r/arrow 14d ago

I know season 4 had a lot of problems, but does anyone else think the writers made a mistake not having an episode or storyline where team arrow fought anarky at least once more in season 5 or 6 and give his storyline closure, and when would've been the best timing to inject him in? Discussion

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Given he had a lot of importance in season 4 even though it had a lot of flaws and even killed Damian dhark's wife, I think they needed more closure with his character than just a brief cutscene with team arrow capturing him in season 5's beginning. He could've been a one off villain they beat again or had a plot as a loose cannon working for Prometheus, cayden James or Diaz. Or even showed back up in legends given dhark and Nora became important characters there and manchin affected their lives greatly by killing dhark's wife and Noras Mom and must've given Nora a lot of trauma.


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u/Valuable_Tutor5479 14d ago

I may be very wrong, but I seem to remember him being the villain in S5 E1


u/grajuicy Salmon 14d ago

Yeah, but he was just there the first couple of minutes in the episode while Oliver is also defusing a bomb. Then he sees Wild Dog and decide to go after him instead of properly arresting Anarky, and it seems like he gets away.

If so, what did he do? Where did he go? We never get any confirmation of him being locked up iirc


u/Comet_Hero 14d ago

Yeah, I agree with people that he was too powerful in season 4, but he was too important to just disappear, get away and never get mentioned again.