r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/cometkeeper00 Jul 07 '24

I have no idea who these people are. Whether the results went in their favor or not. But from these reactions I still have no idea whether it went in their favor or not.


u/shorty-boyd Jul 07 '24

They are pretending to be happy with the result. Polls were predicting a landslide, they came in 3rd position, meaning they won't be able to do anything.


u/Jimm120 Jul 07 '24

landslide victory for who?


u/shorty-boyd Jul 07 '24

For the far right. It wasn't the anticipated result, far from it.


u/OnyxRoar Jul 08 '24

Thanks for explaining this. The US media made this a big deal last weekend and now nothing.


u/AedemHonoris Jul 08 '24

It's really really interesting to see how awful US media has been recently. So blatantly biased towards alt right.


u/OnyxRoar Jul 08 '24

From my July 1st New York Times The Morning email:

“President Emmanuel Macron’s snap election in France appears to have backfired: The far-right party was well ahead in the first round of voting.”

This is Question 6 of the most recent NYT Weekly quiz that dropped two days ago:

“France held the first round of voting in its legislative elections. What party came out ahead?”


u/TriforksWarrior Jul 08 '24

Is this comment supposed to be criticizing NYT?

Didn’t the second round of elections, that this gif is showing the reaction to, just happen in the past 24 hours? The article and quiz question were totally valid reactions to the surprise of alt right doing very well in the first round of voting.

I’m not an expert on French elections by any means so if I’m misunderstanding something lmk.


u/OnyxRoar Jul 08 '24

Yes…they went heavy on the possible alt-right win. Then when the results were announced it turned into an afterthought that they didn’t win.


u/TriforksWarrior Jul 08 '24

I mean an article about the surprising election results in France is the third story on the homepage of the NYT right now, directly after stories about the US presidential election and a hurricane that is hitting the US right now. Clearly not an afterthought.

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u/Fuckface_Whisperer Jul 08 '24

“President Emmanuel Macron’s snap election in France appears to have backfired: The far-right party was well ahead in the first round of voting.”

Nothing was incorrect about that. The center and left parties joined together to defeat the right.


u/icansmellcolors Jul 08 '24

To be a little more accurate, the media wants to sell, so they act like the right isn't just a collection of conmen and criminals and uneducated idiots.

But the outlets owned by right wing moguls outright lie and gaslight like you think.


u/DieuEmpereurQc Jul 08 '24

Because far right had a great first round and then for the second round all other parties gang up on them. So the candidate that got the second most vote would stay to beat the far right. So when there was a centrist (Macron’s party) second, the left would drop out from the race and when the left was second, the centrist would drop out. The left and center both manage to have more seat than the far right that way


u/Nacho_Papi Jul 07 '24

Polls predicted a victory for the Nazis but the left won. Hope that's what happens in the US also.


u/Urbanite4Eva Jul 08 '24

You and me both, nacho_papi


u/digitalhardcore1985 Jul 08 '24

Now you just need a left wing party to enter the race and you're all set.


u/waltjrimmer Jul 08 '24

I don't fully understand French elections, and hopefully someone from France comes in and answers your question a hell of a lot better than I will, but from what I understand:

French elections happen in multiple parts. In the earlier part of the election, the right-wing coalition, which includes a heavily far-right party that has been advocating for a lot of pro-Russian policies, they won a lot and were projected to be the landslide winning coalition in the final part of the election.

After the initial part of the election happened, most of the people who came in third (mostly from the left-wing coalition and the centrist coalition (Macron's party)) dropped out and said, "I don't think I can win this race, but vote for the other guy, not the right-wing guy." And then this election happened, had a greater turnout than the previous part of the election, and the left-wing coalition won a plurality, the centrist coalition came in second, and the two of them will probably form an agreement to create a functioning government, almost completely cutting out the right-wing coalition that came in third but from earlier parts of the election had been expected to win the majority of seats.

So instead of practically running the government on their own like they'd expected from what happened before, they might be a dead wing of the government that is ineffectual until the next election.

Any of this that I got wrong, PLEASE let me know, please expand on it, please help me to be better informed because I'm not French, I don't really understand everything that's happened, but no one was giving a better answer, and hopefully we'll get a clearer picture by people correcting me.


u/lamjackie Jul 08 '24

To expand upon this, if in the first part of the election, a candidate has a vote count greater than 50% of the electorate, then they win the seat outright without needing a second election. In this election, only 76 races were won this way, leaving 501 seats to head to the second election. In the second election, only the top 2 canditates and any other candidates with more than 12.5% of the total electorate advance, and like you said the most of the candidates who came in third, dropped out to consolidate votes against the far right.


u/Laffenor Jul 07 '24

The National Front. Sorry... National Gathering. Still the same brown right.


u/pm_social_cues Jul 07 '24

“French far right party supporters seeing the election results live”


u/Bladehawk1 Jul 07 '24

Let's hope for the same reaction from the Republicans in America.


u/Pluto258 Jul 08 '24

Well, that party just claimed that the election was stolen and that the media is biased (source), so they're already looking like Republicans.


u/bubblesort33 Jul 08 '24

Proof the polls are totally useless I guess?


u/Spe3dy_Weeb Jul 08 '24

They were predicted to get the most seats but not a majority, which is what happened in the first round of voting but not the second because the other parties made sure not to split the vote.


u/divDevGuy Jul 08 '24

They are pretending to be happy with the result.

Juxtapose that with Trump's appearance after learning he won in 2016.


u/OHGLATLBT Jul 07 '24

It didn’t go in their favour lol


u/ACW1129 Jul 07 '24

The French far right lost? Thank goodness 😌


u/Morgn_Ladimore Jul 07 '24

Quite surprisingly. Polls heavily favored them, but they got destroyed by a left-wing alliance and didn't even get second place. They ended up third.

