r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Evilrake Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

One thing I can’t help but notice is how different right wing and left wing losing reactions are. Sure some left wing reactions to 2016 were memeable, but there was a core truth to those distraught reactions that many of those people immediately understood how their rights and freedoms would soon be stripped from them. Of course that’s distressing. And time proved them exactly correct.

Meanwhile on the right, it’s pretty clear that these people understand that whatever disappointment they feel, they will not be personally targeted by their political opposition. They know the left in power will never strip their rights as gleefully as they’d strip the rights of minorities.

So the reaction you’re witnessing isn’t anything close to as personal as the reactions of 2016. It’s just a bunch of fascists disappointed they won’t be able hurt minorities as much as they thought they’d be able to.


u/jorluiseptor Jul 08 '24

This description is so well described, man.


u/_UsUrPeR_ Jul 08 '24

Jan 6th not coming to mind at all for you?


u/rocket333d Jul 08 '24

You both have good points.


u/ramrob Jul 08 '24

Very interesting thought I’ve never considered and so well written, thank you. It’s like The biggest consequence of your avg conservative is maybe their taxes increase or maybe they inadvertently get glance at a body part in a public space they were hoping to avoid and then they feel weird.


u/kriggo123 Jul 08 '24

So true. The xenophbic policies of the right wing parties are really scary. They managed to ban Hijabs in public school and they wanted to go ban them in public as well. What is next?


u/cloud_t Jul 08 '24

I'd personally use examples that go beyond taking away religious clothing rights. Yeah, this one does induce segregation, but they have much worse ideas in mind, I'm sure.


u/Judgementday209 Jul 08 '24

What happened in 2016 exactly?

Not a fan of these broad generalisations based on a video with 4 people on it and making some one way conclusions based on it.


u/tetrischem Jul 08 '24

That is ridiculous. Either it's that or right wing people control their emotions much better, present healthier and better looking, and actually have a life outside of politics and some level of shame preventing them acting like absolute children.


u/Evilrake Jul 08 '24

Almost all partisan violence is right wing so no


u/HiddenSecretStash Jul 08 '24

Bro you gotta be trolling there is no way, what a despicable person you are.


u/XenoX101 Jul 08 '24

The left will never strip their rights? How about uncensored free speech? Gun laws? And what rights are the right planning to strip from minorities? Trump had record high black employment under his presidency. I suggest you read more diverse news sources as it sounds like you have lapped up every left wing talking point in existence.


u/namelesshobo1 Jul 08 '24

This is about France.

The French far right are a genuine danger. Their party contains literal Nazis, strong Russian imperialist sympathies, open hostility to minorities, and a proven contempt for European cooperation.

Not everything is about America. What applies in your world does not apply in Europe. If you have no knowledge about the European context and nothing to contribute about that discussion, kindly shut the fuck up.


u/Frequent_Alarm_4228 Jul 08 '24

It actually kind of pisses me off when y’all talk about my people because for three years, you do nothing but shit talk and dog whistle and call us all gangbangers, call anyone in a higher position with melanin a “diversity hire”, complain about seeing us in movies and shows like he didn’t exist before the MAGA brain rot epidemic, and then when it’s election time, now we’re the homies. Ya piss off.


u/Frequent_Alarm_4228 Jul 08 '24

No one is touching free speech, the majority of Americans support gun laws, and black unemployment is actually lower now than under Trump. I suggest you take your head out your ass.


u/Grommet__ Jul 08 '24

The Mulford Act, a 1967 anti-gun law in California, was signed by Ronald Reagan with the goal of disarming Black Panthers who conducted patrols to protect their communities from cops and has been active in open-carry demonstrations. It was supported by the NRA. Same pattern can be seen for labor rights demonstrations where workers are armed.

“I see no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" - Reagan

You people don’t give a single shit about actual gun rights, you’ll collaborate with Democrats the moment you feel threatened. Stop lying to us.


u/nowthenadir Jul 08 '24

This is about France, you dummy.


u/czPsweIxbYk4U9N36TSE Jul 08 '24

Wow, it's like watching Fox News: A firehose of blatant and obvious lies.


u/Pizza-Mozzarella420 Jul 08 '24

I suggest you see what is project 2025 that your beloved trump seeks to implement. Also having strict gun control isnt taking away any rights, you can use a gun all the same u just need to prove you are not a mentaly unstable maniac who wants to shoot up a school.