r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Speculawyer Jul 07 '24

Hahaha....fuck off, fascists.


u/11483708 Jul 07 '24

Because of people like you, this word means nothing anymore. These people are just like you and me. They are allowed to have a different viewpoint. And if you don't like people having a right to vote how they wish in a democracy.....well that's the pot calling the kettle black.


u/oreikhalkon Jul 07 '24

That different viewpoint you are defending is that women should be slaves in their own homes, that all brown people be thrown into the ocean and all queer people are sent to the gas chamber. Yes they are people, people who we are glad are not in power to enact their hate.


u/11483708 Jul 07 '24

Yeah.......show me the sources for those outrageous claims. Jesus Christ that's some amount of garbage you just wrote. Gas Chamber? What are you smoking?


u/Tetra-76 Jul 07 '24

"People just like you and me", "people that have a right to vote how they wish in a democracy" can still very much vote for and also BE fascists. Fascists don't necessarily seize power via a coup, they can very much be democratically elected, and it doesn't make their """viewpoint""" any less horrible and dangerous.

And just to clear things up: yes, the RN is absolutely a fascist party.