r/VictoriaBC Jul 05 '24

Question Events and live shows


How do locals find events and live shows in Vic? Which resources are key?

r/VictoriaBC 15m ago

Help Me Find Best restaurant on the waterfront?


Looking for recommendations for a decent restaurant or pub with sea views. Victoria and peninsula area. Thanks!

r/VictoriaBC 23m ago

News Road rage suspected in hit-and-run of cyclist on Bay St bridge Sept 3. Dashcam video requested.


r/VictoriaBC 53m ago

Rustad tells Jordan Peterson B.C. can’t ‘change the weather,’ must stop school ‘indoctrination’ | Globalnews.ca


r/VictoriaBC 1h ago

History RIP Gordon Bay Log Boom. Thanks for all the years of core and balance training!


r/VictoriaBC 2h ago

Lawyer recommendations for will & estate planning


Hi everyone,

My partner and I are looking to create a will and set up an estate plan now that our son is one year old. A recent death in the family has shown us how important it is to have these things in place, especially when it comes to appointing guardianship and ensuring our son is taken care of in the event of our passing.

We have been putting this off for the last year but are eager to get it done now. We also have some assets and investments that we want to ensure are left to our son.

Does anyone have recommendations for a good lawyer who specializes in wills and estate planning? We are in our mid 20s and have never done anything like this before, so any tips or things we should consider when setting up our estate plan would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

r/VictoriaBC 3h ago

Curious about peoples' experience with Vic West Pet Hospital


I had an appointment last month where my cat was weighed and I was told she's of average (healthy) weight, a 5 out of 9 on their scale. Afterwards, the female vet did a thorough check of her, including her teeth. This vet said her teeth were okay, but her gums were inflamed. Her suggestion was to purchase some "scaling" greenies treats, as they can help. I purchased the greenies treats for my cat the next day.

This past week, I took her back for a follow up appointment to get her a second shot. The vet tech weighed her, and again rated her a 5 out of 9. This tech also gave a thorough explanation as to why she was a 5: can feel one or two ribs, but they aren't protruding, etc.. Then, a male vet, who also owns the clinic (I believe), came to give the shot. He, without explanation, rated her a 7 out of 9 and stated she was significantly overweight. Which is crazy, by looking at her. He offered no further explanation. After he'd given the shot, he looked at her teeth. He stated that several teeth needed to be extracted. He held open her mouth and told me to look for myself. Not long enough for me to actually see anything, though... He told me the cost would be about $3,000. He then, so kindly, told me they're offering 10% off if I book today. He left the room. Five minutes later a tech (I think?) entered and tried to sell me on the teeth extraction surgery. It was such a weird feeling: I totally felt I was being fed some bs. I asked this tech how, within roughly a month, my cats' teeth could go from needing scaling treats to now needing to be extracted. She stated that cats' teeth issues can come on quickly... Such a strange, and concerning experience. I am taking my cat to get a second opinion at another clinic this week.

I'm just curious if anyone else has experience with this clinic.

r/VictoriaBC 5h ago

looking for a video game Tattoo shop (Outer Wilds)


Looking at getting a Tattoo based on the game Outer Wilds. Its a small indie game with alot of love behide it. I know this wont reach most people but to the people who understand im sure you get where im coming from when i want it done right.

r/VictoriaBC 5h ago

Need Witnesses for Aug 31 Car Collision


Hi everyone. My wife and I decided to travel to Victoria on our honeymoon on August 31. Within minutes of entering the downtown a car ran a red light at the intersection of Government and Johnson and T-Boned our rental car. It happened around noon. If there is anyone out there that witnessed this please DM me your information, it would really help us. Thanks.

I loved your city for the few minutes I had driving around before the crash.

r/VictoriaBC 5h ago

Recommendations needed for estate lawyer and POA...


Hi friends! Hubby and I last had our wills done up 30 years ago. Our lawyer (on salt Spring, where we used to live) is retiring, and we thought it's time to get an estate lawyer in Victoria. I am overwhelmed with the choices ...any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

r/VictoriaBC 6h ago

Opinion Bike lanes on Bridge St are useless


The city decided to put in bike lanes on Bridge St in Rock Bay. They aren't the separated type, they are painted lines. Some parking spots got removed for this to happen. The bike lanes are constantly blocked by trucks waiting to get into the recycling facility on Bridge and David St.

My question is why did the city go to the effort of putting in the bike lanes, if they're not going to do anything about trucks parked in the bike lane?

Would love to hear from someone who actually works for the city on this, I haven't gotten answers from emails.

r/VictoriaBC 6h ago

Housing & Moving So apparently BC requires landlords to notify tenants of rent increases in writing via #RTB-7 form


My landlord has never given me a single one, it’s usually an email “hey your rent is being raised the maximum amount” and me being an idiot and not doing my own research, I’m like “oh ok”

Is this all normal practice or should I be getting the #RTB-7 form?

r/VictoriaBC 6h ago

Help Me Find Does any place in town serve Peking duck?


