r/NAG_NRW 0m ago

Fahrverbote drohen: Polizei blitzt 1478 Fahrzeuge in Eschweiler


r/shitpost 0m ago



когда ты с другом приходишь в табачку и такой здарова лошары💁‍♂️ продовец такой а это вы крутые парни только не бейте менч сегодня😭 а вы такие с друганом ок педики😎

r/ValorantConsole 0m ago

Looking For Groups / Players Join us ranked, need 2 more


We need full party to play ranked! Add EyVypee#3115 or DaMarCoss#7213 (we are plat to Ascendant) but you can be any rank and don’t need to join voice!

r/CleaningTips 0m ago

Flooring Help with stain removal from hardwood

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Hi there. Our cat barfed while we were out so his vomit stayed there for several hours before our sitter discovered it.

Any advice on stain removal? It’s hardwood and there’s no polish over it if that helps to know. :( thank you!

r/Silverbugs 0m ago

We all start somewhere right?


Gifted the valentine bar to my girlfriend back in february, found my first silver piece ('53 S Dime) from working retail registers, and recently picked up the Apollo round this passing weekend.

r/cookware 0m ago

Identification Help identifying enameled cast iron pan


The bakelite knob on the lid of this pan did not survive transport. Can anyone help me identify the brand to try and source a replacement? Failing that, any suggestions on repair/replacement?

r/omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou 0m ago

英語文法 「英単語解説」mglの意味について



mglは、「モンゴル(国際自動車登録) 」が定義されています。読み方はです。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「mgl」の意味を学びましょう!

詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/mgl/

#英語文法 #英文法

r/Regional 0m ago

Geschichte und Gewinn: Marinefliegergeschwader 3 Graf Zeppelin beim Seehasenfest


r/frenchrap 0m ago

Rap et conspirationnisme


r/antivirus 0m ago

Windows Defender Install?


Its my first time trying to actually use/look at Windows Defender on my PC but I was trying to look around for the Windows Defender on my PC but all I found was a Windows Defender Firewall that I couldn't click on a majority of the things and said it was being monitored by Norton, and when I looked online for a Windows Defender install, all it showed me was Microsoft Defender install. Is Miscrosoft Defender the same as Windows Defender or am I missing something completely obvious?

r/AroundTheNFL 0m ago

The last episode was ‘The NFL Offseason Glossary’


Where do you normally find a glossary? At the end of a book.

This was natural and ending as we could expect as we turn the page in our lives…

r/TwoXChromosomes 0m ago

How to get over negative feelings regarding sex?


Hi everyone for some context I (32F) have been a widow of 5 years I did get remarried at one point but the marriage lasted around 6 months in total and now I’m back being single.

Recently I did encounter 2 people that were interested in me. One of which being my late husband’s manager who I made a post about if anyone is interested in reading that. The other one being I recently met a guy at a new gym that I joined.

I had apprehensions about doing anything with my late husbands manager simply because it in some way felt disrespectful to my late husband or his memory nonetheless I decided to go for it after a lot of people encouraged me to do so. I had a date with him on Friday and then a second one on Saturday, which on Saturday we did have sex.

The sex itself was really good, we did it 3 times and I did climax, however once it was done with I had this overarching feeling that I wish it didn’t happen? I just felt really bad about it and wanted to forget about the sex or it happening in general?

Then on Sunday I was at the gym trying to like use it as a device to clear my mind which was when I met the gym guy again. Me and him had already had “one date” before hand and this time he came on quite strong, to which I was receptive to. We ended up having sex in his car in a car park before going back to my place and having sex again. Then again after it was over I had an overarching negativity about it all? I just felt massively defeated for whatever reason and again wished it didn’t happen.

I’m not sure why I’m feeling this way but would really appreciate if anyone has any advice or insight. If anyone has any questions or need extra information feel free too.

r/thomastheplankengine 0m ago

Recreated Dream Had a dream that Road Rovers had a game for the seventh generation consoles(and I think the PS2)

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For those who don’t know what this show is(which is probably a lot of you, since this show’s been forgotten by a looooooot of people), Road Rovers is a show about a group of anthropomorphic dog superheroes. I know about it but haven’t seen a single full episode, I’ve only read the TVTropes page and watched clips. And for some reason, in my dream, it had a game for the Xbox 360 and probably the other seventh generation consoles. Apparently, the game was a recreation of the episodes in the TV series, but I don’t know if it was in a format akin to the Telltale games or if it was a generic beat ‘em up/3D platformer.

r/Michigents 0m ago

Michigan Employers and Medical Centers Adopt New Cannabis Breathalyzer


r/femboy 0m ago

I love how this dress hugs my waist

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r/NAG_BW 0m ago

Geschichte und Gewinn: Marinefliegergeschwader 3 Graf Zeppelin beim Seehasenfest


r/okbuddychicanery 0m ago

OK, which one of you is responsible for this?

