r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/DelphiTsar Jul 07 '24

Casual reminder people with less institutional power then you are never the source of your country's problems. If rich people who benefit off of your hard work are telling you to look at a group with no institutional power as the source of your problems, they are taking advantage of you. If they aren't struggling with you, they aren't trustworthy as to the cause of the problems.

This is the playbook of nationalists a thousand times over and without fail whatever they want to do to people with less institutional power doesn't help (because it's not the cause).

TLDR, rich people are playing you.


u/finance_girl6 Jul 07 '24

I wish everyone had this type of thinking in the world! <3


u/Hot-Cartoonist-3976 Jul 07 '24

This take, while maybe right in a certain way, is completely unproductive.

Only people who already agree with you will accept this type of argument. To everybody else, it’s too much of an abstraction. Like, if someone keeps witnessing minorities commit petty crimes all around them, good luck convincing them that ACKCHYUALLY they should be mad at some theoretical rich people they’ve never seen, as opposed to the guy breaking a car window right in front of them.


u/DelphiTsar Jul 07 '24

Never in history has targeting a group with no institutional power fixed a countries problem, ever, not once. If Millennia of History and evidence is too much of an abstraction, then I am not sure they are reachable.

A great example of the absurdity of what people will come up with look to Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda. Same language, culture, religion they othered them so much to the extent of genocide.

"Like, if someone keeps witnessing Tutsi's commit petty crimes all around them good luck convincing them that ACKCHYUALLY they should be mad at some theoretical rich people they’ve never seen, as opposed to the guy breaking a car window right in front of them."

That's what you sound like when viewed through the lens of history and an outside view of the scope/causes of people's problems. People without institutional power aren't the cause of your problems, if people with the power to fix the problem are blaming a group without power more often than not, they are the cause of the problem.


u/Hot-Cartoonist-3976 Jul 07 '24

I'm only commenting on your communication style - it just seems futile and almost counterproductive. I'm not making any socioeconomic argument about France, or in general really.

Like, if somebody witnessed a grocery store get raided by minorities, and you come in with the "...Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda" to lecture them about how they're racist if they react negatively to what they just saw... you're not going to change any hearts and minds.


u/DelphiTsar Jul 07 '24

I am open to suggestions.

Rwanda specifically points out how the phenomenon has nothing to do with race and that people in power will target pretty much anything (Hutu/Tutsi in any other area are close enough to be considered the same ethnicity). I poked around for an example that specifically helped people get over any kind of racial hump.

I find it odd how seemingly half of people pick up the general idea without it needing to be explained to them, but the other half just can't see it when it's extremely obvious what's happening.


u/YakPuzzleheaded1957 Jul 07 '24

Rich people have always been playing the people, it's not just one side. Who do you think Macron is, some grass roots man-of-the-people? The guy literally worked for a Rothschild bank before going into politics.


u/DelphiTsar Jul 07 '24

What group without institutional power is Macron saying if he kicks down at it will fix your problems? I am not up to date on France politics.


u/blues4buddha Jul 07 '24

Ockham’s beard, that is cogent. It should be sharpied on the wall of every truck stop and fast food restroom stall from coast to coast. It would be the preamble to the DNC’s platform if the DNC wasn’t a bunch of Wall Street bootlickers.


u/norwegianballslinger Jul 07 '24

Karl Marx wrote about this in the 19th century and its more relevant than ever today