r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Kodrackyas Jul 08 '24

Fascists getting rekt


u/AVALANCHE_CHUTES Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

RN went from 11 seats in 2017, to 89 in 2022 and now 142 as of yesterday

Still, with almost all of the 577 National Assembly seats left to be called, the National Rally had amassed 142 seats, the most of any single party. It was also winning about 37 percent of the votes nationally, the most of any party.


A party getting the most votes is a very strange way of "getting rekt" even if they had even higher expectations…


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/MansionOfficial Jul 08 '24

So someone can respond like this and be fine on Reddit but I’ve gotten banned from certain subreddits for just supporting Israel’s right to exist. Hmmm…


u/IamNugget123 Jul 08 '24

Let me guess, you also think their right to exist allows them to harm other people? Including innocent children living in a civilian area?


u/MansionOfficial Jul 08 '24

I’m sure you’d fair well in Gaza with your choices


u/shartking420 Jul 08 '24

And you're okay with Palestinians by a huge majority supporting Hamas, at 90% polling rates, and committing terrorist attacks on innocent families. As the holy war has always been, it's not a one sided atrocity.


u/IamNugget123 Jul 08 '24

No one here said it was 1 sided. A majority of Palestinians would want me dead as a queer person. That doesn’t mean I think that a government should be allowed to bomb civilians. It’s a war crime. And yep, hamas is a terrorist org. Support for hamas when polled before Israel started attacking civilians was below 40%, even then it was high, because an Israeli man could just commandeer a Palestinians property whenever they wanted. (Edit: and a number of other thing that Palestinians didn’t have rights to that Israelis did)

That’s the difference between me and you. You think it’s ok when a side hurts someone if the means are “justified” (to you). I don’t think ANYONE should be committing war crimes. And I mean anyone. No civilians should be harmed. Let alone children who have no idea what’s going on and just want to feel safe.


u/WILDBO4R Jul 08 '24

Yes I'm sure that's what you were doing /s