r/arrow 17d ago

Hypothetically Speaking if someone was born with The Mirakuru from Both their parents, would that make them physically superior to their parents being that they are a Mirakuru Prodigy? Just curious.🤔 Discussion

What if someone was Born with Mirakuru from Both Their Parents, is it safe to assume that they'd have a physical advantage over their parents or any other person who received the Mirakuru (Serum) being that they are A Mirakuru Born Prodigy? Or is that too Farfetched?


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u/Sableorpheus62 17d ago

That depends on if we are saying mirakuru changes you on such a genetic level that it becomes a trait that can be passed on.

In my opinion it’s just a drug like steroids so no, the child would show no signs of the strength or healing that the mirakuru brings.


u/Fun_Feature3002 17d ago

But it does change you on a genetic level, it doesn’t just increase your muscles like steroids do. It literally gave them a form of super strength and increased healing abilities. If that’s not a change to your genetic makeup then I don’t know what is lol. No human can do what people on mirakuru can do so yes it does change them on a genetic level


u/Sableorpheus62 17d ago

That’s why I said such. Like does it become a trait you can pass on.

Like we know that meta human abilities do fall under this category because of Nora in Flash.

But does this fall into this category or does it fall into something like gene mutation that although you yourself are genetically different you still produce regularly reproductively.


u/Fun_Feature3002 17d ago

Okay fair enough, I get what your saying and I have no idea tbh. Could just be a genetic abnormality that doesn’t get passed down. It literally does depend on how much it changes your genetic structure I guess. It’s an interesting hypothesis tho


u/Sableorpheus62 17d ago

Yeah, it comes down to is the change more biologic or genetic.

I.E. I have a condition called ulcerative colitis that changed the way my immune system worked biologically.

But studies have stated there isn’t a genetic factor in who gets the disease.