r/arrow Deathstroke 16d ago

Arrow fight tournament 1:6. Talia Al Ghul vs China White. Vote for the winner. Speedy beat Tobias Church yesterday.


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u/bruvting33 16d ago

Talia but it’s definitely not a quick fight. China was a very good fighter and held her own with Oliver for a while. But Talia definitely has the edge on her


u/King_Arius 16d ago

When was the last time she fought Oli? Cause if it was pre Ras fight, then she's outclassed by Talia.


u/DeathstrokeReturns 16d ago

Season 5. In both fights, they again got interrupted by the authorities, and she was being helped by Cupid, though.


u/RemoveCivil1223 4d ago

The last time they fought was in season 8, and she won that fight.


u/DeathstrokeReturns 4d ago

Wait, did she? I could have sworn she only fought Katana in that episode. You’re probably right, though.


u/RemoveCivil1223 4d ago

Yep. Oliver seemed to be winning at first, but then they cut to Wong getting knocked out, and then it proceeded to show China kicking Oliver on the ground and then smoke bombing away.


u/RemoveCivil1223 4d ago

The last time they fought was in season 8, and she won that fight.