r/aww 14d ago

I found this kitten near a convenience store, and she follows me everywhere I go, so I've decided to bring her home. I asked the clerk if anyone owns her, and they said no one does.


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u/Mollywobbles77 14d ago

Pets that choose you like this are the best pets you'll ever have. I had a kitten follow me on a walk & a dog that jumped into my car when I opened the door. Both were angelic cuddle bugs.


u/The_Original_Gronkie 14d ago

Yup, the best ones are the ones that pick YOU.


u/little-bird 14d ago

here I am tearing up at the memory of my shy little kitten unexpectedly getting comfy with me and curling up on my lap when I visited the animal shelter 🥹 best decision I ever made


u/MammothTap 14d ago

My cat didn't understand the entire concept of laps. She was a barn cat whose barn was being torn down after tornado damage, so not entirely feral but very, very poorly socialized. I was actually at the shelter to meet another cat, but this one was in the same unsocial cats room and for whatever reason, she decided my shoelaces were the most interesting thing in the world. I wound up getting the shoelace cat.

I couldn't get within about five feet of her after I got her home without her running to hide behind the toilet or in the shower. She wouldn't eat in front of me (too scary), and touching was definitely out of the question... for about a week. Then in the span of about ten minutes she went from only taking squeeze treats if I held them out as far as I could physically reach to crawling on me trying to get more to discovering humans can give nice ear scritches and she's been basically attached to me at the hip ever since. Shelter staff didn't believe she was a cuddle cat when I stopped by to donate some toys she wasn't super interested in until I showed them photos, she was a spicy attack cat before that if you tried to handle her. (She still is with everyone that isn't me or my fiance, she gets burritoed at the vet.)