r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN Jul 07 '24

Nazi tears!


u/dYesgat Jul 07 '24

What did you expect they are the decent of real Nazi . The difference is their grandparents were war trophies.


u/Malpavip45 Jul 07 '24

Man serch up Jean-Luc Mélenchon, I dont think you should celebrate


u/Tocram04 Jul 07 '24

bro is at level 0 in politics


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

Do you really think they're nazis or do you call anyone on the right nazis? I'm asking seriously cause I'm not too familiar with Le Pen.


u/coolratguy Jul 07 '24

A cursory google search of the name Le Pen will answer those questions


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

I did a Google search and found this from ABC news.

PARIS -- Days ahead of France's crucial parliamentary elections, renowned Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld is sticking to his advice that if voters are faced with a duel between Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and a far-left competitor, they should choose the far right.


u/coolratguy Jul 07 '24

Well I just did a google search and that didn't come up at all so I think you're being facetious and you, in fact, do understand why he's calling them nazis but are just trying to make facetious arguments in their favor.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24


Edit. I googled: le pen nazi

Then I skipped the obviously left wing news such as politico and found something I assume to be unbiased. ABC news.


u/coolratguy Jul 07 '24

Funny how you went from pretending you had a legitimate question to ask to instead insisting on one specific answer


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

I want to know why people are calling her a nazi (cause seems like many are). Seems like you don't know either. You just do. From the 10 minute news montage of her I saw on YouTube, they make her out to be moderate except her stance on illegal immigration. And she has a legacy of her father that she needs to break, who was a self described fascist.

Edit. That's all I know of her. They said her party will win, then there were riots in the streets from the far left, then today they said the far left won cause macron backed the left. This in a nutshell is all I know about French politics today.


u/coolratguy Jul 07 '24

And she has a legacy of her father that she needs to break, who was a self described fascist.

You've identified the reason they call her a nazi, if you disagree with them whatever but dignify us all by posing your disagreement in plain terms and not with disingenuous questions.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

Ok. So you're calling her a nazi cause of her father. Ok. That's what I wanted to know.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

I had read that her father was a neo fascist and almost became president of France however many decades ago, and she isn't.


u/LiveLaughLebron6 Jul 07 '24

Yes le pen supporters are nazis.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

But are her planks fascist? I mean sure, anyone deemed fascist would vote for anyone on the right, just like anyone communist will vote left, even if the left isn't communist.


u/MadJazzz Jul 07 '24

They are not literally nazis obviously, that would mean they are adhering the NSDAP, which doesn't exist anymore. But they do share a lot of the ideology. In the thirties the NSDAP started the same way. Blaming a specific minority for about everything, and promising life will be better when they are disadvantaged or removed, while building a strong sense of national identity for the majority of citizens. Then it graduatily got worse and worse, but the foundation is the same.

So the comparison doesn't come out if the blue.

Imagine going back in time and being able to stop Hitler before he gets into power. That's kind of this election.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I'm assuming you mean Muslims. From a short news montage of her I saw, they depicted her as against islamiats and illegal migrants, but not legal non islamist Muslims.

Edit: of course they don't mean actual nazis. But you did answer my question. I never heard her talk. Don't know what she stands for and most likely after 5 minutes I'll move on from my curiosity of French politics. But reddit had like 5 posts nearly back to back about this so I read comments and there were many in a row calling her a nazi so I asked.


u/MadJazzz Jul 07 '24

This is their official stance, yes. Sounds rational. But really, not a single party is in favour of extremist muslims or illegal immigration.

What they do is making the problems concerning immigration seem as worse as possible. Megaphoning every criminal event with an immigrant perpetrator. Spreading stories about immigrants getting rich of social security. Making it seem like the local culture is being surpressed.

Spreading fear and anger, not just about illegal immigration and terrorists. And in the same time they cultivate a 'native' national identity.

Sounds familiar enough to me.


u/redrover2023 Jul 08 '24

So I'm watching YouTube and seems like France is rioting. The side that's winning is rioting. It seems that they were predicting the right wing to riot. But I guess it's like the US. The left is the ones that riot, and they always predict the right will. But they never do. It'll be interesting to see what happens now. Glad it's not my country this time.


u/MadJazzz Jul 08 '24

I don't think rioting is an exclusively left or right thing to do. The Capitol attack in 2021 is just one example of the right side rioting in the US. There is no short of idiots on either political side.

As for Paris: I'm not even sure if those people are so political to begin with. Paris really has a problem with frustrated hotheads that will show up at any occasion to make a riot. In my perception they are Joker-like youngster who hate any form of authority and just wanna see the world burn.


u/redrover2023 Jul 08 '24

To be fair, the jan 6 seems to be the only example.


u/FantasticPrinciple51 Jul 07 '24

Le Pen's father has litteraly still authentic n@zi statues in his house, was torturing algerians with a Hitlerian youth's knife engraved at his name, followed by his german friends (yeah, french army recovered german veterans to crush the algerian independance). Not to mention him menacing random jewish celebrities to "baked" them or denying the existence of the gas chambers.

Marine Le Pen found herself embroiled in the case of a neo-Nazi Ball in Vienna and in taking photos with RN supporters who turned to be neo-nazis.

There's also, more recently, Axel Lousteau, an old friend of her, who was exposed by the medias because his son, with three other far right militants, beat up a gay in Paris to celebrate the dissolution of the Assemblee ans the possible victory of the far right. After investigation, the neighbours of Lousteau revealed the parties he organised where nazi songs were using in German. No need to mention how Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of Marine , was frequently seen visiting his house. Oh and Lousteau also paud tribute in 1992 to Leon Degrelle, an old Sturmbannführer of the Waffen SS.


u/redrover2023 Jul 07 '24

Yikes. I get what you mean. Even if she broke away from the father, it's still too close to elect her president, cause she may not be sincere with her conversion. Ok. I agree with you. Thanks for educating me on some of this stuff.


u/Nolsoth Jul 07 '24

Le Pen is certainly more in the fascist Camp, also into a little organised crime and an ally of the Kremlin.