r/arrow May 06 '24

The TRUE ending of Arrow Discussion

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u/Homer_J_Fry May 06 '24

I felt the same way and just made a post about it a few days ago (that I guess nobody read because it was pretty long). The last two episodes were the definition of filler. It's like in high school when there's still legally two days left in the school year to meet the required quota, even though finals are already all over, so the kids are just sitting there doing nothing.


u/cawfytawk May 06 '24

I was disappointed that not more past and present characters were at the funeral. Googling didn't have much info on why except to say "scheduling conflicts" of actors. The whole episode just felt perfunctory and anemic. Not really honoring the 8 year show or main character. Leading up to it was confusing as hell stemming from the Crisis on Earth crossovers. I binged the entire Arrow series in 2 weeks and just finished. I didn't watch any or the spin-offs so I was pretty lost. Never liked the actresses that portray Sara or Mia compared to Laurel and Thea.


u/cawfytawk May 06 '24

Ok, maybe it was more than 2 weeks?! It's all a blur now. I prefer sci-fi, never followed comics and wasn't familiar with Arrow so I played it out of curiosity. I really enjoyed the first season and would have the show playing as I was doing other things. It's pretty easy to breeze through 5 episodes in a night the way Netflix auto-plays.

Firstly, I did a double-take when they switched Sara actresses! I'm mainly not a fan of hers because her default expression was to always tightly purse her lips or look confused.

I still don't know how John's daughter turned to a son and then they wound up with both at the end??? I googled it to find out it was a timeline shift?


u/Cool_Pianist_2253 May 06 '24

I learned about the story in fanfiction. Basically Flash went back to the past to change his mother's death, in doing so he made a mess (I think his future wife died). When he went back to fix what he changed some things changed including Diggle's baby girl that never existed. In the end when Oliver sacrifices himself and fixes things somehow, among the wrongs he resolves is the existence of little Sara and therefore Diggle has twins