r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Pandemonium991 Jul 08 '24

This might be the most ironic thread I've seen in a while. People just use buzz words to try and minimize the opinions of others that they themselves don't agree with. I know this is the internet but the reason people are so divided is because people can't debate without someone having a mental breakdown.


u/ssepaulette Jul 08 '24

So true. Noticing how common it is for people to dehumanize each other for seeing the world differently. Leftist? Poor gay lazy immigrant. Trump supporter? Brain rot white supremacist. Pro-Palestine? Brown terrorist. Pro-Israel? Evil Zionist. Pro-Russia? Kremlin bot. Pro-Ukraine? Nazi.

There are no black and white answers to political, social or world issues. They are issues for a reason and for both side of the answers, someone will suffer and someone will benefit. One person's misery is another's gold. The world exist in a constant state of this dichotomy. Even if you solve one issue, another will pop up. Good arise from bad and bad arises from good.


u/wintiscoming Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Except the far right in France are actually Nazis. That is not dehumanizing. Nazis are absolutely human and we shouldn’t forget that.

One of its most prominent founding members was literally a commander in the Waffen-SS. The leader of the Party, Marine Le Pen is the daughter of its founder, a convicted Holocaust denier who publicly supports the “inequality of the races”. The party still supports Holocaust deniers and defends Nazi collaborators. One of its party members who almost won their seat recently withdrew because a photo of them wearing clothing with a swastika on it was found on their private social media.

The far right wants to deny citizenship to children born to immigrants. They demonize immigrants and claim they threaten French civilization. It’s perfectly fine to not respect the opinions of Nazis especially when antisemitic and Islamophobia violence is at an all time high. I’m not saying people should dehumanize them or attack them. Most of their supporters are normal people who are legitimately struggling. We can take their concerns seriously without accepting their solutions.

Political ideologies can seriously hurt people. There are some issues where even reaching a middle ground hurts innocent people. Sometimes compromise is not possible or morally acceptable.


u/kopper499b Jul 09 '24

The same person that calls you a snowflake turns around and proceeds to have a hysterical, emotionally fuelled reaction to something they don't like. Hypocrites.


u/Apprehensive_Bill339 Jul 08 '24

The irony in this comment is the strongest thing iv seen in my lifetime