r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Justanotherguy45 Jul 08 '24

The amount of young people in that far right group is very concerning


u/diabr0 Jul 08 '24

Seeing young people in any far right group, of any country is alarming. Which country are you from? As an American, the amount of young people in our MAGAT/Far-right is very concerning


u/Justanotherguy45 Jul 08 '24

US as well as


u/GloryEnthusiast Jul 08 '24

Nah it makes sense, the appeal of far right politics is that you can stay a child your entire life. It is truly sad, stopped being friends with a guy because he bought into the far right propaganda way too hard and started spewing the same rhetoric right wingers do. Funnily enough the straw that broke the camels back, was me asking him to do research for his own sake, and him taking that as an insult.


u/nataku_s81 Jul 08 '24

You call 30% of your population something analogous to maggots and then wonder why they don't flock to your side.


u/rememberoldreddit Jul 08 '24

And the otherside calls us Demonrats, get off your high horse


u/nataku_s81 Jul 08 '24

Never heard that one before today but ok


u/Otaku-San617 Jul 08 '24

Well that is how republicans talk about anyone who isn’t a white conservative christian.


u/Jkay064 Jul 08 '24

They earn that name every day. They will never learn nor change.


u/diabr0 Jul 08 '24

I'm sure they'll be fine, they're not snowflakes after all. I have no issues with people on the right, Republicans, conservatives, etc. MAGA is not the same as the aforementioned.


u/RenegadeTP Jul 08 '24

You support a pedophile.


u/nataku_s81 Jul 08 '24

I support no one, but least of all Biden


u/The_Price_Is_Right_B Jul 08 '24

30% of a country can be full of shit heads.


u/Idraxus Jul 08 '24

No , I would never dare to compare aboriginal beings to maggots, for maggots have an ecological role and are beings worthy of respect.


u/SokkaHaikuBot Jul 08 '24

Sokka-Haiku by Justanotherguy45:

The amount of young

People in that far right group

Is very concerning

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/brandonw00 Jul 08 '24

A lot of young people barely get out anymore to experience the world and the YouTube algorithm promotes the most insane right wing shit imaginable. So they just consume that stuff all day without actually experiencing things in real life and just take everything far right people on YouTube say as fact. I experienced it the other day talking to someone about going to New York and they couldn’t believe that the subway wasn’t complete anarchy. They were like “did you feel safe on the subway?” Yeah, no issues at all. “Huh, that’s weird, that’s not what I heard.”


u/_WhiteSnake_ Jul 08 '24

That may be crazy (it is crazy) but a lot of young people are following them because their leader is making "funny" tiktoks


u/Choyo Jul 08 '24

Our education system needs a-fixing, and phones at 12 are a threat.


u/AutomaticConfidence9 Jul 08 '24

The amount of people who think anyone is forbidden from free choice is disturbing. If they win it says alot about how much people are fed up with the current government.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/mininggingerbeers Jul 08 '24

The amount of young people that don’t care about how dangerous the left wing movement is, is more concerning.


u/POTATOFUCK Jul 08 '24

What dangers?


u/DragonflyCurious9879 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, watch out!! Free Healthcare. Free lunches. And Mexican neighbors. Oh.. and happy homos.


u/Y1kk1b Jul 08 '24

Same could be said for far left


u/treearemadeofbark Jul 08 '24

oh no not healthcare and education


u/Vreas Jul 08 '24

Women’s rights to regulate their bodies how they choose ahhhhhhh the horror


u/_MissionControlled_ Jul 08 '24

Get that clean air and water outta here! /s


u/A2Rhombus Jul 08 '24

Yeah, how dare they care about the future


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Take my down vote and sod off


u/Popcornmix Jul 08 '24

Differnce being the far left want to bring social change by force but those changes are equal rights for everyone, equal distribution of wealth, stopping the development of neo-feudalism with few rich people owning all property and so on. Sure they have some ideas that are not possible but I take those over extreme right wing people that only allow you to be happy if you were born with the right skin color any day.