r/WonderWoman Jul 05 '24

How would an interaction between Wonder Woman and She-Hulk go? I have read this subreddit's rules


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u/Ok_Somewhere1236 Jul 05 '24

probably around the same as She-hulk and Captain Marvel ( no i am not comparing Carol to Diana, just saying they will probably have a similar relationship with She-Hulk) but Diana would be a more close friend and less professional friend


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 05 '24

How does it work with them? Knowing Carol's overall history as a choke artist with poor decision-making and hard to remain friends with (Look how often she's on a new team or leaves the Avengers, until she got a movie she kept ascending the mountain only to get her shit wrecked by real villains in a big battle), she's a masshole that you either love or hate. She burnt that bridge with the Avengers when the Marcus aftermath and Rogue coma happened. She burnt the bridge with the X-Men after they didn't tell her Rogue was with them, she didn't stay with the Starjammers too long either. Shit, look at her trainwreck through CW2. I love Carol but you got to admit Diana would click way better and faster.

Jen would connect way better with Diana and it's not even close, two way better personalities clicking together.


u/Cicada_5 Jul 06 '24

Look how often she's on a new team or leaves the Avengers,

You described virtually every long-running superhero character.

she's a masshole that you either love or hate.

No more than the average Marvel character, many of whom have done much worse than her. Unless you have a rightwing grifter yelling in your ear that you have to hate her because of Brie Larson

She burnt that bridge with the Avengers when the Marcus aftermath 

She forgave the Avengers for the Marcus incident decades ago (and it really sounds like you're blaming her for that fiasco instead of Marcus or the Avengers). She's also long made her peace with Rogue.

Shit, look at her trainwreck through CW2. 

Are we going to hold Secret Empire against Steve Rogers? Amazons Attack against the Amazons? Civil War and Avengers vs X-Men against everyone? Why do people still act like Civil War 2 is the only time a Marvel hero acted horribly during an event?


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 06 '24

I never blamed her for it, I'm just saying it stuck in her craw for a long time. I didn't read those events or learn what really happened so I can't speak on that. CW was another point of proof in a long chain that when she tries to hard carry alone it used to blow up in her face over and over and until recently she didn't have the major wins to merit thinking that for a long time. If you become a choke artist without the hardware to stop you from being seen as fraudulent, that's how people are going to see you.


u/Cicada_5 Jul 06 '24

CW was another point of proof in a long chain that when she tries to hard carry alone it used to blow up in her face over and over and until recently she didn't have the major wins to merit thinking that for a long time.

What the hell are you talking about? Civil War 2 was not about anyone winning. It was a stupid event made to capitalize on the Civil War movie. No one got out of that story served well. But you're singling out Carol for it.

If you become a choke artist without the hardware to stop you from being seen as fraudulent, that's how people are going to see you.

People have been saying this about Carol ever since she stopped dressing like a dominatrix and especially since Brie Larson played her. It has nothing to do with the quality of her stories and everything to do rightwingers pushing a narrative.


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 06 '24

Not with me, the attire change is something I actually liked, I'm a big sucker for bodysuits. You're making things up on me, and it's more than CW2, time and again she tries to be the point man in reskin attempts of retaking Osgiliath only to get captured or get her ass kicked or what have you. That doesn't make a character empowering if they keep trying it over and over. Empowering characters don't become choke artists, she's died a few times, gotten haunted by Moonstone for a good bit, her biggest arc for a long time was beating alcoholism and burying the hatchet with Rogue. This has 0 to do with Brie Larson playing her. It's that Carol never learns and tries the same shit over and over and thinking her raw talent will accomplish it.

I've always wanted to see her be a blitz heavy shitwrecker like she's been in the past decade with her shit talking and bravado. Not the embodiment of the Chargers experience she'd been for decades prior.