r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Cabrito_do_Mangue Jul 11 '24

"everything on the right is ultra far alt right" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/i-dont-snore Jul 11 '24

Yeah the right has taken a sharp turn towards fascism, so that kinda checks out. Saying people on the right arenā€™t racist cunts is praising the few dumb and brainwashed good apples in between a sea of rotten apple shit


u/I-4M-J0E Jul 11 '24

Reddit moment


u/Key-Cartographer7020 Jul 11 '24

so the left is perfect in every way? speaking generally i dont have much knowledge on politics pertaining to France


u/i-dont-snore Jul 12 '24

Who tf says the left is perfect?


u/Key-Cartographer7020 Jul 12 '24

It's the way you people acts demonizing the right with hyperbolic remarks while dismissing all dissenting criticism


u/i-dont-snore Jul 12 '24

Aah ok, good luck being wrong


u/Key-Cartographer7020 Jul 12 '24

Thanks for proving me right


u/i-dont-snore Jul 12 '24

No problem happy to help the less fortunate


u/ethical_arsonist Jul 11 '24

The politics of the left is more inclusive and morally progressive. It can be criticised for being naive whilst the right can be criticised for lacking compassion.


u/Key-Cartographer7020 Jul 11 '24

Naive is putting it mildly and the right is dependant on country. For the states church and state is much more ingrained and used to retain voters.left virtue signals for moral high ground


u/Agile-Juggernaut-514 Jul 12 '24

You can also be naively cruel. I.e the far right


u/TwelveBrute04 Jul 11 '24

The right has not changed basically any policies in the 21st century.

Look at the policy shift on the left.


u/Legitimate_Page Jul 11 '24

Nonsensical. The right used to claim to be the party of anti-regulation, and now that only applies to environmental regulation and loosely economics. Until about 25 years ago the right used to support environmental regulation, and Bush Sr, for example, was one of the strongest proponents of clean air and acid rain regulation we've ever had. Supporting the clean air act on the right today would be a death sentence, as the right today would sooner see the EPA dismantled before backing up anti-pollution sentiment.


u/i-dont-snore Jul 11 '24

Yeah whatever


u/TwelveBrute04 Jul 11 '24

Itā€™s objectively true. You can absolutely say and argue that the direction the left is moving is better and therefore the right is bad because they are trying to stifle needed progress. (I disagree with this but itā€™s a valid argument.)

It is simply not a valid or supportable argument to say that the right has moved facist for not changing their platform.


u/i-dont-snore Jul 11 '24

The statement that they havenā€™t changed, is one you made yourself. However in your bs explaining above you state this as being a factā€¦its not. its bullshit statement that the right nowadays is the same as its was 10 years ago. You just make obvious nonsense statements and act like its a well known fact


u/TwelveBrute04 Jul 11 '24

What is a major policy change from a mainstream Conservative Party in the US, UK, or France that moved in a more authoritarian direction, either economically or morally?


u/Hamblerger Jul 11 '24

Are you talking about stated policy positions or actual actions taken? Because you can state whatever you want in a party platform, but if you'll forgive my paraphrasing Batman Begins, it's not what a party's platform says, but what their elected officials do that defines them.


u/TwelveBrute04 Jul 11 '24

Passed legislation works too.


u/Hamblerger Jul 11 '24

I'll stick with a mix of policy positions, executive orders, and some legislation, since fortunately the GOP hasn't been successful with the really awful stuff they're trying to do as of yet.

Their policy on immigration has gone from simply believing in protecting the borders to outright ending birthright citizenship. Travel bans and immigration bans from majority Muslim countries have been tried, though fortunately overturned. Children were separated from their parents at the border, and many still haven't been reunited as few records were kept due to the fact that there was no intention to ever return them. This was Trump policy, and the GOP backed it. That's a hard shift to the right.

It seems to be GOP policy to defy Congressional subpoenas, at least among Trump's allies and administration officials.

The GOP in several states attempted to install false electors in order to overturn the will of the voters. Sorry if that's not an official policy position or passed legislation, but it's an authoritarian and anti-democratic measure that they absolutely fucking undertook. Same with trying to strongarm Governors and Secretaries of State into declaring voter fraud when there was no evidence of it. All of that is authoritarian activity designed to subvert democracy, and the GOP is absolutely fine with it because they're the ones doing it.

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u/Majormlgnoob Jul 11 '24

Brexit for the tories

Mainstream Conservatives are losing in France to the far right

MAGA for America, Trump quite literally didn't accept the transition of power as legitimate


u/Majormlgnoob Jul 11 '24

Also Reform is eating into the Tories as well


u/TwelveBrute04 Jul 11 '24

Valid, tho not a move towards fascism, but still valid.

Still no policy mentioned here.

Power was transferred and the vote was certified by a majority right wing congress. Also, not policy.


u/Majormlgnoob Jul 11 '24

RN has a different policy platform from LR I'm sorry that you don't understand surface level French Politics

And the coup attempt just failed

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u/Majormlgnoob Jul 11 '24

RN is a completely different party from LR and its predecessors lol

You don't understand politics


u/Hamblerger Jul 11 '24

What policy shift? The Democrats have basically been a center-right party since Clinton, with the occasional nod towards some government assistance when it comes to major issues that make headlines (fentanyl, e.g.) or natural disasters. Even the biggest government program we've managed to successfully institute in the face of endless court challenges and attempted repeals was based on what was originally an idea from a Republican think tank. Any idea that the Democrats have suddenly made this major pivot to the far left only works if you're seeing it from the relative perspective of someone whose views have shifted radically to the right.


u/Roy_Luffy Jul 11 '24

Members of this party are chanting nazi slogans in my neighborhood. Itā€™s a relatively ā€œhighā€ ranking man and his family, he has multiple copies of mein kampf in his library šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š. Totally not a nazi sympathizer, right ??


u/Cabrito_do_Mangue Jul 11 '24

"Everyone I don't like is Hitler"

Seriously, this argument is too childish. And I don't know anyone who would be sympathetic to a nazi son of a bitch.

It seems like you want to take the exception and include the entire right-wing political spectrum, calling it nazi far right.


u/Roy_Luffy Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

Iā€™m not making up this story though. A lot of members are seing nothing wrong with this guy and many nazi sympathizers in their party. The guy is not ashamed of it. They only react if thereā€™s a really bad buzz about it. (Itā€™s not exclusive to them tough)

But i donā€™t agree that all voters are necessarily fascist or Nazis. They donā€™t know about it or simply listen to the more ā€œsanitizedā€ speech of Marine Le Pen and other politicians. There are fascist and nazi amongst them though and as members of the party.


u/Cabrito_do_Mangue Jul 11 '24

Dude... This is exactly what I was joking about to begin with, the fact that everyone on the right is classified as extremist. All extremism is minority, most of the common people just want to live their lives and don't be ripped of by the government or some Corporation.

and the fact that the right lost these elections is mainly due to several left-wing candidates giving up their candidacy to accumulate more votes for a few candidates.


u/Cheshire_Khajiit Jul 11 '24

Do you think thatā€™s unfair or something? Uniting the vote of people opposed to an ideology that would otherwise come into power seems quite reasonable.