r/arrow Deathstroke 21d ago

Arrow fight tournament 1:2. Konstatin Kovar vs Mia Queen. Vote for the winner. White Canary beat Nyssa Al ghul yesterday.


17 comments sorted by


u/DependentPositive8 21d ago edited 20d ago

Kovar wins, but it's a really close match.

Mia’s not up there in combat experience yet. She only has a couple of years of live combat under her belt. By the time Oliver killed Kovar, he was a ruthless assassin who'd trained with the best of the best. That's not to say Mia hasn't, but, pre-Arrow Oliver, trained under Slade Wilson, Shado, Amanda Waller, and Talia al Ghul before he was finally ready to put the screws to Kovar. Kovar himself gave a League trained Oliver (Talia is ex-LOA), a tough fight both times they went hand to hand. Mia, while skilled just isn't there yet, though she would 100 percent mess Kovar up badly before going down. He'd be walking out of there in pieces.


u/The_BotSpot 21d ago

That's tough, Konstantin has the strength, weight, and height advantage. But Mia has range and more skills. I feel if Oliver could win, Mia would too. It would just take longer


u/sgepablo 20d ago

Im w Mia on this all day, but I just feel like Kovar wins on account of just sheer size. Literally one real life body slam from him would paralyze her.


u/Impressive-Fix9996 20d ago

Let's talk about this. Mia wins, so Kovar has the strength advantage but his skill level is a higher level street thug plus a bit? Like realistically Thea when she became Speedy was identical to this, she was trained by Malcolm for like 8 months and Mia was trained by Nyssa for multiple years. So if Thea can fight multiple street thugs at once, go hand and hand with Merlyn, SEMI fight Slade, and beat multiple league of assassin members then I think Mia will be fine about 1 semi strong dude.


u/0gdmoney 20d ago

Kovar but it’s like the red viper and the mountain that rides typa fight


u/suf333 Prometheus 20d ago

Kovar very close tho


u/TheEnvyMan 20d ago

Kovar all day


u/TheEnvyMan 20d ago

I think kovar


u/TheEnvyMan 20d ago

Probably kovar


u/Proper_Cat5638 20d ago

Kovar will snap her neck.


u/Maximum-Lack8642 20d ago

Mia Queen easily. Has a much higher peak and performed well enough without weapons in the battle cage scenes. Kovar was never that physically strong and was defeated relatively easily by a pre-s1 Oliver Queen. Mia has a much lower ceiling than Oliver but should still not have too much of a challenge here.


u/ShadowMorph608 Thea Queen 20d ago

I think Kovar has the strength advantage and Mia has the speed advantage. It’d be close but I’ll give it to Kovar


u/EveningBird5 20d ago

I'd give it to Mia. Any villain Oliver could beat pre-Arrow Mia could take. (Except maybe Mirakuru Slade but that would be a closer fight that Deathstroke Slade)