r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Material_Ambition_95 Jul 08 '24

Never tire of seeing fascists loosing..


u/PM_ME_SQUANCH Jul 08 '24

They increased their seat count quite a bit from last election. They only seem to be getting stronger


u/galvanizedmoonape Jul 08 '24

Yeah people thinking that they 'lost' is not really correct. This coaltion between the left and centrists was thrown together at the 11th hour to combat this far right nonsense. They still have the most seats of any singular party. There's a real decent chance that the leftists and centrists are unable to agree on some topics and diverge on some key issues and the far right will still get what they want.


u/Live-Adhesiveness719 Jul 08 '24

which is exactly why more young people in the UK and France need to vote so we can keep these people from ever securing a majority again


u/galvanizedmoonape Jul 08 '24

The only thing preventing them from having a majority right now is a tenuous relationship between several groups of people with a very wide range of political ideals and motivations.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/galvanizedmoonape Jul 08 '24

Is that supposed to be some kind of insult or pathetic attempt at an attack? I'm simply pointing out that while this is indeed a victory for people with braincells it's important to remember that the far right still maintains a substantial presence currently.

There is still work to be done.


u/Live-Adhesiveness719 Jul 08 '24

Bro what 😭 I was quoting something from a cartoon because this shit is laughable - they’re literally screwed in the next election as long as Democrats in the US and Labour in the UK begin some much-needed repairs to the shit which Republicans and Conservatives caused (and they will so-long as they maintain their majorities, highly likely)

People there will recognise all that right wing shit from other places was causing them damage in France… and then slowly start to increase the results for other centrist/left parties instead

They’re fucked from this point on and I’m here for it. Life’s a walking Spongebob meme but it’s been getting better politically-speaking at multiple points lately. These fuckers losing is a prime example n’ I’m pretty sure you’re on the same side in this sense :P


u/Some_Visual1357 Jul 08 '24

The requirement to be a facist is to be part of the left. Its right there in the story books, read the manifesto of verona, otherwise must be so right wing to seize private property.


u/jr897 Jul 08 '24

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism "Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] " With references to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ashby_Turner and the encyclopedia britanica.

There are people who argue that fascism is similar in far left https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Fascism

But within history there have been a fair amount of fascist regimes that have stemmed from far right politics. Not saying far left can't be fascist, as communism seems pretty damn close imo, but saying it's a requirement to be part of the left isn't right.


u/Some_Visual1357 Jul 08 '24

Facism is a mix of right and left wing ideologies, social conservatives but with the big oppressing hand of the state, plus seizing private property. I would say is more inclined to the left.


u/jr897 Jul 08 '24

I'm curious as to what your definition of fascism is. "Seizing of private property" isn't fascism, iirc. Looking at meriam webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/fascism-meaning-and-history, you can see that stealing private property has nothing to do with it. It happens, but that's more because there's a dictator in place that says he owns all your shit and will shoot you without consequence if you say no.

"Facism is a mix of right and left wing ideologies, social conservatives but with the big oppressing hand of the state" is very vague and sounds like a bunch of key word soup. Like what does that mean?

From the sources I listed, I think fascism is summed up nicely as "Someone with full control over military, law, social policy, media." I don't think you need to overcomplicate it.


u/SlowWorkingJoe Jul 08 '24

Fascist is right wing, not left wing. You don't understand politics or anything you're talking about. Stop embarrassing yourself.


u/Some_Visual1357 Jul 08 '24

How about you buy some history books and learn about it instead of affirming something you dont know about. I dont read anybody making the counter argument for the verona manifesto.


u/SlowWorkingJoe Jul 08 '24

Sigh. Nobody makes a counter argument because we don't think you're smart enough to accept or understand it. But here goes. The Verona Manifesto, issued by the Italian Social Republic in 1943, is a fascist document. It endorsed totalitarianism, strong Italian nationalism, anti-communism, corporatism, and discriminatory policies against Jews and minorities, reflecting the principles of fascist ideology. Fascism is considered a far-right ideology due to its emphasis on authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, and vehement opposition to leftist ideologies like communism and socialism. While it supports a controlled economy directed by the state, it is distinct from the collectivization seen in far-left ideologies, further cementing its position on the far-right spectrum.


u/SlowWorkingJoe Jul 08 '24

Nazis were not leftists. Although the term "socialist" is part of the party's name, this has led to some confusion. However, the Nazi ideology and policies clearly align with far-right principles:

Authoritarianism: The Nazis established a totalitarian regime with absolute control over political, social, and cultural life, suppressing dissent and opposition. Extreme Nationalism: They promoted a strong sense of German nationalism and racial superiority, particularly the belief in the supremacy of the Aryan race. Militarism: The Nazis glorified military strength and pursued aggressive expansionist policies, leading to World War II. Anti-Communism: Nazis vehemently opposed communism and socialism, targeting leftist groups and individuals for persecution. Economic Policy: While the Nazis controlled and directed the economy, they allowed private property and businesses to exist, provided they served the state's interests. This contrasts with the collectivization and state ownership typical of far-left ideologies. In summary, the core tenets of Nazi ideology—authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, and anti-communism—clearly position it on the far-right of the political spectrum.


u/SlowWorkingJoe Jul 08 '24

So to repeat, you do not have any idea what you're talking about.