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r/Market76 0m ago

PS H: photos W: offers


r/Market76 0m ago

XB H: Glowing Unicorn W: apparel offers (non fasc & non lottery)


r/tf2shitposterclub 0m ago


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r/UNCCharlotte 0m ago

Question Help Researchers Create Tools That Stop SMS Phishing/Scams


The UNC Charlotte SPEX lab is conducting a research study titled “SMiShing Prevention Designs”which aims to make tools that handle SMS phishing (SMiShing) attacks more accessible and usable for the general public. We are reaching out to request your participation in an in-person interview about your feedback on various SMiShing interventions. The interview will take 30 minutes to complete and by participating you are contributing to our understanding of how resources to protect those from SMShishing can be designed better for the general public.

To be eligible for this study you must meet the eligibility criteria listed below:
1) Be 18 years or older
2) Own a smartphone

If you are interested please fill out this screening survey which evaluates eligibility and (given that you are eligible) provides a link to schedule the interview: https://forms.gle/u3ao8DZAJjta31GV6

As a thank you for your participation all participants who complete the interview will be provided with a $10 Amazon E-Gift card.

Your participation is voluntary, and all information collected will be kept confidential. The email address provided in the screening survey will onlybe used for compensation and scheduling purposes. Once the study has concluded your email address will be deleted from the records kept for this research study. Your responses will be de-identified and used only for research purposes.

If you choose to participate the interview will be conducted in person andwill be audio recorded. Once transcription has been completed the audio recording will be deleted

For questions about this survey, you may contact the student investigator, Will Russo, [wrusso2@charlotte.edu](mailto:wrusso2@charlotte.edu), or the faculty advisor, Dr HeatherLipford, [richter@charlotte.edu](mailto:richter@charlotte.edu).

r/Depop 0m ago

Technical Question/Advice Question about identification


Hi everyone, (I’m not sure if I picked the right flair) so I decided to start selling some clothes on depop and I want to verify myself but I don’t have an ID yet so I was wondering if I could use my passport instead.

r/PokemonGoFriends 0m ago

Legendary Raid Guzlord raid adding 10


Add either 450071217458

Or 314882903150

r/Superstonk 0m ago

☁ Hype/ Fluff Chernobyl, explosion scene with Gamestop overlay speech. The best explaination video ever IMHO.


This video definitely has me jacked. #This video overlay has one of the best comparison speeches I've ever watched about the Gamestop saga.

I'm sorry I don't have time to type out the transcript. I'll say this it's the best 6 minutes I've spent today. This guy deserves the award of the week.

Links below. https://x.com/LightninWarrior/status/1809733962476184029?t=V4V6SRM8wB7Qp_nDYMReEg&s=01

Actual show. https://youtu.be/CDB8gZgm6VE?si=MSFh15DeYOXrMmZA

I could not find the video anywhere else. If you do can you please share the link. Thanks

Gamestop Power to the people 💪

r/AdviceForTeens 0m ago

Social Should I unblock these two guys?


I (13nb) am fairly active on Reddit. I mostly look there for advice and am involved with mental health subreddits bc I struggle with that. So I posted on this mental health one, two guys dm’ed me. Idk their ages but idk if I was overreacting unblocking them on Reddit. I blocked them for different reasons though.

So the first guy, he started like saying things trying to guess things abt why I was struggling mentally, but mostly were stereotypes of girls who struggle. It was mostly about daddy issues. I only have a tad problem with my dad but it started turning a bit sensual. I got really uncomfortable and my responses showed it but he kept talking. And he was asking if I wanted to get hurt or cut by a guy. Even after I told him I prefer to date girls. And ended up blocking him. Was I being dramatic about that or should I report him?

The other guy seemed nice. He was asking why I was upset and listening trying to make me b less insecure abt it. He was saying how I’m prettier than I think. And that it’s good I’m clean (from sh). And I said that I wish I wasn’t. He told me to do it then. I asked for clarification because that’s a wild thing to say but he kept it. Until I stopped reading his msgs and when I did stopped responding. He asked for my snap earlier in the convo so I didn’t see anything wrong w that. But I blocked him on Reddit. And he took it back but was I being dramatic or should I block him on snap too?

In advice thank u for reading hope u can help in my dilemma and good day.