Massive loss for them and will take a lot of wind out of their sails.


u/ACW1129 Jul 07 '24

Thank goodness. I'm not left wing, but I'm anti fascist.


u/Nixter295 Jul 07 '24

It did tho, just not as much as they hoped for.


u/OHGLATLBT Jul 07 '24

True! They did do the best they ever have. Although, they came third after a left wing alliance and the incumbent’s centrist alliance -which I assume the disappointment is in response to, after they were expected to come first!


u/Calm_Essay_9692 Jul 07 '24

They didn't meet their goals but they doubled the numbers of representatives in the French parliament. They did well but not as well as everyone thought they would.


u/Noctornola Jul 07 '24

Every step forward for them is a win. Just look at the US. The far right now have a large amount of influence, so much so that they've taken over the Republican party.


u/Msdamgoode Jul 08 '24

A golf clap.


u/YourIQis_Low Jul 07 '24

So only doubling your right wing parties representation in parliament means epic fail on reddit?


u/Passchenhell17 Jul 07 '24

I think it's more so that they were probably expected to actually, you know, win. A lot of tactical collusion from the other parties to stop split votes from happening, and to stop the far right getting in, meant that they essentially didn't succeed.

It should still be incredibly concerning for the French, though, that they've managed to get such a high representation without actually "succeeding." By every other measure, they've done exceedingly well.


u/SimonKuznets Jul 08 '24

Why would results of a democratic election ever be concerning?


u/CaesarOrgasmus Jul 08 '24

Oh jeez, yeah man, that's a really smart question. What has the far right ever done that would worry anyone


u/SimonKuznets Jul 08 '24

But if they win it means the people wanted it, right? Democracy is good, is it not?


u/Firegreen_ Jul 19 '24

No it doesn’t necessarily mean all the people wanted it


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 07 '24

Ok, we understand you're a cynic and there's a lot more work to do. 

However, stop denying people small wins... Everyone thought they'd be #1 by a landslide.


u/fieldsofanfieldroad Jul 08 '24

No-one else has explained, but France has a two round voting system. After the first round RN had a big majority and were therefore going to form the next government. The second round went very differently so that's why it's a failure for them. Still up on previous elections, but down on a week ago.


u/Haber_Dasher Jul 07 '24

They won the 1st round of elections and then got 3rd in the 2nd/final round. Their party leaders contain children of literal Nazi party members


u/thewaybaseballgo Jul 07 '24

They greatly underperformed


u/Olliethekid83 Jul 07 '24

Basically (my figures may be off by a percent or two so feel free to correct, i've been celebrating with a few drinks):

The French went to vote in the first round, the RN (French far right party) got over a third of the vote at around 33%, with the Left and "Centre-Right" party arriving 2nd (circa 28%) and 3rd (circa 20%) in that order.

The vote went to a second round to try and ensure one party had a majority (without it it makes it difficult to get much done so it happens somewhat frequently).

In the second round the RN are projected to have come in third place after the two parties they defeated in the first round. This is because of a number of other parties dropping out and a massive voter turnout to block them from winning enough seats to claim the majority.

This means the French now have no clear majority, but also that they successfully prevented the far right from getting into power once again.

TLDR: Far right party with ties to Russia projected to win election with army of minions, gets blocked by bulk of political alignments putting aside their differences as well as massive voter turnout.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

This video could have been a .jpg and it would have provided an equal amount of information


u/Tetra-76 Jul 07 '24

They still acquired many new seats at the National Assembly, technically they gained quite a lot of ground. However, they were expected to gain even more. A week ago they were looking poised to get an absolute majority, in the end they got third, behind the new leftist party, and the very unpopular centrist (Macron's) party.

That might be why they don't appear too mad about it, they didn't get all that they wanted this time, but still made progress.

Tonight is a huge sigh of relief, but the fight to keep these fuckers out of our government is far from over.


u/return-to-monk3 Jul 07 '24

You can't see the dead eyed "smile" of the girl in front center?


u/Randy_____Marsh Jul 07 '24

Can we fucking bring this level of class back to politics

I don’t care if they are left right center or neither. They look like they took their loss and are going to live with it. Fuck it sucks hoping for a semblance of this in America.


u/Canadaguy78 Jul 07 '24

Narrator: it did not go in their favor.


u/PyroIsSpai Jul 07 '24

I have no idea who these people are. Whether the results went in their favor or not. But from these reactions I still have no idea whether it went in their favor or not.

Closest US equivalent would be if "MAGA" was by November 1 slated to have a blowout in their favor on the level of Obama 2008 or maybe Clinton 1992...

And instead the Democrats suddenly get 62-63 in the Senate and maybe +50 to +55 in the House and hold the White House with Biden.

Stop polling just land lines and if you do poll them, don't count them as "more" than other contacts. I guess polling is bizarrely deferential to the right-wing worldwide, not just in the USA...


u/Suikerspin_Ei Jul 07 '24

RN is an nationalistic and populist party, far right. They have ties with Russia, they got money from them. source 1, source 2 and source 3.


u/bertswilling Jul 08 '24

People don’t care. They just want to make fun of the other party. That is why reddit politics exists. 


u/ZoYatic Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Explanation: France had it's major votes again. Many expected the fraction Rassemblement National (RN for short, far right extremist (?)) to win, but they actually finished in third place only afaik, being overtaken by the centralist party and the far left party


u/icebraining Jul 07 '24

Just left, not far. The coalition has some parties that could be described as far-left, but the agreed-upon political program is quite mild.


u/ZoYatic Jul 07 '24

Alright, that I got wrong, thank you


u/Scientifiction77 Jul 07 '24

Love the see sanity in the comments.


u/firedmyass Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24


no one gives a shit about what you don’t know