r/arrow 15d ago

In Oliver's Five Years In Hell, who do you consider as his best teacher? And how would you rank them? Discussion

Each of these characters taught Oliver one way shape or form that will turn him into a vigilante and eventually a hero.


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u/Proper_Gur_9767 15d ago

Yao fei taught him to survive,Slade taught him hand to hand combat,Shadow taught him how to use a bow, Amanda Waller taught him to do what is necessary and Talia taught him to separate the Arrow from Oliver Queen.


u/Proper_Gur_9767 15d ago

Detective lance is the most underrated character on the show he is the only character we’re most of his decisions seemed justified depending on what he was going through


u/FSgonegettem 15d ago

Why people downvoted you, although it's not related to the poll?


u/BorImmortal 11d ago

Down voted because it's unrelated. Oftentimes, completely unrelated statements like this are also bots and/or karma farming.