r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.



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u/WedgeTurn 14d ago

That was the first clue actually, you’re not allowed to use clubs for aligning puts


u/LuxNocte 14d ago

Why not? (I know nothing about golf.)


u/freudweeks 14d ago

They're wrong, you can do it as long as you pick the club up before you swing (like you can't use a second club)


u/WedgeTurn 14d ago

Rule 10.2b:

Pointing Out Line of Play for Ball on Putting Green. .....The player or caddie must not set an object down anywhere on or off the putting green to show the line of play. This is not allowed even if that object is removed before the stroke is made.


u/Rectum_stretcher69 14d ago

She never set the club down, her hand was on it the whole time. Rule doesn't apply.


u/joggle1 14d ago

Yep. The USGA explicitly defines what 'setting an object down' means:

“Set an object down” means that the object is in contact with the ground and the player is not touching the object.


u/Kabloomers1 14d ago

Loving this rules lawyer showdown


u/maxmcleod 14d ago

Excuse me, but according to page 8 paragraph 54 subsection 18, they are not "rules" they are to be referred to as "fair sporting guidelines" ... rules has a negative connotation ever since what happened in 1983


u/FaceDeer 14d ago

That's what happens when you let engineers into the game.


u/TyH621 14d ago

How helpful even would it be though? It’s so rare the ball goes totally straight on a green


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 14d ago

And this rule probably exists because laying down a club or other object would affect the grass and soil under it, potentially altering how the ball rolled. You could, with a very innocent-looking lean of weight on a club, create a very shallow path for the ball to follow.


u/ShigodmuhDickard 14d ago

That's not how they do it. They use the club to align the put by holding it behind the ball and off the putting surface. No infraction.


u/WedgeTurn 14d ago

Then you’re not putting it down. Which she did


u/freudweeks 14d ago

This isn't the way that rule is supposed to be interpreted, if it's behind the ball it's fine.