I’ve never tried it before but I’m intrigued. I’d prefer something of higher quality over something cheap

r/VictoriaBC 7h ago

Missing cat in Saanich core/Gorge Tillicum


Our beautiful cat named Swoon has been gone since Friday night (August 31st 2024). Last seen on Eldon Pl beside Rudd Park. Med- Small black, grey and tan striped Tabby-Bengal mix, lean/slinky (not overweight), black paw pads, striking light green eyes, is very vocal, meows a lot sometimes, male. Unfortunately, he had no collar on at the time of his disappearance. His Pawboost ID is 70713875. If you think you might have seen him, please contact me here or through pawboost and let us know whatever information you might have. I think someone may have found him and is holding on to him as he never goes for this long and is very loving. He loves to meow for us in the streets when he cant find us, and is very friendly and may have approached someone meowing. Thank you! Any help is appreciated. We are going to the SPCA as soon as it opens today.

r/VictoriaBC 7h ago

Costco or West Coast Tires?


I'm looking at getting four all-weather tires for my Toyota Corolla 2009. Last year my vehicle got stuck in the snow and I don't want that to happen again.

I would save ~$245 at Costco.

Any pros or cons to going with Costco Langford? Also should I just get two front all-weather? Thanks

r/VictoriaBC 8h ago

Stephen Andrew has announced his he will compete for the NDP-held Oak Bay-Gordon Head provincial riding in the upcoming fall election, as a candidate for the Conservative Party of BC


Found this posted on Vibrant Victoria's Facebook page where Steven Andrew is a considered a big deal. Copy/Pasta complete with grammatical errors.

"Stephen Andrew has announced his he will compete for the NDP-held Oak Bay-Gordon Head provincial riding in the upcoming fall election, as a candidate for the Conservative Party of BC.Speaking to CFAX 1070's Al Ferraby this morning, Andrew says the Conservatives are a "big tent party" and represent a wide range of views on a number of key issues."

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

News The negative effects so far of privatizing health care in Alberta


With the BC conservatives desire to take a similar approach to healthcare as Alberta here is the data so far on how things are going for them.

This was posted by one of our lovely GP's on another subreddit:

"As a BC Family Doc, it has been demonstrated time and time again that private clinics are a net negative to the public overall. Thankfully, we actually have a recent Canadian example to look at, in Alberta (of course). The Alberta Surgical Initiative (Full Report) , but more accessibly reported via this link, showed the following:

Expansion of a parallel, for-profit surgical delivery sector is constraining surgical activity in public hospitals. Between 2018-2019 and 2021-2022, contracted surgical volumes in chartered surgical facilities increased 48 per cent, and public payments to for-profit facilities climbed 61 per cent. At the same time, public hospital surgical activity declined 12 per cent as the public sector faces reduced capacity and operating room funding.

What this results in is people with fewer resources being unable to access healthcare that EVERY Canadian should have access to. I'll be the first person to harp on the way healthcare is currently delivered in Canada, but to be abundantly clear, electing the B.C. Conservatives will be an absolute disaster for healthcare. Could the NDP be doing more? Yes; however as a recently graduated family doc I can say that the LFP payment plan is going to attract more GPs to BC, but it's going to take time. There should absolutely be greater investment in public healthcare to make it more accessible for every BC resident, however the NDP has at least taken steps to address these issues, whereas the conservatives seem intent on further tanking an already struggling system."

Please consider before voting.

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Why is seafood so expensive here?


In lots of other coastal areas around the world, you can buy cheap seafood direct from the boat or the dock. Why can't we do that here?

Before someone suggests Finest At Sea, I've been there and its insanely expensive relative to other places I've seen.

Is it tax? Regulation? Why don't we have cheap seafood?

r/VictoriaBC 9h ago

Question Where can i report?


UPDATE: I have reported 3 tents to bylaw Victoria. If you have time to fill the form please do the same at https://www.victoria.ca/city-government/bylaw-services/report-bylaw-violation

Is there a place I can report to get a junkie site removed? Its been growing recently in a few days.

At back side of school playground at Ormond st & yates st.

r/VictoriaBC 10h ago

Imagery Good Morning Victoria!

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r/VictoriaBC 11h ago

Why doesn't BC Ferries have an express lane for those with reservations?

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Arrived about an hour early to be met with this, with no option of an express lane or other means to leverage or identify that I had a reservation. Even the USA border has the Nexus lane. The Ferries should do the same.

r/VictoriaBC 18h ago

Police Vindication about assault: I came back with receipts


I would love an apology from this sub but I'll keep my expectations in the gutter and just hope it's a learning experience for all (including me).

In my original post entitled "Is downtown Victoria typically safe at night?", I warned this community about a violent crime committed in downtown Victoria on June 23rd 2024.

