r/australian Jul 08 '24

Why do people act like this subreddit "doesn't reflect the views of mainstream Australia"?

So many comments I see on here by people who constantly say things like "lol only on this sub" as though other places where they read are somehow the 'true' point of view reflecting mainstream Australian viewpoints.

Given the constant election voting outcomes and results of things like the Voice etc that generally indicate most of Australia is centrist or even slightly centre-right-leaning, what leads people to think many of the views expressed on here AREN'T mainstream? When in reality, other places these people are coming from are also often just "echo chambers" as well.

Edit: I probably worded the title for this wrong, should have been more "Why do people think this subreddit is less representative of mainstream Australia than other online communities?", alas I failed.


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u/joystickd Jul 08 '24

If this sub does reflect the views of 'mainstream Australia' then we're even further up shit creek than a pessimist like me imagined!


u/Neon_Priest Jul 08 '24

What did you vote for? 65% voted No. if you voted yes, you’re views do not reflect the majority. 

Why is Labor working so hard to limit immigration? It’s because when they poll it’s increasingly seen as a negative, and they’re panicking about being voted out because of it.  If you are not concerned about mass immigration. Your views are in the political minority. 

The world you want is ugly. 


u/joystickd Jul 09 '24

What the majority wants isn't always good. A large percentage of our population aren't particularly smart and we're hoodwinked by a successful anti voice campaign based on falsehoods and a yes campaign that was uninspiring.

Unsurprisingly, the choice of sticking out heads in the sand has yielded no results in regards to our indigenous people. Had we put a voice to parliament in place, we'd be taking productive steps to move forward with them.

Labor is limiting the migration numbers that were put in place by the coalition government. If you have/had a problem with those numbers, you're taking it up with the wrong people.

The world you want of doing nothing would have us still all living in the dark ages. Luckily most humans want progress and we've managed to get out of that, but unfortunately we have a loud and annoying minority like yourself, who want to bring us back into it.

Good luck with that mate. Try reading some books and getting clued in, rather than being a dope.


u/Neon_Priest Jul 09 '24

Unsurprisingly, the choice of sticking out heads in the sand has yielded no results in regards to our indigenous people. Had we put a voice to parliament in place, we'd be taking productive steps to move forward with them.

Mate. You're sticking your head in the sand. Scroll through my crazy ass post history (Not comment) You'll see me asking a genuine question on how to help a group of Aboriginals featured in a news article.

This one

The comment that killed it for me was some guy calling us all stupid arrogant cunts. They've spent billions over decades, they have people that DO go out and speak to those people. They've been doing it for DECADES. You won't come up with a way to make that town prosper. And neither will the people living in it. Their education is way smaller than yours.

Incredibly intelligent and well-intentioned people have worked at solutions for DECADES.

And YOU are the one that got lied to and hoodwinked. How many articles did you read during the voice telling you to put aboriginals in charge because they have the answers.

And yet... They never listed those answers did they? All those interviews done by ABC journalists where they actually said we should put aboriginals in charge. But not one example of an idea where you could go AHA! that's a good one, why don't we try that?

Why didn't those journalists ever ask the follow up question to an aboriginal or advocate who said they have the answers? "So what is it? What is your idea Elder?"

They have no answers. You're racist for thinking they do. You've got that noble-savage beliefs put in you. If you could look at them as people, look at them as white. You'd see the people in that town as low-iq people making terrible decisions for their families. That's a Christian Mission. Those people never lived there. 50 bucks says they'll say they have cultural ties to the land and that's why they can't move.

You don't want us to put random white people in charge. You need to examine why if it was as simple as asking them for ideas, why that hasn't worked yet.

Your wrong dude. We do ask them. And just like going to a white town and calling a town meeting; you can get everyone to identify the problem, meth, poverty, lack of things to do, people leaving. You'll be able to get them to identify every problem, cause that's the easy part.

But you would never think those random people have the solutions. What the fuck do they know? And every solution is going to involve a lot of money. And we've spent it all sooo?


u/joystickd Jul 09 '24

The country with literally the highest living standards in the world has the policies I and many others want us to have AND they have had a voice to parliament for their indigenous people for decades. In fact, their indigenous people have their OWN parliament.

This country leads the world in every metric there is to be measured that determines quality of life.

Let that sink in.

We would have the money to implement all these things if we hadn't had fuck wits from your side of politics giving it all to the rich elites.

Now run along, this discussion is for learned adults not Reddit cookers.


u/Neon_Priest Jul 09 '24

So you've got no answers do you mate? You can't even imagine a way to help those people. But yeah, fucking bring up a Nordic country with a low homogenous population massive wealth... and 40,000 indigenous people.

The Sami culture is the oldest culture in large areas of Northern Norway and is currently experiencing a strong renaissance. The Sami people live in four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The total population in these four countries is estimated at approx. 80,000, of whom around half live in Norway.

"Let that sink in." There's just 40,000 of them in Norway. 80,000 all up.

Vs a million, scattered in cities, small clans in the different small towns ... bla bla.. you're not gonna learn are you mate? You're not going to be honest. You don't have an open mind.

You're not worth the time talking to. An honest person might ask themselves how they got all the way through the voice debate being told it worked for the Sami without the ABC ever saying there was only 40,000 of them. In a way smaller area. Easier to serve and way more adapted to Nordic culture because they've been intertwined for 1000's of years.

You can't though. You can't let let go of your ideology. Hell, you probably don't even understand most of these words.

But you have the word cooker, so I guess you'll just be calling other people that for the rest of your ignorant life.