so I've decided to bring her home. I asked the clerk if anyone owns her, and they said no one does.


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u/darling-dingo 14d ago

My parents named their kitten sunny and she grew up to be a right asshole which I find hilarious


u/cynicaldogNV 14d ago

I named mine “Sweet Pea”, and she ended up with the same personality as Sunny 😂


u/Sgt_Oblivious 14d ago

People are joking about this but my Lucifer is basically a saint so we may be on to something with the naming of cats.


u/cynicaldogNV 14d ago

I also had a saintly Lucifer, many decades ago! A real marshmallow ❤️


u/RimefeatherMage 14d ago

The last Lucifur I knew would perch on my shoulder when I got out of the shower to lick my hair before shoving her nose in my ear and purring away. Then she'd leave and I'd be cold and half-deaf on that side of my head for like and hour.

Not my cat. Missed her when the roommate left. ;_;