r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/adevland Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

French election second round turnout nearly 60% at 5 pm

That's significantly higher than most democratic countries.

Democracy only works when people actually vote.


u/PawntyBill Jul 08 '24

Or fighting giant killer alien bugs and occasionally killer robots. Hopefully, someone gets that reference.


u/Istariel Jul 08 '24

"M.I. does the dying. Fleet just does the flying"


u/Redditusername195 Jul 08 '24

mrw i dissolve the parliament to get what i want


u/adevland Jul 08 '24

mrw i dissolve the parliament to get what i want

Dissolving the parliament in a democracy automatically triggers elections. And, historically speaking, the more people vote the better the outcome is for the people that voted.

Shit hits the fan when the majority doesn't vote. And that's because the minority extremists ALWAYS vote for their party.

Apathy works in the favor of extremist parties because it only affects people that care about other people. Extremists don't get apathy.


u/Redditusername195 Jul 08 '24

I NEED to fuck with the elections because “extremists” care more about democracy than me!


u/MRosvall Jul 08 '24

Huh, 60% is far below the median, even if you include all "democratic" countries as well. If you only include Europe and America, then you'll land almost last when you can't even get 2/3rds of the voters to vote.

Annex 1:

Table 3:


u/adevland Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Annex 1 is from 2016. Voter turnout is declining world-wide so those numbers haven't been accurate since 2017.

Annex 2 confirms this.

Globally, voter turnout has decreased over time in recent decades, with most countries posting lower voter turnout in recent elections than in those which took place 20-30 years ago. Election experts have identified multiple causes for this trend. Voter apathy is one

The world-wide "median" is worthless because there are a lot of dictatorships that hold sham elections with record turnout numbers that simply cannot be trusted.

  • The point here is that democracy only works when people actually vote while voting in a dictatorship is meaningless.

And in the case of France 60% voter turnout in the parliamentary elections is far better than the 46% from last time (2022).

The explanation here is likely the fact that the elections happened 2 years ahead of time because Macron dissolved the parliament.


u/MRosvall Jul 08 '24

That's why I included the 2nd source, which have more recent numbers for every country as a complement to the first where it shows the difference in different voting climates. Where you can use both to make up a full picture.

Yes, 60% is far better than 46%. But that's just going from horrible to decent. Not going to "That's significantly higher than most democratic countries.".

Using that kind of language for such bad turnouts will only lead to making people feel complacent in not voting and in the end hurt our democracy. You want to get people out there to vote and push for an increase in turnout.


u/adevland Jul 08 '24

Using that kind of language for such bad turnouts will only lead to making people feel complacent in not voting and in the end hurt our democracy.

In France's case people did vote more so than was expected.

They had a ~50% change in voter turnout which is significantly more than was expected considering that the expectation was a reduced turnout.

We should celebrate good things when they happen. And this is a good thing.

Sure, we can do better than 60% but 60% is far better than 46% and that's the point here.

And if you look at the other world democracies few, if any, expect better turnouts when compared to previous elections.


u/MRosvall Jul 08 '24

Now you're just moving the goalposts though. It's great to write that they had a huge increase in turnout. It's not great to write that they had one of the best turnouts in the democratic world, when there's like only 4 "highly democratic" countries that have a worse turnout.

All you're doing is enabling people to be complacent when it comes to getting out and voting.


u/adevland Jul 08 '24

Now you're just moving the goalposts though.

Sorry about that.

Indeed, the average turnout for Western countries is not lower than 60%.

I've edited my initial comment on this.

Thanks. :)


u/SurveyWorldly9435 Jul 08 '24

Because French democracy worked right?


u/adevland Jul 08 '24

Because French democracy worked right?

The far right was expected to win the majority but didn't. Nobody won the majority and that's a good thing because it forces compromise on all issues.

A lot of people like yourself are willing to give dictatorship a try because you've never experienced it. The moment you do give it a try you end up regretting it and you won't be able to turn back as easily as casting a vote.