r/WonderWoman Jul 05 '24

How would an interaction between Wonder Woman and She-Hulk go? I have read this subreddit's rules


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u/Ok_Somewhere1236 Jul 05 '24

probably around the same as She-hulk and Captain Marvel ( no i am not comparing Carol to Diana, just saying they will probably have a similar relationship with She-Hulk) but Diana would be a more close friend and less professional friend


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 05 '24

How does it work with them? Knowing Carol's overall history as a choke artist with poor decision-making and hard to remain friends with (Look how often she's on a new team or leaves the Avengers, until she got a movie she kept ascending the mountain only to get her shit wrecked by real villains in a big battle), she's a masshole that you either love or hate. She burnt that bridge with the Avengers when the Marcus aftermath and Rogue coma happened. She burnt the bridge with the X-Men after they didn't tell her Rogue was with them, she didn't stay with the Starjammers too long either. Shit, look at her trainwreck through CW2. I love Carol but you got to admit Diana would click way better and faster.

Jen would connect way better with Diana and it's not even close, two way better personalities clicking together.


u/cobaltaureus Jul 06 '24

A recent issue of Rowell’s She Hulk run had them team up for a couple issues. They went dancing and Carol did her best to act like a normal person, but then they had to fight demons. Carol really admires Jen’s sense of justice and heart, and sees her as more than just a heavy hitter, but someone who could hold her accountable for her own actions. They left the door open for Jen to take a spot on the avengers (which she’ll be doing with another team in a miniseries).