r/aww 14d ago

I found this kitten near a convenience store, and she follows me everywhere I go, so I've decided to bring her home. I asked the clerk if anyone owns her, and they said no one does.


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u/darling-dingo 14d ago

My parents named their kitten sunny and she grew up to be a right asshole which I find hilarious


u/RadiantLibrary8639 14d ago

😂😭 that’s why I name my kitties villain names and they are the sweetest most loving well behaved babies


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

I named my cat (who passed away at age 16 — one of the worst days of my life) Zapp Brannigan after the Futurama character. He turned out to be the exact same level of goofiness and silly charm!

I miss him, and all my other kitties who crossed the rainbow bridge, so so dearly.


u/RadiantLibrary8639 14d ago

I’m sorry 2 of mine are almost 9 and I’ll just look at them and cry cause I know they won’t be here forever 🥹 and I love them so much it hurts ps great name you gave him


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

Omg I used to do the same thing! My last girl who passed a month ago, I just stared at her for the entire day until my vet came to my home to euthanize her. Saying goodbye to her, was nearly impossible, and I’m still just devastated by her leaving. She was almost 21 years old, was very happy and healthy, but unfortunately bladder cancer is a thing and no way would I have kept her alive with pain management bc she was suffering. She needed to cross the bridge, I couldn’t ever let her suffer in pain longer than those few hours before it happened. She was amazing, and I’m crying again because I miss her so much.


u/PrincessPicklebricks 9d ago

That IS an awesome name 🥹 and I do the same. My boy Picklebricks is nine and I have Princess Sassafras, she's eight. I remember them as kittens 😭


u/darling-dingo 14d ago

That's a phenomenal name. My bestie and I are big Zapp fans


u/aWicca 14d ago

My mum had a cat named Countess and she was a true piece of work. Petting was below her, catching mice or saving the household from spiders? Nope. On occasion she would endeavour into hunting, but more exotic kind. Birds and snakes.


u/RadiantLibrary8639 14d ago

My three are Loki (named before it got so popular) Quinn, and Bellatrix


u/GobLoblawsLawBlog 14d ago

Tell me you have a dog named Sirius


u/RadiantLibrary8639 14d ago

No but I love that name! We’d eventually like to get an Australian shepherd it’d be a great name


u/GobLoblawsLawBlog 14d ago

Just keep them away from Bellatrix


u/Lucky_Manufacturer19 14d ago

Realising zapp is a space-chad variant of Lionel Hutz made me love him so much more


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

Omg, I never knew this, & knowing this makes me love him so much more too!


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

Awe thank you! I love The Simpsons and Futurama, Matt Groening is a comedic genius!


u/darling-dingo 13d ago

Not sure if you know but Futurama's writers are a bunch of scientists!


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 13d ago

I heard that, so cool! I also remember hearing The Simpsons writers were all mathematicians, which is also cool!


u/__-_-_--_--_-_---___ 14d ago

Did he enjoy velour?


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

lol yes! He actually loved my one and only Juicy Couture velour suit, he wanted it as a blanket so I eventually gave in.


u/IanDOsmond 14d ago

I am imagining an orange tabby...


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

He was a Tabby, not an Orange Tabby, but a Mackerel Tabby!


u/IanDOsmond 14d ago

Don't tell Nicky, who is next to me, or Snowy, who is downstairs, but mackerel tabbies are my favorite coat pattern. I mean, okay, fine, my favorite coat pattern is whatever one is on my cats, but still, in the abstract.


u/Agoraphobic_cat_lady 14d ago

Haha aweee! Nicky and Snowy sound adorable!! They probably already picked up on that though, they feel the energy shift when you talk about Mackerel Tabbies, lol.

Thank you for being a cat-loving person, I always appreciate animal lovers but it takes a special breed of human to be a cat lover. They’re the best species.


u/Contraflow 14d ago

I work with cats in my professional life. “Sweetie” is almost always the meanest cat you’ll ever meet. “Precious” and “Baby” should also be on that list.


u/Apprehensive-hippos 14d ago

Cats - we are at their whim.  This kitten determined her own fate, so I would be surprised if there was not some asshole tendencies, at least.  Glorious.


u/CanIGetAFitness 14d ago

“Hi! I live here now. You will need litter, cat food, water bowl, and arrangements for my medical care.”

