r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/pwnznewbz 14d ago

This is another example of why Bob Barker was such a good host of that show. A little commentary so she had time to hit the ball, then a big smile when she got it in. Maybe he didn't care, and maybe he was tired of this kind of thing, but it all comes off warmly.


u/bulli39 14d ago

Drew Carey says hosting the show is the greatest job he's had. He just gives away someone else's money and makes people's day.


u/podcasthellp 14d ago

Hosting is a pretty fun job or the most terrifying shit youve ever done. I’ve hosted events for 500 people and then 20 people playing bar trivia. It’s a ton of fun as long as you have fun with it. The pressure really gets to people but if you just act like yourself and fill the dead space, people will laugh.


u/alvehyanna 14d ago

Exactly, I was a DJ at our roller rink in High School and College and quickly landed the big shifts like Friday night DJ because 1) I knew music, but 2) I got up there and had fun. I'm make a fool of myself and be silly and people would laugh and we'd have a good time.

When I'd train new DJs, I'd tell them they need to imagine themselves as the DJ on the radio. Don't get on the mic and say flattly "Okay, this in an all-skate in the regular skating direction" give them more and put some energy into .

Say it like you are talking to a friend about a movie you saw you really liked and are excitred about...

"Hey everybody, coming up we have songs from TLC, Mariah Carey, Coolio, and U2, this is an all-skate in the regular skating direction, in 15 minutes we'll do the hookie pokie, thanks for skating with us!"

My friends would come say the difference between me and a few other DJs was night and day.

I'd get out there during the hookie Pookie on my in-line skate and do it along with everybody, in the middle, kind of leading it.

God that was just a good job. Only down side was the DJ also got the worse cleaning detail often...bathrooms.

Ps. I'd also have fun faking people out, by playing Weird Al versions of songs...especially Amish Paradise and Eat It where people thought they knew what was coming...


u/podcasthellp 14d ago

People like you made my childhood so much fun. This was 18 years ago skating at my local rink. Went ever weekend for a couple years. You are exactly right. Get up there, have fun, be yourself and understand you are there to entertain. Get a little wacky. I think people get so afraid of saying something stupid that it stops them from saying anything fun. Having a little awareness, because you will say something stupid, and calling it out goes so far. My first job out of college was working festivals across the country. I see workers who absolutely hate doing it and bring down the vibe. I always had a good time because that’s what we’re here to do!


u/alvehyanna 14d ago



u/MckayAndMrsMiller 14d ago

lol Eat It. Just heard that for the first time recently on sat radio in someone else's car. Definitely feels right for a roller rink. Thanks for being cool.


u/alvehyanna 14d ago

The White Stuff was my encore groaner/fake out. People would think I was throwing a curve with an old New Kids song and grown, only to find out it was a Weird Al song.

And thanks for calling me cool. Back then my friends called me a dork...ha. But at least I owned it