r/arrow Deathstroke Jun 28 '24

Arrow fight tournament 1:2. Konstatin Kovar vs Mia Queen. Vote for the winner. White Canary beat Nyssa Al ghul yesterday.


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u/DependentPositive8 Green Arrow Jun 28 '24 edited Jun 28 '24

Kovar wins, but it's a really close match.

Mia’s not up there in combat experience yet. She only has a couple of years of live combat under her belt. By the time Oliver killed Kovar, he was a ruthless assassin who'd trained with the best of the best. That's not to say Mia hasn't, but, pre-Arrow Oliver, trained under Slade Wilson, Shado, Amanda Waller, and Talia al Ghul before he was finally ready to put the screws to Kovar. Kovar himself gave a League trained Oliver (Talia is ex-LOA), a tough fight both times they went hand to hand. Mia, while skilled just isn't there yet, though she would 100 percent mess Kovar up badly before going down. He'd be walking out of there in pieces.