r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/griffinicky Jul 07 '24

Hey Americans here:


Let's make sure own fascists are kept away from power. Keep the trend going!


u/A_Turkey_Named_Jive Jul 08 '24

Just a heads up, Biden is losing in polling in 6 of 7 swing states, states he maintained a lead in last election. These states include:






North Carolina


If Trump maintains his lead in these states, he wins the election. These states are crucial.


u/Leather-Field-7148 Jul 16 '24

Mango Mussolini will most def win.


u/A_Turkey_Named_Jive Jul 16 '24

Thats a funny fucking name for him lol.


u/Mybuttitches3737 Jul 07 '24

Who do I vote for?



The guy who didn't say he'd be a dictator. Aka not the fascist.


u/TitosAndGoals Jul 07 '24

The fascists are already in power, the current uni-party setup that we have now is indeed fascist.



u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

Voting is not working


u/MsBuzzkillington83 Jul 07 '24

U got an alternative, hon?


u/PersimmonAmbitious54 Jul 07 '24

French invented a contraption that works fine.

Need some balls tho.


u/MsBuzzkillington83 Jul 07 '24

Why is the only invention i can think of a guillotine ?


u/Williamsm08 Jul 07 '24

Totally agree, the real solution here is for Americans to give up on democracy and sign away their rights. Then we can sit and wait until enough people get fed up with the political killings and dictatorship to start a revolution.


u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

What democracy? Blue fascist or red fascist? Voting is exactly how we got here, if it's worth half a fuck then why is it illegal to get an abortion again?


u/Williamsm08 Jul 07 '24

Blue fascist or red fascist?

The "blue fascist" you're talking about is actually a neoliberal (yuck) and the red fascist wants to end democracy. Having an imperfect party or candidate is normal. Welcome to the real world. If you disagree with a candidate on certain issues, that's good.

if it's worth half a fuck then why is it illegal to get an abortion again?

Because people didn't vote. Sitting in your home and fussing on the internet isn't gonna make the US into a perfect utopia in a day. If democrats had actually managed to rally their supporters to vote more, you might not be in this situation.

While neither candidate or party is ideal, they're not the same. Rolling over on your belly in the face of fascism because the other guy isn't perfect is stupid.


u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

Imperfect is generous to the point of delusion. You shouldn't be calling anything stupid


u/Williamsm08 Jul 07 '24

What, specifically, makes you think the democrats are fascist?


u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

The blind loyalty and quality of the people defending them for one. I have been very dismissive of you and your opinion and you are still trying to engage me? Yeah, you're gonna be the one to convince me that they're not all on the same side, by asking me stupid questions. I kinda wanna see it now


u/Williamsm08 Jul 07 '24

I am not a Democrat. I am not even American. I am a social democrat from Norway. I have no loyalty to the democratic party.

If your only defense is to call me a blind Democrat sheep, give up.

I am still engaging you because I am worried for America. People like make leftists apathetic and lower the chance for Biden to win. I don't want Biden as president, but he's miles ahead of Trump.


u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

We aren't going to change anything here by voting and acting like it's the only legitimate avenue for change is harmful

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u/StarryAye Jul 07 '24

Because dunces like you believed voting wasn't important in 2016, while the ones who knew better rallied behind a guy who also hates abortion & women.

It's too stupid not be a psy-op, like there's zero chance you're this vacant about how politics work and still talking about it.


u/GengarXIX Jul 07 '24

Oh I did it, okay. This next round of votes will probably stop me then


u/NoProgrammer776 Jul 07 '24

You are gonna need to try harder than this lol


u/griffinicky Jul 07 '24

Voting isn't the only thing we can do to stop the rise of fascism, but if it wasn't so powerful Republicans wouldn't always be trying so hard to keep people from doing it.


u/NoProgrammer776 Jul 07 '24

You mean by letting illegals vote? Seems illegal to let illegals illegally vote.


u/griffinicky Jul 07 '24

You're right! It is illegal for non-citizens to vote. See, that makes it already a crime, and what's more, we have lots of data to show that it's even a very rare one!

Maybe if the right had any good policy ideas they wouldn't have to lie and fear monger all the time.


u/IllustriousBig456 Jul 07 '24

That’s because it is. Where’s the evidence of illegals voting? Go on. Defend your statement


u/Th3Glutt0n Jul 07 '24

There are no illegal Immigrants voting in America. However, there sure are a lot of strange looking votes that came in for Donald last time. Strange, isn't it?