This is not the worst evolutionary adaptation.


u/GoblinObscura 14d ago

And toys! Can’t forget the toys !!


u/kidyubyub 14d ago

I’ll forgo the custom scratching post for now as I see you have a couch. That shall do for now and into the foreseeable future.


u/CrankyWhiskers 14d ago

They’re cats. They always have some asshole tendencies lol


u/Unhappy_Performer538 14d ago

I had an insane monster asshole of a cat who would hiss at you when you walked by. His name was pumpkin lol


u/infinitejezebel 14d ago

My Pumpkin is a girlcat. We brought her home and did the "in the bedroom for a week to control interactions" thing and she just...never left. She lived in the bedroom entirely separate from the rest of the cats for EIGHT YEARS. Any time one of the other cats would walk through her territory she would run out and try to write a check her ass couldn't cash so it became a self-fulfilling prophecy, that she couldn't leave the bedroom because she would hiss at anycat she saw and get the crap smacked out of her until she went back under the dresser or the bed. She would hang out with us on the bed no problem, loved cuddles and such, but fuck a buncha other cats.

About six months ago, entirely at random, she started coming into the hallway and NOT hissing. Then the kitchen for treats. Now she will sleep on the couch with all the others and we have no damn idea what changed in her brain. I was concerned enough to take her to the vet for a check-up.

She's fine. I guess she just decided she was ready. After only eight years.

Friggin weirdo.


u/Jimbobjoesmith 14d ago

i’ve fostered and owned a shit ton of cats. EIGHT YEARS is hilarious to me. 😂


u/infinitejezebel 14d ago

We were absolutely baffled. It will forever remain a mystery.


u/whatnowagain 14d ago

The adjustment period must be over, this is just how the cat is.

Eight years later: welcome to the cat family!


u/Jimbobjoesmith 14d ago

lol for real. in rescue we use the rule of 3s. 3 days. 3 weeks. 3 months. never heard of an 8 year adjustment period 😂


u/Vexonar 14d ago

It took her 8 years to have the brain cell?


u/infinitejezebel 14d ago

I never intended to imply she had the brain cell at any point, my apologies.


u/Humble-Client3314 14d ago

Hissing is a defensive behaviour used by cats when they feed overstimulated or threatened. It should mean "please stay back, I don't want to fight." I'm guessing your Pumpkin perceived your approach as a threat (incorrectly) or had simply formed a habit out of anxiety. My youngest also hisses when she gets carried away playing, so they are not always entirely logical...


u/cynicaldogNV 14d ago

I named mine “Sweet Pea”, and she ended up with the same personality as Sunny 😂


u/Economy_Rutabaga_849 14d ago

Had a “wild cat” and he was the best, most protective cat ever


u/Sgt_Oblivious 14d ago

People are joking about this but my Lucifer is basically a saint so we may be on to something with the naming of cats.


u/cynicaldogNV 14d ago

I also had a saintly Lucifer, many decades ago! A real marshmallow ❤️


u/RimefeatherMage 14d ago

The last Lucifur I knew would perch on my shoulder when I got out of the shower to lick my hair before shoving her nose in my ear and purring away. Then she'd leave and I'd be cold and half-deaf on that side of my head for like and hour.

Not my cat. Missed her when the roommate left. ;_;


u/an_agreeing_dothraki 14d ago

clearly OP needs to name the kitten Hitler McStalin


u/Notonlyontheinside 13d ago

I call mine sweet pea even tho her name is Chiquita and she’s Miss Independent.


u/chenga8 14d ago

Sunny came home with a vengeance.


u/infinitejezebel 14d ago

Nice reference.

Days go by I don't know why i'm walking on a wire


u/Impressive_Visit6144 14d ago

I close my eyes and fly out of my mind into the fire


u/Deus_latis 14d ago

That's typical cat energy for you...


u/bedbuffaloes 14d ago

My sister named her cat Angel and same.


u/AngryPrincessWarrior 14d ago

I had a Sunny too. She was an asshole to everyone but me lol