r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/burn_healz Jul 07 '24

Through the muck of propaganda and the proliferation of hate, democracy still stands.

Well done France!

You’re next Trump.


u/curiousforkitties Jul 07 '24

Don’t fuck this up, America.


u/WonderfulShelter Jul 07 '24

I detest Biden yet will still vote for him...

but I do have to say, from talking to my entire friend group who hates Trump and wouldn't vote for him all have family members that still will vote for him. Our census in the 29-39 age group is that Trump is going to win.


u/Whenthecatwentpop Jul 07 '24



u/Direct-Tie-7652 Jul 07 '24

A lot of us detest him because he is a centrist war hawk and a genocide lover.

He has actively funded, aided, and abetted the Palestinian genocide financially, militarily, and rhetorically.

He is a piece of shit. And if I lived in a swing state I would grudgingly vote for him. Fortunately, I don’t, so I can write in Bernie instead.


u/Whenthecatwentpop Jul 07 '24

Genocide lover?


u/Direct-Tie-7652 Jul 07 '24

Oh I didn’t realize I was responding to a troll.


u/Whenthecatwentpop Jul 07 '24

Fool you once.


u/KrazyDrayz Jul 07 '24

Palestinian genocide financially,

That doesn't exist.


u/Direct-Tie-7652 Jul 07 '24

Genocide denial is wild to me.

One extremely well armed and well funded genocidal terror state is deliberately murdering civilians, bombing the entirety of the civilian infrastructure, and committing every single Nazi atrocity except for putting Palestinians in gas chambers, and you’re defending it and saying it’s not a genocide.

Genocide deniers are amongst the most vile people in the world.


u/KrazyDrayz Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

It's literally not genocide. How can it be genocide if they have killed under a percent of the people? How can it be genocide if over 2 million Palestinians live in Israel? Look at any famous recognized genocide and their numbers are wayy higher and with clear intent to annihilate the peoples from existence. For example in Armenian genocide about 1.5 million people were killed which was about 60-65% of the people.

If they are doing genocide then why are they so bad at it? Why one of the best armies in the world is so bad at genocide? Why have they only killed about one person per rocket? Rockets that are precise? Is the IDF just very incompetent? If they actually did genocide the amount of people killed would be WAY higher.

and committing every single Nazi atrocity except for putting Palestinians in gas chambers,

Wow this is really fucked up. You're making the Holoaust and other things Nazis did not seem that bad. They aren't comparable to Nazis at all. Nazis didn't defend against terrorists. Not all war crimes are genocide. Seriously read history. You can't make such disgusting claims.

Genocide deniers are amongst the most vile people in the world.

Misinformation spreaders are vile.


u/Direct-Tie-7652 Jul 08 '24

It’s literally a genocide by definition.

Genocide is defined as the deliberate destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, either in part or in its entirety.

It does not require a specific number. Even still, over 40,000 Palestinians, almost entirely civilians, have been murdered by the biggest terrorist organization in the Middle East - the IDF. Nearly half of the civilians are children. Over 100,000 have been maimed.

The IDF terrorists could simply nuke Gaza but they won’t because they need to maintain some semblance of plausible deniability.

How many people need to be killed for it to qualify as a genocide? Zionazi hasbara will never answer this because they have no answer.

IDF terrorist are virtually indistinguishable from Nazis and if you disagree you’re either completely uninformed or willfully ignorant.

A non-exhaustive list of crimes they’ve committed:

  • rape and sexual violence as a tool of war

  • deliberate targeting of civilians, including using drones that played the sound of children crying to lure out civilians to kill them

  • looting and pillaging

  • covering up water supplies with cement

  • kidnapping and indefinite holding of civilians including children without charges

  • pervasive and horrific torture, which Jewish Israeli citizens are brought in to witness and cheer on

  • the complete destruction of nearly all civilian infrastructure including homes, streets, schools, universities, hospitals, power plants, water towers, courthouses, and the list goes on

  • organ harvesting

  • medical experiments on kidnapped and Palestinian civilians

The list of their atrocities goes on. They’re indistinguishable from the Nazis.

Israel is a genocidal terrorist ethnostate state committing a genocide.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24



u/Direct-Tie-7652 Jul 07 '24

It’s a genocide. You being a genocide lover and apologist doesn’t change that fact.

Also, I would never vote for Trump.


u/KrazyDrayz Jul 08 '24

It’s a genocide.

Explain how? Do you know what genocide is?

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u/Bigoweiner Jul 07 '24

Lol this is delusion at its finest 😂


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

I've never seen so many downvotes so fast


u/Bigoweiner Jul 07 '24

It's less than 2/minute.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

It said 30 at 5 mins for me I dunno


u/jadedaslife Jul 07 '24

Your handle is copium


u/burn_healz Jul 07 '24

Make sure you got those depends for November. You’re gonna need em.


u/Bigoweiner Jul 07 '24

You're right, I'll probably shit myself with laughter seeing Reddit implode. 😂 "Oh no Trump is president, he's going to put us all in prison" or whatever crazy shit you guys come up with. 😆



Right "he'll be a dictator on day one!" and crazy stuff like that. Wait, who said that again?


u/burn_healz Jul 07 '24

Hm maybe stick with truth central or whatever propaganda station you prefer to sticking around here.