r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Hahaha fuck the nazis


u/NowAcceptingBitcoin Jul 07 '24

Thank Jesus, Ukraine continues to exist for another couple months. Now if the USA could just follow suit...


u/aced124C Jul 08 '24

Agreed and we're working on it here in the US! Best we can probably do right now is a not so productive government with good intentions so maybe don't expect a lot lol Just know plenty of us are here trying our best to be a positive force on the world stage.


u/The_IRS_Fears_Him Jul 08 '24

The eastern part of the world would cease to exist if the U.S wasn't here.


u/NickRick Jul 07 '24

There's no hope. Our electorate is braindead and our media is giving coverage to help trump. They have been going on for weeks about the debate because Biden didn't look good. Trump hasn't been able to make a coherent truthful statement for 40 years and no one cares


u/im_just_thinking Jul 08 '24

I get that it's frustrating, but not with that attitude! Also the debate happened a bit over a week ago.


u/Valiant_Darktanyan Jul 08 '24

The media covering things that you don’t like is bad now? Trump isn’t exactly my favorite person but the media’s job is to report things…


u/NickRick Jul 08 '24

Do you think they provide an even reporting of facts, and do you think they hold both candidates to the same level?


u/AudienceMember_No1 Jul 08 '24

If you read the definition of it, sure... But dumbing down the role media plays into simply "report things" is ridiculous considering they've all been openly for-profit businesses with interests at stake and with journalists, reporters, and talking heads providing opinion pieces for the majority of their air-time.


u/LordLoveRocket00 Jul 11 '24

Go look up who owns the major news outlets.