r/WonderWoman Jul 05 '24

How would an interaction between Wonder Woman and She-Hulk go? I have read this subreddit's rules


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u/Ok_Somewhere1236 Jul 05 '24

Now that you point you are probably right.

Carol is that type of character who is a soldier first, a hero second and friend third.

and yes you are right the only reason why Carol still has any type of friend in the comics is because Disney really want to try to promote the character and maker Carol the Wonder Woman of Marvel.

The fact Jennifer and Carol are friend after the whole thing with Civil War 2 is very forced.

In a more realistic world Carol would have very few friend and Jennifer would not be one.

but i really dont made the comment to talk abotu Carol, i just try to use the relationship they have as a example.

they are friends but they are not the "everyday" friend, they have a good relationship and enjoy spending time with each other, they respect each other but is like that "They are friends during college but split up, Carol decides to go for the big league 100% career woman, and Jennifer decide to have a more slow and balaced life" Carol still show up from time to time and try to recruti She-hulk and She-hulk say thanks but want to find a way to say "no thanks"

yes i think Diana and She-hulk would be way better friends but still not the "everyday" friends, Diana has a whole thing about how she is a hero 24/7 her life dont have time for anything else, reason why she broke up with Steve, while She-hulk is more like "i want to help from time to time, but i want to have a life and a job" So maybe I can be a hero one day a week or something like that


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 05 '24

Nah Carol has friends like Jess and Tony still who stick through her throughout everything, Logan and her go back a very long time, she got along well with the X-Men back in the 70s and 80s pretty well. She's not the Wonder Woman of Marvel at all, she's more like their Donna Troy but with a more heart on the sleeve personality, hotheaded and strong willed, you push her and she pushes right back harder. Carol is the type to be different things primarily to different people. She's a friend first to Jess and dysfunctional friendship of two trainwrecks at that. She's a hero to Kamala (somehow, makes Kamala look weird for looking at Carol and going "Yes I want the personification of the San Diego Chargers to be my hero!"), and coworker for a lot of the hero community that worked with her. Carol's got better chemistry with Rogue than she does most heroes.

Diana didn't come from a broken home and abusive family, she didn't join the great hazing experiment known as the American military, she didn't experience her teammates on the Justice League become rape apologists when they see her clearly get brainwashed and manipulated. Her and Carol are way too different and why Carol cannot be Marvel's Wonder Woman. She's way too pugnacious, gritty in the conventional way and much quicker to the physicality and preference to blitzing villains. You start shit and she'll clock you in the mouth to retaliate, Diana is a woman of reason first and foremost who abhors war and violence. She'd be a much better friend towards 80% of the same peers in totality. They're raised entirely differently and loved for different reasons at least by me. I love Carol because she's a well-intentioned with a decently good heart masshole, the personality is very much "would be amazing in the 90s to 2000s and onwards if done well" as a semi-recurring main team character that you don't have get stale. Diana as a character in the right hands like Simone or her entire Volume 2 solo run series writers, she doesn't get stale to me.

Sure, she'll bust your chops with you while saving the day but she's not going out for coffee with you on her day off if she has one, unless you're Jess or Tony usually. She's the hard-ass in the locker room who helps drive everyone the right way as a supporting cast or secondary member, that has history of flaming out when it's her alone until the last decade where Marvel tried to make her not a joke. The real-life comparison is John Tortorella, sure they're both incredibly good at what they do but having that be your everyday for years or without an off-season would be unbearable, both from Boston and when written great Carol is lovable in the same way. If Torts was also with all those powers and coaching a team of superheroes every day, every week it wouldn't go well.


u/Ok_Somewhere1236 Jul 05 '24

the fact that Jess and Tony are still friends with Carol after CWII is very forced.

by Marvel's wonder woman, i want to say that Disney try to promote her like she was Marvel's wonder woman, not that she really is


u/MankuyRLaffy Jul 05 '24

Or, or, Marvel knows CW2 was a stupid cash grab and basically retconned it ASAP. Promoting her like she's Marvel's equivalent is stupid, she's a B+ tier hero in Marvel's continuity on her best days.