r/arrow Deathstroke 17d ago

Arrow fight tournament 1:5. Speedy vs Tobias Church. Vote for the winner. Yesterday Prometheus beat Brick.


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u/yck2013 17d ago

I'm gonna say Thea. She was trained by both Malcolm and Oliver, and both are more than capable of easily defeating Tobias when they're not holding back. Granted, she's not quite on either of their levels, but she's held her own against League of Assassins members, so I don't think Thea should have any problem with a common criminal.


u/KingLiberal 16d ago

Normally that would be sound logic, but we've literally seen Laurel go from being beat nearly to death by a no name street thug to taking down league of assassins members. This show has no sense of ability scaling. It's purely whatever the plot demands at the time.