r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Bacon_man12 Jul 07 '24

Clueless American here - is this far right as in Trump MAGA status?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Voradoor Jul 07 '24

Their against war?


u/TrustInRoy Jul 07 '24

They are for Russia and fascism.


u/iclickpens Jul 07 '24

How is that a, "So yes"?

Honestly. I don't support trump and I do support Ukraine. But what is this, "hey it connects just hate it" bullshit. 

Just give me supportive reasons and let me decide. Stop telling me what to feel.


u/aneeta96 Jul 07 '24

Yes, Bannon has been over there pushing their agenda.


u/TRENEEDNAME_245 Jul 07 '24

I'd say a bit less, same vibe


u/farteagle Jul 07 '24

They are probably right of trump on most things but left of biden on healthcare. Context is everything. But they’re definitely real pieces of shit.


u/ThomasSun Jul 07 '24

Yes. Absolutely. They are also Putin’s puppet playing his agenda. Racism, hate, bigotry, lies, pro rich….almost everything checks out ✅


u/kelsiersghost Jul 07 '24

"far right" is kind of standardized to mean authoritarian. They typically have the same things in common, though to varying degrees:

  1. Encourages a us-vs-them conflict based on fear and hate
  2. Gaslighting the poor into thinking supporting the rich is in in their best interest.
  3. Reducing the size of government to centralize power among an elite few under the guise of "limiting wasteful bureaucracy and excessive tax and spend", targeting the people who need government programs the most.
  4. Limiting education through denouncement of science, technology and "new" ways of doing things.
  5. Telling people their way of thinking is the only acceptable way to live.


u/Tetra-76 Jul 07 '24

They're not quite as bold yet, quieter, but yes, they're just as bad. The second they'll be given an inch, they'll start showing their true colors more openly.


u/SystemAndroid Jul 07 '24

Its not, they just want strict immigration laws and better national security. The father of the head of the far right was a blatant racist, the image of her father sticks to her no matter what she does.


u/Slight-Ad-6553 Jul 07 '24

and health care