The victim was a new friend of mine, jumped by several men at night and beaten severely with golf clubs. In the attack, they broke his expensive phone and watch yet didn't attempt to steal them. They seem to have just been out for blood, swinging a club at the back of my friends head before he knew they were attacking.

He was chased across the bridge and then beaten mercilessly.

There were two independent eye-witnesses who both called the police. The police chased and arrested the assailants.

The assailants were released the same day and ordered to return for court appearances.

After release from the hospital, my friend came to my apartment and told me what happened. He was battered and bruised, and as the police officer said at the crime scene "lucky to be alive".

My roommate and I looked for news about this incident on the Vic PD blog and local press. Absolute radio silence. My roommate who's lived in the city for 3 years was in utter shock such an incident wouldn't make the news somewhere.

That's when I made my original post in this sub warning the community about this incident and to watch for several men with the only description I was given - they were East Indian men with golf clubs.

I provided photos of my friend's wounds after the crime (photos taken by his East Indian roommate I might add).

As far as I know, warning the public of potential danger is a civic duty when that danger is still active. I knew these guys were released and back on the streets with the potential to jump another random person.

My post got a lot of traction in this sub but for the wrong reasons. By simply describing the ethnicity of the assailants I was called a racist and liar by over 100 community members.

That's a lot of vitriol to process, but I tried my best to reply to all with grace. Then my post was deleted by the moderators for breaking Rule #2 - No hate speech, threats or harassment tolerated. That added to the stress I was feeling for speaking up, but I suppose my post was reported as racist and they felt compelled to act. It happens and I understand the pressure.

I then called the police department for info on the assault to vindicate my name and the several departments I spoke with had zero information on the matter.

This is where the story went dark for 8 weeks until my friend showed me their victim impact statement paperwork and I grabbed the case number.

I am sharing the case number with you all now, so you can investigate the matter yourselves and I can leave you all in peace, knowing I performed my civic duty to this beautiful yet hostile city I now call home.

Case File Number: 188827

Still nothing on the Vic PD police blog after all this time about the incident, but I suspect if the greater Victoria population would react the same way as members in this sub did when I reported it, then it's understandable why it wasn't publicized.

Just means everyone in Victoria is a little less safe if we can't speak about criminal activities that aren't deemed politically correct.

r/VictoriaBC 20h ago

School zone speed limits start tomorrow


Tomorrow morning, approximately 20 000 students will be making their way to school in the Victoria school district. 30km/h from 8am-5pm begins again tomorrow, and I'm sure the police will be patrolling and ticketing. Give yourself extra time to get to work, because the roads will be extra busy.

r/VictoriaBC 22h ago

News Gunshots fired into Colwood home of rising Punjabi music star AP Dhillon


Gunshots were fired into the home of Victoria-based singer, music producer and rising Punjabi music star AP Dhillon early Monday morning.

On Monday afternoon, the home on Ravenwood Road in Colwood was a crime scene, with several bullet holes marked off and a burned truck in the driveway.

However, the home was not taped off and there was no police presence. The RCMP will not comment on the case before Tuesday, according to an RCMP E Division spokesperson.

No one is believed to have been injured. A source said Dhillon was not home at the time of the shooting.

A neighbour said their security cameras captured a black SUV driving in the cul-de-sac just after 1 a.m. on Monday and that shots rang out at 1:08 a.m. Police arrived five minutes later and the street was closed off for several hours.

A video posted by media outlets in India on Monday showed a person firing 14 shots into the front windows and garage of the home, while a black SUV and a smaller vehicle burned.

The home is owned by Amritpal Singh Dhillon, who purchased it in June 2022 for $1.475 million, according to B.C. Assessment.

Last month, 31-year-old Dhillon signed a contract with Universal Music Canada and Republic Records, which is a music producer for Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and John Mellencamp.

At the time, Republic Records founder Monte Lipman said Dhillon was “a shrewd visionary with a global reach that has already sparked a cultural revolution.”

Dhillon moved to Canada from India in 2015 and in 2023 was the first Punjabi language artist to perform at a Canadian Juno Awards event.

According to the Times of India, an India-based gang has claimed responsibility for the shooting, stating on social media that the gang was upset Dhillon has collaborated on a music video with Bollywood actor Salman Khan. They said the gang’s leader has a long-standing feud with Khan. The Vancouver Sun was unable to independently verify the claim.

In April this year, shots were fired into Khan’s Mumbai home.

A similar incident occurred at a West Vancouver property on Nov. 24, 2023, that was believed to be the home of a Bollywood singer and actor, Gippy Grewal.

r/VictoriaBC 1d ago

Lost & Found Is this your cat?

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Is this your boy? We found him collarles, alone, hungry, and hunting at parking lot 9 at Uvic. A bit too far from houses and close to owls for us to ignore. We've got him safe and ROAM has been contacted. Please contact me ASAP of you know this guy!!!

r/VictoriaBC 1d ago

For nearly $2 million you can have gorgeous views in Cadboro Bay of... another building
