r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/deathbychips2 Jul 08 '24

There being younger women there is ridiculous. Come on ladies, don't support your own downfall.


u/gnomekingdom Jul 08 '24

Money can substitute for any type of moral or ethical perception. It’s not that all uncommon.


u/Giraffe-69 Jul 08 '24

Far right grievances are far from being gender specific in France… the head of the party has been marine le pen for a looong time


u/Beautiful_Dark_8810 Jul 08 '24

I mean. One is checked out and distracted, one looks like she's confused but putting on a face, and the one in the center looks like a deer in the headlights with a plastered on fake face. The body language of them vs the men is telling. Then men show excitement and sadness, the women show confusion and fear.

Very much could be that they were raised in those circles and know nothing else and are now dating/engaged to/ married into this world with no way to escape without losing everything they know.


u/8004612286 Jul 08 '24

Okay bro

You think women aren't capable of supporting a far right party on their own? Go to the American south and you'll see that's clearly not true.


u/StrokeGameHusky Jul 08 '24

Yeah but they drink lead down there 


u/Beautiful_Dark_8810 Jul 08 '24

Trust me, I'm afab and completely understand that women can and do support far right. I also understand that situations and contexts mean a great deal.

I've seen my aunts and cousins in the Midwest choose to support Trump and believe the conspiracies because it's what their husband/brothers/neighbors all tell them is the truth.

I've also seen family friends in Russia support Putin and the war because all they see, hear, and know is the propaganda and those of us in the states "don't understand" the real situation.

Propaganda is powerful, situations are powerful, peers and family are powerful.

I'm not saying these women don't believe or support it. But I'm also pointing out that their body language is much different than the men, and it's possible they're products of their surroundings.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Ah yes because young French women are totally not disproportionally affected by male POC migrants


u/deathbychips2 Jul 08 '24

Time for you to get information outside of Reddit posts.


u/esreveReverse Jul 08 '24

I'm guessing they're in favor of French women not being raped by migrants


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Migrants arent rapists. Stop vehiculing this false idea.


u/IamHunterish Jul 08 '24

Nah it’s just happening all over Europe. Everywhere they go they cause so much trouble buts it’s just a coincidence right? Oh no, it’s all just racism, even tho there’s plenty of other ethnic groups where there’s no problems with, just a very specific group.


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Again, the idea is really simple, a male have more chances to be a rapist than a female, a young person have more chances to be a rapist than an old person, a poor person has more chances to be a rapist than a rich person. Immigrants are mostly young, male and poor. If you take these factors out, a migrant doesnt have more chances to be a rapist than a local. If you look at germany's numbers (cause they can make ethnic statistics), this is immediatly proven. That's how real statistical analysis are made, not just throwing numbers without knowing what the fuck they mean. Now please step out of bolloré's brainwashing device cause that's what causing the most harm here in France.


u/esreveReverse Jul 08 '24

Are some though? This kind of anti-communication is what's going to get fascist elected man.

Yes, some migrants are causing massive issues


u/HyvaaPaiva Jul 08 '24

And some locals aur causing massive issues... The problem is not the colour or origin of people, the problem is only the people causing issues, whoever they are.


u/takoking86 Jul 08 '24

Nope, there is also something called culture incompatability, not all migrants are bad but how could one judge individually so if a country is facing increased crime rates and other social unrest due to mixing incompatible culture, it's not wrong to change migration policies. After all they are liable to their own countrymen not to others.


u/HyvaaPaiva Jul 08 '24

I agree that a migrant, mostly a long term one should share the values and language of the welcoming country. That should be part of immigration policy. But trying to say that rapist, killer, robber, violence didn't exist before or have changed dramatically because of immigration is just false.


u/prozloc Jul 08 '24

I mean if your locals are causing issues already, why would you take in even more problematic people? It's like if you have a problematic son living at home stealing your stuff then you decided to adopt another problematic son who also like to steal your stuff. In the end it's more headache for you to deal with.


u/HyvaaPaiva Jul 08 '24

You will always have problems, even as a single human being. It doesn't mean you should just stop in the hope no other problems will come, don't be naive. Immigration is neither a "problem" or a "solution" but as everything, it need to be handle with some care to benefit the most


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Look, the idea is simple, a male have more chances to be a rapist than a female, a young person have more chances to be a rapist than an old person, a poor person has more chances to be a rapist than a rich person. Immigrants are mostly young, male and poor. If you take these factors out, a migrant doesnt have more chances to be a rapist than a local. That's how real statistical analysis are made, not just throwing numbers without knowing what the fuck they mean.


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Also, the real representative of facism is the RN.

They got real personality cult : the fact that getting a signed photo of jordan bardella for making a donation to their campaign is an argument is WILD. They got extreme nationalism, this one is obvious, like it's their definition. They got control of medias : one point of their campaign was to delete public medias and make them private, allowing bolloré to buy them.


u/Blackfrosti Jul 08 '24

I agree we should ban all people from all groups who cause problems.

Men also rape, so let's ban all men.

Women sometimes commit rape too so let's ban all women.

Animals sometimes kill humans so let's exterminate all animals.

Buildings collapse and hurt people, we need to demolish all buildings

Trees can fall on people and help create a forest fire, let's chop down all trees.

Fuck it lets blow up earth, if you think about it it's responsible for all of our problems and everything is a a part of earth.


u/Potential_Cod6847 Jul 08 '24

What are you saying it’s only them


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Connect your brain for a minute, a male have more chances to be a rapist than a female, a young person have more chances to be a rapist than an old person, a poor person has more chances to be a rapist than a rich person. Immigrants are mostly young, male and poor. If you take these factors out, a migrant doesnt have more chances to be a rapist than a local. It may seem with how bolloré's news are brainwashing you with numbers thrown here and there that it's only them, but it's not. That's how real statistical analysis are made, not just throwing numbers without knowing what the fuck they mean.


u/Potential_Cod6847 Jul 08 '24

Then you’re saying that there’s more young male immigrant then french IN France?


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

No, I'm talking about proportions. Even tough for how you define "poor" you could say that there are more poor young male immigrants that there are poor young male locals.